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4892131 No.4892131 [Reply] [Original]


Read this today. Makes me sad but also helpful.

What do you guys think of it?

tl;dr: new mathematically working method of quantum based space propulsion invented, can't be built because Egypt is too poor

>> No.4892137

>can't be built because Egypt is too poor
I raughed.

>> No.4892140

the effect of those particles would be impossible to control, it's literally relying on random happenstance.

also, any minor influence from anywhere, heat, gravity, photons etc. would completely undo any force you could get from subatomic particles.

>> No.4892147

What are you basing this on? Are you seriously implying they would build something with no trajectory correction?

>> No.4892149
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>can't be built because Egypt is too poor

>> No.4892156


I'm saying that the casmir force is so infinitesimally small that just having moving part inside the ship would completely unbalance it.

you could get the same effect as this "engine" by standing on the outside of the ship and flapping your arms.

>> No.4892155

It's a propulsive mechanism. That's like saying explosions could never put humans in space because they're explosions.

>> No.4892161

this is retarded. the device would need Maxwells demon to guard one of the plates.

>> No.4892162

And I suppose you think quantum locking is still imaginary.

>> No.4892165

>Baseless opinions.
It's actually based on the dynamical casmir effect not the casmir force.

>> No.4892167


are you joking? that has literally nothing to do with anything that was in any of these posts of articles.

i'm talking about the inefficiencies of using the casimir effect to generate electricity, you're just getting angry because "NUH UH SPACE TRAVEL!"

go eat more paint you buttfrustrated autismal

>> No.4892171

Device is already successfully demonstrated, invented, patented, etc. It just needs to be applied on a more practical scale which is what money is needed for. The application is pretty brilliant.

>> No.4892173

and we are suppose to trust a article with a video from John Hutchison?

>> No.4892176

where is this demonstration and why doesn't any article link to it?

>> No.4892181

>Quantum Suicide Drive
>Rig ship with explosives
>Set computer to detonate them if you're not hurtling at lightspeed toward your destination

>> No.4892188

this assumes a deferential sail is possible, which has never been achieved.

>> No.4892193

solar sails?

>> No.4892200

Have been created already by Japan


>> No.4892208


can only go one way, useless in interstellar space

>> No.4892213

We don't have a prototype yet. There's no point in speculating until then. Until the silicon chip was invented we didn't think computing was practical either. It's being called an invention for a reason.

>> No.4892221


>asks for discussion
>thoroughly shat upon

>no point discussing it yet!

>> No.4892224

>It's being called an invention for a reason.
wat. having a vague idea based on technologies that don't even exist isnt an invention, its an idea.

not to mention her idea would violate conservation of momentum as its a reactionless drive.

>> No.4892234

He's not me, I'm reading into the dynamic casmir effect.

>> No.4892240

It's not reactionless. The dynamical casmir effect creates real particles which would be the reaction mass.

Solar sails can fly towards the sun. They simply reduce their orbital velocity and fall to lower orbits.

>> No.4892249

so if she is using the dynamic casimir effect to generate electricity, how is she powering the movement of the mirrors?

>> No.4892255

> creates real particles
From what energy source?

If you say "the vacuum" you can just get right the fuck out, that's not how it works.

>> No.4892254

if you can use a sailboat to sail into the wind, why cant you use a solar sail to fly towards the sun?

>> No.4892259

of course, she is saying that. the article links to John Hutchisons video of how he got free energy and levitation using zero point energy.

>> No.4892258

From what I understood she was not intending to use the effect to generate electricity but rather use it to create thrust from electricity.

>> No.4892264

The dynamical casimir effect is a real part of physics and was demonstrated in labs last year. Moving the mirrors is analogous to Hawking radiation and can pull real particles from the vacuum.

>> No.4892277


even so, the thrust from generated photons can't be all that much, and there is sure to be effects from outside the ship that can interfere with such a small effect.

>> No.4892282

That's pure speculation. We don't know enough say it will work but we shouldn't assume it won't either.

>> No.4892285

so how is this any different than simply powering a flashlight aimed to the back of the ship?

>> No.4892289

Try getting enough thrust from that. I can't say if this will give a better power to thrust ratio but you won't be able to make a small light source powerful enough to make much of an impact.

>> No.4892295


it seems to me you could use the electricity that goes into moving the mirror to simply generate heat instead, that would move the ship more efficiently in interstellar space anyway..

>> No.4892298

and how would you get more from this? is it somehow extremely effective?