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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4894032 No.4894032 [Reply] [Original]

Question for the big brains on /sci/

My office is 3 miles away, and I can get free coffee there. I drink 1 cup. Gas is $3.20 per gallon, and my SUV gets 18 miles/gallon. My SUV is black. Alternatively, I could walk to starbucks and pay $1.50 for a cup of coffee + 9% tax.

What should I do?

>> No.4894038

Kill yourself.

>> No.4894037

inb4 someone tries to solve it.

>> No.4894039

Why don't you own a french press?

>> No.4894042

Walking is cheaper

>> No.4894050


>> No.4894054

> black SUV
No wonder it eats so much fuel and yields so few miles in return.

>> No.4894065
File: 2 KB, 100x100, 1308880634918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what should I do?
Your own fucking homework.

>> No.4894067

Should get a blue one its slower but much colder so it doesnt use as much fuel.

>> No.4894069

Your office is 3 miles away, suv gets 18 miles/gallon, therefore you can get 3 trips (and 3 coffees) there and back out of one gallon of fuel.
So three coffees costs you $3.20.
One starbucks coffee will cost $1.64 rounded with tax. Three of these coffees costs $4.92.

Driving is cheaper.

>> No.4894070


[18 (miles/gallon)] / [3.20 (dollars/ gallon)] = [5.625 (miles/dollar)]

So it costs less than $1.50 to drive. But Starbucks will have hot Baristas so go there.

>> No.4894080


Use the metric system

>> No.4894089

... says the guy who doesn't know what a manifold is

>> No.4894094

says the anon who samefags and says he doesn't.

What, are there like only 10 people on sci?
King of Sci
a few other namefags
a few anonfags

That's cool, keep shitposting about me shitposting.

0/100 because you are more annoying than the hard science guy. He wouldn't let it drop either. I forget, wasn't he anon, too? Maybe it's you? Who can say. All you anons look the same to me.

Shitposting about shitposting doesn't make your post not shit, by the way.

>> No.4894098

Ride a bicycle to the office. Free coffee, and you get exercise. It's a win-win.

>> No.4894101

reported for not using the international system

>> No.4894103

Exactly what I was about to say. If it's not too hot where OP lives a three mile walk might even be nice.

Don't be lazy, OP.

>> No.4894105

Why do you come here, if all you can do is shitposting?

>> No.4894107

>implying the empirical system isn't international

>> No.4894108

An ellipse is topologically a circle. Why'd you double shitpost again about them not being the same as a manifold? Both foci are in the center for a circle.

I come here the same reason as you, apparently.

>> No.4894112

This is why your board sucks.

>> No.4894111

You shitposted that a circle was a manifold, and that somehow meant the orbit wasn't a circle. If the ellipse of the orbit is manifold the same way as circle, then why were you arguing the orbit wasn't a circle? Why bring up manifold geometry for a 1st grade science question?

>> No.4894115

I come here for science and math. You come here for shitposting. Geuss who of us belongs here.

This is utterly wrong and retarded. You still don't understand what a manifold is.

>> No.4894119 [DELETED] 

Don't you have to go to your office anyway? Either way you'll end up paying for the gas.

>> No.4894121

Manifolds had absolutely nothing to do with OP's question. 'Does the moon circle the sun once a year?'

Yes. Simple as that. You shitposted that manifold geometry meant it wasn't a circle, when manifold geometry has nothing to do with the question. You can circle the block the same way the moon circles the sun.

You know how words can have more than one meaning? A manifold is on an exhaust, too. It's like if we were talking about mufflers and you brought up that 'nope, manifolds aren't used in mufflers because manifold is geometry.' You are still just as wrong as I was.

>> No.4894124


Implying OP isn't American.

>> No.4894132

>My office is 3 miles away, and I can get free coffee there.

Seriously? "Hi, I just came in to take some coffee, bye!".

Why don't you make your fucking coffee at fucking home? It's probably even cheaper than driving there.

>> No.4894136

Starbucks + tax = 1.64

3 miles to the office+3 back=6 miles. 6/18= 1/3, 1/3*3.20 = $1.07

Driving is cheaper. Starbucks is tastier.

>> No.4894134

You keep bringing the shit up, not me. So, what, because I was wrong on manifolds, I'm wrong on everything? Because of my tripcode it means I don't know anything?

Ad hominem sure is popular for a board based on logic...

But then again, I wouldn't expect you to actually defend your argument if you could just fox news your way out of it.

>> No.4894141

he's probably too busy clapping to walk there

>> No.4894143

In the thread you're talking about I never meant to address the OP's problem, I was merely correcting a retard post. And you are still talking about things you don't understand.

You are shitposting about things you don't understand. A good poster knows when he's not sufficiently educated and refrains from posting then. Keep being known as a retard.

>> No.4894146

A good poster let's a bad poster's mistakes die. But I guess, if it makes you feel better, go ahead.

