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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4892089 No.4892089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So he got a degree in neuroscience and then struggled to get a job before going to work at McDonalds. He then applied for a neuroscience PhD to help his job prospects. (source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-18937513))

No wonder he was mad. How did this guy not get a better job? Inb4 people start ripping on nueroscience, it's hardly a shit tier degree like film studies or sociology.

>> No.4892095

Mathematics and neuroscience, $100k starting

>> No.4892096

in 50 years 90% of the population will be unemployed.

There will be no more agriculture or manufacturing jobs, those will all be done by robots.

The remaining jobs will all be for services such as waiting, and in research.

Someday soon we will need to vastly change the economic system in preparation for this.

>> No.4892097

more like $1,000,000 starting, plus company car

>> No.4892108

says he is socially awkward, probably fucked up interviews

>> No.4892113

No need to even think about this problem, since in 2045 we will upload our minds in synthetic bodies, so why even think the economic system should be changed since you won't need to eat, to rent or to buy clothes. Your mind will be in a computer, right.

>> No.4892127


>Upload minds to computer

No. Maybe 2145.

>> No.4892129

that's exactly like the prediction of how the world will be in the year 2000!

>> No.4892134

this is what retards believe.

have you noticed how robots are used for mass manufacturing? you don't see houses being built by robots.

robots are expensive as fuck to purchase and to maintain. they are only worth investing in when you make a lot of the same thing. as soon as the design changes that means having to retool which costs money. it's been like that for years and i truly don't see how you can change it.

>> No.4892146

>tfw you won't live long enough for your mind to be transferred into a computer and that computer installed in a schoolbus

>> No.4892163

>not using the same parts to create different things
>the year of our lord 2012 AD

>> No.4892192

They now have robots that build office buildings

They have robots that lay down brick walkways

they have robots that drive cars

200 years ago 90% of jobs were in agriculture

100 years ago 90% of jobs were in manufacturing

today 90% of jobs are in service.

>> No.4892205


>They now have robots that build office buildings
Are you counting construction equipment or something? They still need operators.
>They have robots that lay down brick walkways
Nobody lays down brick walkways anymore, man or machine.
>they have robots that drive cars
Not on public streets they don't.
>200 years ago 90% of jobs were in agriculture
Sure, there wasn't much to be done 200 years ago
>100 years ago 90% of jobs were in manufacturing
Yep, that's why it's called the industrial revolution.
>today 90% of jobs are in service.
sauce requested, though this trend doesn't imply anything about robots overtaking the service industry, nor that new job markets will be created.

>> No.4892212

*won't be created.

>> No.4892225
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gtfo >>>/k/ >>>/i/nsurgent

>> No.4892229


Not that poster, but

Robots could easily replace 90% of the service industry. You think McDonalds has to pay a minimum wage employee instead of using a kioske?

Major restaraunt chains/service sector companies understand the implications behind replacing millions of employees with robots. The first existing big player to do so would be ostracized by the community and put at the forefront of the debate about robots vs humans in the job market.

That being said there are more and more fast food chains being opened with the idea being that you can hhave 80% of the job done by robots, with that extra 20% being covered by 1 or 2 human employees. They use the money they save on employees to produce lower prices.

>> No.4892238

Here in Germany, they already have a lot of McDonalds where kiosks ARE in place instead of the minimum-wage monkeys. You just place an order at one of the three and then they bring your food to the counter.

>> No.4892237

>Not on public streets they don't.
Google cars drive on normal roads across the country and are fully automated.
But they are required to have a drive in the seat at the moment for safety reasons, not that they do anything.

>> No.4892241

What use is a degree in neuroscience without a PhD, exactly?

>> No.4892260

Yeah, an undergraduate degree in neuroscience is worthless unless you're preparing for academia or a professional school. Undergraduate programs were pretty much entirely created because it's a popular field and it makes the universities a lot of money, not because there was some weird demand for an army of 22 year olds that have a basic understanding of neurophysiology.

>> No.4892286

Singularity not related to maths? And here I am taking residue theory classes! Damn!

>> No.4892292

>Yep, that's why it's called the industrial revolution.
What a freaking stupid response.

>> No.4892302
File: 33 KB, 440x299, american-psycho-christian-bale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get expensive as fuck degree
>they tell you it's worthless
>work at mcdonalds after 4 years and a fuckton of debts that turn you into slave for the rest of your fucking life

and people wonder why he want insane

Occupy the Batman Theaters 2012 begins

>> No.4892303

He has a point. People who talk about robots destroying jobs are like people who talked about machines destroying jobs in the past. The jobs will just be in science and technology instead of in manufacturing.

>> No.4892305

Most people are slaves their entire lives, and still hold onto sanity, so there has to be more to it than that.

>> No.4892308

This is why I majored in CS and minored in Math even though I had completed Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, and most of Linear Algebra in high school.

But because of Moore's/Dennard's Law, those expensive robots are going to get much cheaper.

>> No.4892312

You still need somebody to make and repair the robots, up to a point.

Here's how future will work out:

Maybe scientists will be replaced by something else, basically a thinking class, which will rationalize the use of robots and society at large, constantly using data to gain new knowledge on how to improve their respective fields.

In life science these days there's already a lot done with the assistance of robots or fully automated experiment-wise.

>> No.4892325

>Moore's Law

It's dead and the government and other foundations have cut most funding for research in the area.

>> No.4892330

>How did this guy not get a better job?

"Classmates describe him as a socially awkward loner"

It doesn't matter how many degree's you have, it always comes down to the lowest common denominator, especially when there's a lot of competition. If you don't know how to interact with people or at least interview, you're fuckin done.

Minimum wage jobs are the only ones who don't give a shit.