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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iq-bell-curve[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4893653 No.4893653 [Reply] [Original]

IQ results of you and your parents.
Post 'em

>> No.4893659

no one cares

post your transcript if you want a discussion

>> No.4893669

>I scored 90, but I'm smart, so obviously IQ tests suck.

>> No.4893675

My parents are distinctly average, I was off the charts (<149)

>> No.4893676


>not posting your nobel prizes and fields medals

>> No.4893677


>> No.4893681
File: 15 KB, 412x366, reaction face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw IQ of 101
>mfw above average
>mfw half of you are stupider then me

>> No.4893684

Mother: ~72
Father: ~120
Me: ~130

>> No.4893691

Aren't these sorts of threads just another form of "I'm Alpha and you're all Betas" threads like you find on /fit/ or /b/? Pathetic.

>> No.4893693

167 fukn nurds also i gt 18inkh dikk /thread

>> No.4893696


>> No.4893708

>Me: 142 (Real life test).
>Dad: I would assume something like 95.
>Mother: 103.

>> No.4893710

Father: 149

Me: 150

Although I accept that if he had an education on the same standard that I had, he would be far smarter.

>> No.4893711

no idea about parents

>> No.4893725

ITT: autism-types masturbating

>> No.4893744

You know, a high IQ isn't really something you should brag about.
More importantly, what did you all make out of this high intelligence of yours.
So, most of you are one of the 10 % most intelligent people. Are you also one of the 10 % most successful people?

>> No.4893746

Bragging is futile where everybody is anonymous.

>> No.4893747
File: 11 KB, 400x400, smug-fight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely hate IQ threads.
Nothing but e-peen stroking and pretentious pseudo intellectual self gratification.

>> No.4893750


I would say given my academic achievements that's about right. Above average but with a shitload of work.

>> No.4893754

> Below 130 IQ detected

135 here. Working through a Math/CS/Physics triple major. Pretty simple stuff.

>> No.4893758

I love how 0.13% of the populations equals 35% on 4chan.

133 I.Q.
Top 2% both times, so atleast I'm consistent

>> No.4893762


No idea about biological parents.

Sage for off-topic

>> No.4893765

150 IQ reporting in, confirmed by several online IQ tests.

U mirin'? Yeah, u mirin'. I know it.

>> No.4893774

>online IQ tests

>> No.4893778

on what scale?

giving a IQ number is meaningless if we don't know what test you took and what scale it was graded on

>/sci/ = dumb ass shit = think high IQ score = intelligent

>> No.4893807

Is there a problem? If done by intelligent persons, online IQ tests are just as valid and meaningful as offline IQ tests.

>> No.4893817


>> No.4893820


It was an internet test. It said I was top 1% and that I should pay them 50$ to join their club so I did. Wasn't that great. Just a bunch of other people on the forum talking about how smart they were.

>> No.4893822

133 some years ago, but I think it shrinked due to my drug abuse.

>> No.4893825

Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.4893830

oh you

Carl trolling.

>> No.4893828


That depends on the organization behind it, and your testing conditions.


That seems like an excellent place to troll. I hate circlejerks, so I would have no moral complications doing it.

>> No.4893844

There are 3 IQ grading scales, all these numbers are meaningless.
Someone saying they got 150 and another person saying 130 doesn't mean the 150 person is more intelligent. Again, because you don't know what test they took and the scale it was graded on. So comparing IQ scores is futile unless you took the same test.

/sci/ = fag know nothings.

>my scores


>Taken when I was a teen.
>what does these numbers mean to you? nothing...

>> No.4893883

means your IQ is 159 averaged out

>> No.4893922

Einstein never took an IQ test and ripped off other scientists. He basically wrote an equivilant of a wikipedia article on the existing TOR from Poincare and Lorentz. His IQ wasn't fucking 160.

>> No.4893942


I'll take what you say with a grain of salt. The scientific community isn't about "hurr durr glory", it's a collaborative community.

>> No.4893963


Noone has ever claimed Einstein came up with it everything by himself. He was the only one to unify it, which in itself requires some work.

>> No.4893972

Have no idea about my parents, but mine is 132.

Majoring in architecture!

>> No.4894027

Indeed; Lorentz thought æther was behind everything.