But I thought raids were /b/'s specialty...

>> No.4894151

You shitposted too hard. It's just fair to warn others about you being a shitposter.

>> No.4894152

Then again, you're a filthy casual who can't even take the time to make a name and trips, so what do I expect?

It isn't though I could bring up your past mistakes. Anon is a good position to take. I'd hate for you to have accountability. Then again, I could just change my trip or go anon like you...

But then I'd be just like you. So, no.

>> No.4894153

>You keep bringing the shit up, not me. So, what, because I was wrong on manifolds, I'm wrong on everything? Because of my tripcode it means I don't know anything?
Oh man, it's so annoying when you make a mistake once and everyone remembers it.. if only there was some kind of mechanism to prevent that... a place where you could post without a name attached... someone should really work on this.

>> No.4894154

Because I was clearly shitposting now?

>ad hominem ad hominem lalalalalalalala i can't hear you lalalalala

Must be nice being anon.

>> No.4894156

And this is why only good science posters should acquire a tripcode.

>> No.4894159

>implying you're not either Blackman or Teacup samefagging with a new trip

>> No.4894161

>implying an anon can't be a tripcode that was earlier shown to be wrong.

>> No.4894162

>implying implications that were never implied

>> No.4894164

>implying that anon isn't hivemind and legion

>> No.4894167

>implying things that weren't implied

>> No.4894172

Is this a putnam problem, OP?

>> No.4894173

Make up your mind.

>> No.4894175
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>> No.4894178

>I have no points left
>better make fun than let him know I lost

Okay. You win?

>> No.4894182

6 miles /18 mpg = .1/3 gallons
1/3 gallons * 3.2 dollars/gallon ~= $1.06 office coffee

$1.50 * 1.09 = $1.63 starbucks coffee

So the cost of not having awkward office encounters is 57 cents. I'd pay that.

>> No.4894184

>you're a filthy casual who can't even take the time to make a name and trips
Huh... what does that mean?

>> No.4894193

Also, the game.

That's exactly what I mean.

>> No.4894196
File: 20 KB, 361x297, le fu guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also le game

>> No.4894204

>le game
I hope this isn't another raid from reddit...

>> No.4894205

That's like saying "you're a filthy casual who can't even take the time to post pics of your cock on /soc/". Why would I want to do that?

>> No.4894206

What is your wage? If a 3 mile drive takes 5 minutes and you make $24/hour then you are wasting $4 on a drive there and back. If the walk takes 10 minutes you are wasting $8 on the walk there and back.

>> No.4894209

ITT: Americans are so lazy they'd drive rather than walk to the damn coffee store.

>> No.4894210

I wish. Wouldn't it be nice to see some competent friends from le reddit visiting our board to improve the average quality?

>> No.4894216

>is comparable to /soc/
>good science folks should have trips
>i refuse to have one because....?
>are cocks?


>> No.4894218

Well, since it's all shit that started here anyway, maybe it's just more of a homecoming?

>> No.4894228

I dunno what you're trying to say, but the "posting your cock" was just an example. Replace it with "installing Debian" or "wearing purple shoes".

>> No.4894231

your suv coffee cost $9.6
you walk coffee cost $1.635
difference 487.16%

>> No.4894232

>you're a filthy casual who can't even take the time to post pics of your cock on /soc/

you're a filthy casual who can't even take the time to install debian on /soc/

you're a filthy casual who can't even take the time to wear purple shoes on /soc/

i think anons a pretty cool guy. he doesnt tripcode and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.4894233

Well ... are you gonna post yours?

>> No.4894235

No. Can we see some picks of your friggin' sweet car, Carl?

>> No.4894236

OP should kill the post because of all the faggotry ITT

>> No.4894237

Welcome to 4chan.

Every repost is a repost of a repost, right?

>> No.4894238

Don't you harass my car, you pervert.

>> No.4894240

Except for le my original OC.

>> No.4894242

What's the greatest song ever, Carl?

>> No.4894246

This one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1zvXajbn4E

>> No.4894250

no widdly wah, widdly widdly wah?

>> No.4894255


>> No.4894257

OP hasn't accounted for the opportunity cost involved with wasting an hour or more to drive to and back from work vs walking to the store. If you go to the store, you'll save about 30 minutes, which you could use to fap to kiddie porn or something.

>> No.4894259


>> No.4894261


free /fit/

>> No.4894266


saved for repoasting

>> No.4894269

Experiment 473 testing the hypothesis that tripfags make threads horribly horribly worse

Results support the hypothesis

>> No.4894283

>tripfags make threads worse
>anonfags had nothing to do with it

So, I should just ignore you in the future? Or are you saying that my critique of homework questions on /sci/ is wrong?

>> No.4894294

forgot gallonificationomino

driving is cheaper

Starbucks = circa $1.6
free coffee = circa $0.54