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File: 228 KB, 739x445, trex[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4893533 No.4893533 [Reply] [Original]

Getting sick of all the fans and the same pictures being reposted 10000 times..

Don’t get me wrong Jurassic Park is the most amazing dinosaur movie Ive ever seen. I gotta hand it to hollywood is really refreshing not to see a campy B-movie with dinosaurs in it, but it was far from perfect still. They did amazing with its and I give them props for it. But whats pissing me off is all these fucking kids are coming out of the woodwork claiming to now love and know everything about dinosaurs just because of it. One of my friends said to me:

“Oh my god the t-rex is so fucking cool”

When I then asked which one of her favorite paleontologists who dug one up of was she didnt know. No big deal okay.
I asked her which period of tyrannsaur was her favorite besides Jurassic and Cretaceous.
She didnt know any other periods they were found.
I asked her what she thought of the Tarbosaurus bataar being a 2nd species and the Alioramus.
She had no clue what they were.
It just makes me mad that these girls are like

“oh my god i love dinosaurs does that make me crazy?”

or my favorite

“I wish I had a pet dinosaur guys!!!”

It just pisses me off that these people claim to be a fan of dinosaurs meanwhile before Jurassic Park or Land Before Time even they thought they were the most uninteresting stupid lizards now cause they think they’re “cool” they all claim to be fans and know everything about dinosaurs. They start walking around with dinoaur shirts and all this other shit.

I asked this one girl with a stegosaurus shirt how she stood on the debate on the possible "second brain" in their tail just being a gland.

“oh I dont know about it sounds too boring for me”


>> No.4893535

I am not surprised that nobody likes you OP

>> No.4893536

I'm pretty sure a qualified professional would diagnose you with Aspergers syndrome if you said this exact thing to them.

>> No.4893537

Go back to /vp/.

>> No.4893539

>talking to girls

You don't belong here.

>> No.4893541
File: 960 KB, 441x500, dinobike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dinosaurs are cool though so fuck you

>> No.4893548

Dinosaurs didn't exist.

>> No.4893550


...you could fill books discussing that behaviour by stupid people with any topic, dinosaurs aren't nearly as bad as BA majors and particle physics...

You need to let it go, there are more important things to worry about.

>> No.4893555

Aren't you, like, 20 years too late to make this thread?

>> No.4893558

This. OP, you should take advantage on this kind of situation by immersing new people on the fields you know instead of pointing out their ignorance for the sole sake of making they feel bad about you and themselves.
Think it like this, OP: There was a probability for her to develop a real interest in it, but you just ruined it.

>> No.4893577

I don't think that's true anon.

>> No.4893580

I do wonder:
Would a dinosaur make a good pet? These things are basically birds and birds are really awesome pets (if you ignore the fact that they are not mammals, making them sometimes hard to understand).

>> No.4893583

I can imagine having an ankylosaur baby as a pet, but as it grows and grows I would become unable to keep it.

>> No.4894035
File: 82 KB, 360x278, bill and bill of fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


am i the only one who cant read half of this shit?
its so badly written i just cant make heads or tails of what op is trying to say.

>> No.4894056

Yeah, I guess English isn't his mother language. But your typing is terrible too, so...

>> No.4894100
File: 977 KB, 245x184, ztKbj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dinosaurs have feathers now

>> No.4894118

15th post

>> No.4894126

He's trying to say:

"People suck, they watched Jurassic Park and say they like dinosaurs, but they are not actually interested in real-life paleontology! HULK ANGRY!!"

>> No.4894148



>> No.4894160
File: 83 KB, 800x600, 800px-MetoposaurusPosterior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a dinosaur paleontologist I've grown quite used to it over the years.

I enjoy talking to people who are enthusiastic but lack knowledge.

If I want technical expertise I talk to other paleontologists.

If it helps any OP, as far as I'm concerned you're almost certainly one of the enthusiastic but ignorant crowd as well. I note you didn't name your favorite diagnostic cranial foramen in a theropod, or tell us your thoughts on the oviraptorosaurian pygostyle.

>> No.4894169


Fuck you op

>> No.4894174

People liked dinosaurs before Jurassic Park. They didn't know anything about them then, but now any ignorance must surely be due to a popculture movie.

I used to be fascinated with dinosaurs and then along came Jurassic Park. Didn't change a whole lot. Not for me. I knew about deinonychus before velociraptors were cool. I haven't kept up over the years. I hear they have feathers now and are somewhat warmblooded?

>we don't have enough dinosaur threads here

>> No.4894176

Without exaggerating or being some ignorant asshole or troll, I think OP has some variant of Autism spectrum disorder. Lack of ability to understand others, sensitive, holds onto very specific and narrow subjects with a large depth of knowledge in them, seems to be incapable of typical interaction, uses the projection fallacy, and cannot express ideas in a regular manner to convey his thoughts.

OP, were there any problems during your delivery or congenital anomalies? Exposure to environmental toxins or social malaise in your initial upraising?

Behavior in this example displays traits typical of autism in this sample. Further investigation required.

If troll, 7/10 for the effort.

>> No.4894227

It's edited copypasta, people.