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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4900669 No.4900669 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a multiverse?

>> No.4900674


>> No.4900672


>> No.4900675


>> No.4900679


>> No.4900680


>> No.4900681


>> No.4900684
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We aren't sure.

>> No.4900688

maybe, but highly unpropable that other universes contain life forms

>> No.4900691

No, but there is an omniverse

>> No.4900692
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Don't make me say it.

>> No.4900694
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God dammit /sci/

>> No.4900696


>> No.4900704


>> No.4900723

It's practically necessitated by string theory, when it has so many possible solutions which are antithetical to complex organisms.

Eternal Inflation theory is a pretty elegant theory which would describe the multiverse as providing an infinite number of universes, using as only starting conditions a singularity of space and time at negative infinite time, the correctness of string theory, and a random starting position of all the field parameters.

If string theory is correct, then I am almost certain there is indeed a multiverse. If string theory is incorrect, then I do not know.

>> No.4900732

Multiverses pave the way for supernatural beings

>> No.4900760

So somewhere, out there, I'm banging emma watson? And the dinosaurs never died out?

>> No.4900772


>> No.4900776

Maybe. Fractals are too weird.

>> No.4900787


>> No.4900792

>string theory

Stopped reading there.

>> No.4900795

IF ONLY there was a 2+1 dimensional stable solution in string theory


All of the animes would be real

>> No.4900854


>> No.4900863

Waifufags heads would explode.

>> No.4900872

Doesn't mean our universe alone is small enough to not contain everyone's fantasy.

>> No.4900882


>> No.4900895


>> No.4900900


>> No.4900901
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>> No.4900908

Looking from some universes, there is a multiverse. Looking from others, there isn't.

>> No.4900917

I'm pretty sure there is.

>> No.4900943


>> No.4900949
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Yes; pic related

>> No.4900957


Omg Julia/Mandelbrot set XD so edgy!

>> No.4900963

is there an answer to finding a multiverse or lack thereof and asking "why is there this and not something else?"

>> No.4900983


>> No.4900998
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1) I doubt you have any idea what a "multiverse" actually fucking is

2) This is a very very very very very very shitty thread

3) NO. We have no scientific evidence WHATSOFUCKINGEVER of a "multiverse".

4) \thread

>> No.4901010

Eh, I guess so.

>> No.4901012


inb4 the only evidence we need is our own existence.

>> No.4901015
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It's meaningless!

If it exists, if it there is an infinite multiple numbers of universes, we won't be able to even notice them. If they don't exist and this universe is all alone, we still won't be able to look outside of it. If there are 34 other universes and that's it, we won't be able to know either.

But if we are able to know, if somehow a second universe says "hi" to us in any way, then I wouldn't call it another universe, I'd say it's part of our own. So I don't like the word "multiverse" to begin with. "Universe" means, to me, what exists in its entirety, so if you prove there is anything more than what we know, I'd only say we didn't know everything (and we don't anyway) and add that new thing to my concept of universe.

Whoever says otherwise eats poo.

>> No.4901025

But what if I'm into scat?

>> No.4901027

Sure, why not?

>> No.4901032


>> No.4901041

Then you have a free ticket to believe in wild fantasies.

>> No.4901073


>> No.4901093

>Free ticket to believe in wild fantasies

This is /sci/ - science and math

I think you are looking for religion --->/x/

>> No.4901100

>Implying they're not the same

>> No.4901103
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Why are your jimmies even rustled?

>> No.4901113


don't you date

OT: assuming we believe the theories about how the universe was created, such as that it started from a singularity, then yes, we can simply say that whatever happened to start our universe happened in other realms of space and time to start other universes.

I've never even been to /sci/ before this, and I'm already getting mind fucked

>> No.4901121

You have a talent for being a religious nut given you are so sure about such a silly assumption.

>> No.4901126

>XD so edgy!
You fuck off.

>> No.4901132

If an astronaut from our universe entered another one where the laws of physics were slightly different, would he or she die from the change?

>> No.4901153
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No, he would be a thinking marshmellow floating in blue lava. But that would make a lot of sense in that universe, much more than if he was an astronaut.

>> No.4901163


Why do you actively shut your mind against any sort of knowledge at all? Why do you feel the need to take pride in your wilful ignorance?

Besides, any theory with a free scalar field to screw around with would suffice.

>> No.4901170

>implying science is a religion


>> No.4901205

Depends on the universe.

>> No.4901276
