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4896715 No.4896715 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry /sci/ I've asked this question before on here but I had to go and wasn't able to see the answer but anyway.

Lets say you produce sperm from masturbation or a wet dream. Can any of that sperm go on to make a woman pregnant via contamination e.g I touch something and contaminate it with sperm and she touches it and fingers herself? Or is it impossible to make somebody pregnant without penetration?

Yes I am OCD and I keep having this fear that if I cum and go outside that I will make people accidentally pregnant because of a past experience where somebody told me it only takes 1 sperm cell in order to make someone pregnant so you should not masturbate. Washing hands also does not help because I know there is still microbial sperm cells in my clothes and skin.


>> No.4896721

Sperm dies very quickly after they've been ejaculated.

Don't worry.

>> No.4896723

How quick?

>> No.4896725

Also sometimes when out in public I get a boner and lose it and a lot of precum comes out of my dick can this also make people pregnant?

Sorry I might sound mad but I'm just trying to rationalise this.

>> No.4896732

pregnancy can only occur during a span of 7 days, other then that the vaginal passage is to harsh an environment for sperm. Second, the temperature of sperm must be maintained and it becomes inactive in its ability to do anything if its not immediately inside the body (98.x). Next, Most sperm, maybe even 80% are not for the purpose of impregnating a women, most are there to fight other sperm because historically-biologically women are whores.

Next, and here is the kicker, each ejaculation has about a a half billion sperm. with around 20 or so reaching the egg and generally one entering the egg; MEANING, this is an operation liken to 5 x D-days. The attrition rate for these gametes is so high it takes nearly a billion just to get the job done. . . Imagine being sent to war, hardly capable of doing anything but a slow charge to the objective and having 500,000,000 fellow comrades die with only you and twenty comrades making it to the d-zone.

NOW, consider being that same sperm on an object outside the female body. Its not only improbable, its a long and arduous journey with no mode of transportation (seminal fluid) - liken to a 300+ mile treck without legs into and then through hell.

NOTE: I havve been diagnosed with moderate OCD and have taken pills (luvox) for such constant ruminations of possibility.

>> No.4896742

same guy here

That 300+ mile estimation was an imaginative glimpse into a sperms journey directly outside the vagina! when it comes to a lone, inactive, possibly 'impregnating'-role sperm on an object not even contacting the female . . . well, in measurement and perception, thats like being on another planet for a sperm.

so think of aliens, what if aliens exist! Well, its only relative to our philisophical perspective if those same said aliens have no mode of transport and can not be contacted or reached. In other words, those sperm in an of themselves have no means of doing anything but traveling in the direction and fluid they are shot. So if its on an object, that object would have to be covered in about 2 billion sperm with a good amount of seminal fluid , directly and 7 inches into the vagina. THIS IS THE EQUIVALENT OF AN ALIEN INVASION ON A MICROSCOPIC SCALE IF THE ALIENS MEANS OF ATTACK WAS YOU DIRECTLY INSERTING THEM INTO THE PLANET FORM ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.

>> No.4896743

Thank you for this I really appreciate that post hopefully this will help me get over my irrational fear.

>> No.4896744

and it gives me such relief to know I'm not the only one who thinks like this.

>> No.4896747

its the ocd bro, Its shit I (we) deal with everyday.

So you need to learn ways to measure a reality you simply cant call 'impossible'- because the OCD'er does not think in absolute terms, we think in possibility and probability and until events come to a sort of fruition, theres no escape from its ponder .

LAN-GAUGE = language, a form of linguistic and thus mental measurement.,

>> No.4896759

as soon as it dries

>> No.4896766

Lotsa sperms die in the pussy. They have a narrow band of temperature they survive in and they'll die when dry. Even if you and a girl planned and executed you jizzing on a rag then her dipping her fingers in and ramming them up her cunny the odds of there being enough sperm alive to survive her toxic slit, make it tot he egg, and pierce the egg's deathstar defenses is negligible.

Think of it like trying to get a woman pregnant with a dramatically lowered sperm count. Those millions aren't excess; they're necessary.

>> No.4896771

Sperm dies extremely quickly in the wrong temperatures.