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File: 67 KB, 353x350, textbooks[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4891781 No.4891781 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/ these have always been useful, so lets have a textbook thread.
Try to keep it to textbooks that can't be found in the sticky, so just state what you have and what you need.

>> No.4891790

Here's what I have, pretty much just intro level stuff.

>> No.4891800

Pics not attaching properly but it's pretty much just intro level science textbooks

>> No.4891811

I need:
Ecology: the experimental analysis of distribution and abundance by krebs
Evolutionary analysis by Freeman
and Principles of animal physiology by moyes

any editions would be fine, thanks

>> No.4891812


you're welcome.

>> No.4891824

textbooks are the only things that I pirate

usually I'm a moralfag but school tactics just make me rage so hard

>> No.4891828

buy used and then just resell. if you check occasionally on the prices of the books you need before the semester starts then you can sometimes catch deals.

last semester i bought a book on ebay for $60 that goes for $120 at cheapest used. it also came with the DVD and it was still sealed.

>> No.4891885


>> No.4891906

I've heard that if you are caught using pirated books you get kicked out.

>> No.4891910

The only professors who care about that shit are the ones who use a book they wrote in their class.

And that's usually in liberal arts classes, not science.

>> No.4891918

Have any of you guys taken an intro to Econ class? The textbook for my section and instructor hasn't listed what textbook he wants, but the other instructor wants those people to buy a $260 dollar book with a code! Fuck that shit!

>> No.4891920

Never taken econ, but you could google a course outline of the class with prof your taking and see what textbook he used last year. Usaully the only change he/she would make is changing editions

>> No.4891922
File: 39 KB, 388x512, Carl_Sagan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a copy of Taylor I could upload if anyone wants it.

I might also have a few Calc and DifEq books on one of my flash drives, I'll take a look.

>> No.4891933
File: 107 KB, 300x330, dexter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4891954

Atiyah Macdonald, Introduction to commutative algebra

>> No.4891970

Pretty sure he's talking about "Classical Mechanics" by John Taylor

It's pretty much THE standard textbook for teaching advanced Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian mechanics in physics programs.

>> No.4891974

Do you have it or need it? Because I need it.

>> No.4891986

are you the opposite me?
I pirate everything but textbooks. not because of moralfaggotry, but I feel more compelled to actually read it through and make all the exercises if I spent some money on it.

>> No.4891995

Y. Eliashberg - Symplectic geometry of plurisubharmonic functions

Anyone have this?

>> No.4892153

how will you get caught? just don't use the ebooks in class simple as that. most books also come in digital form so how can they even tell you pirated it?

once before a quiz some retard actually had the solution manual to the book opened on his laptop and the professor saw it. i don't think the professor reported him, but it was hilarious how red the guy got and the professor also seemed pretty pissed off.

>> No.4892158
File: 31 KB, 320x320, sticking-out-tongue-smiley-face-639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean, "Mechanics" by Landau and Lifshitz is "THE standard textbook for teaching advanced Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian mechanics in physics programs."

>> No.4892168

"Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians" by Takhtajan. Anyone know where I can get this? I've been searching for this one for ever...

>> No.4892172
File: 27 KB, 404x300, back_the_fuck_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i the only one that doesn't buy textbooks ?
2nd year eletrical engineering and haven't bought anything yet.

>> No.4892174

I usually bought second hand textbooks, used them for the semester (kind of... some of them I barely cracked open) and then sold them to students taking the same class next year.

>> No.4892195

Landau is overrated - Taylor is where it's at.

>> No.4892263

can never fucking find torrents for the textbooks i need

school always has to use some canadian version, even worse is when its specific to our area: "macroeconomics for atlantic canada". can we all just use the same shit across the board pls

>> No.4892270


>> No.4892306


you're welcome

>> No.4892314

I need Chemistry: Connections to our Changing World [H. Eugene Lemay, Herbert Beall, Karen M. Robblee, Douglas C. Brower].

>> No.4892340
File: 150 KB, 1024x765, 1342538738031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4892383

that girl is ridiculously cute

>> No.4892387

>implying no contradiction

>> No.4892390

She's ugly as fuck

That book is shit. Why not get a real lie group text + a respectable QM book which actually treats group representations?

>> No.4892392

>not buying textbooks off the spoiled white kids who's parents payed for everything and just think fuck yeah $20 when you offer it for their textbooks and then selling for a profit if you don't want it after you're done with it

>> No.4892403

Mine certainly didn't give a shit. I told him that I'd torrented around 4 gig of them. He just laughed and said "I didn't hear that".

>> No.4892711

That AP Bio book at the bottom I got in my sophomore high school year. From the library. Wut

>> No.4892744


Same with my mathematics teachers. "Ok class, for some reason the school felt the need to have books made specifically for us. They're $150 in the school bookstore. Or you can buy the original textbook online used for around $10 off of Amazon. For the few of you who don't want to spend anything and a bit more computer savvy, I'm sure you guys will find a way to get the book if you want it."


AP classes give you college credit if you pass the exams, why wouldn't they use a college textbook?

>> No.4892748


Buy book online used if you can. You can usually buy the codes for whatever you need online for around $20 at most.

>> No.4892795

I have one thing to say: if it's $10 for a book you'll be spending a lot of time over, you really should just get the book.

>> No.4892808

Awesome textbook for uni level chemistry is Raymond Chang "Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences".