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4887172 No.4887172 [Reply] [Original]

Besides workout and a balanced diet, what can I do to slow the rate at which my physical vessel breaks down?

>> No.4887174

stop fapping

>> No.4887177


Does prostate cancer prolong the overall lifespan?

>> No.4887180

Inject nanobots into yourself for infinite life

too bad nanobots don't exist yet

>> No.4887185


What can I do to prolong my existance long enough for the medical nanobots to be introduced.

>> No.4887190

Workout and a balanced diet

>> No.4887195

sleep much
don't expose yourself to stress (don't marry, but have sex on a regular basis)

>> No.4887228

Low calorie diet and stop fapping/sex.

Your body will think you need to live longer in order to pass your genes on.

>> No.4887229


Also, sleep is good, but exercise should be very gentle in order to reduce the risk of accident or injury.

>> No.4887237
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I'd say big muscle volume will protect you from contusions in everyday life and workout in controlled enviroment is actually less dangerous, than walking around as a frail old fuck with almost no muslce helping to keep your joints alligned correctly.

>> No.4887240

Are you telling me my twice a day fapping causes me to... live less?

>> No.4887242

intermittent fasting

>> No.4887246 [DELETED] 


Could you provide a link?

>> No.4887251

Physical vessel? Dualism died a century ago.

>> No.4887258


So? And? I'm making a distinction, not defining human nature, Schrute.

>> No.4887268

pls provide the death certificate

>> No.4887372

It's also hard to test the upper limits of human longevity since 99.9% of all people don't stay active and healthy their entire life.

>> No.4887375

Donate money to important research. Contribute to that research urself.

>> No.4887389

Bring back NASA so you can live in outer space, where time evidently moves more slowly.

>> No.4887397

You've heavily misunderstood the idea of frames of reference.

>> No.4887491

Please, elaborate.

>> No.4887494

>physical vessel

Really? I can only hope you don't carry out other social interactions with this style of talk.

>> No.4887499

Different anon here, but that's not how relativity works. Time slows down when you're moving faster, not by being outside of Earth's atmosphere.

>> No.4887506

Or you could be same anon telling me you aren't. You aren't that anon that was two anons from the other thread, are you?

Seriously, though. That's my point. Get in rocket. Move fast in space. Come back to earth. Effectively age slower. Isn't that what OP asked for? He didn't say how it had to happen, or within what frame of reference. Move fast in rocket, age slower, come back in 20 years, be a few minutes younger!

>> No.4887508

I mean, so what if he lived 20 years in space, that's over 20 years (even if ever so slightly) back here.

>> No.4887509

So, ultimately, I suppose, move at speed of light, don't age at all, still die after 80 years, but that's like many millions of years here. Watch the earth burn up before you turn '30.'

>> No.4887522

You need a healthy dose of negative utilitarianism.

>> No.4887526

You really want to know? Read "Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever" by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman.

Basically, you want to know as much about yourself as you possibly can while maximizing current medical knowledge to improve your health.

What does this mean? Well, first know your genes. Go to 23andme.com and order a SNP sequence for $100 bucks. I got mine sequenced and it tells me how I will respond to different things, ranging from medications to modafinil (which is amazing by the way).

Next, after finding out about your genes, take a detailed blood test to analyze the current state of your health. Ask for a full panel test, with vitamin D levels included. You want to aim for 37-42 ng/ml of blood vitamin D. Recent study showed 24% decrease in all cause mortality for subjects with this level of vitamin D.

Next you'll want to exercise and eat right. This will involve looking at your genes and finding how a certain diet will respond. For instance, I can't metabolize fats very well because of ApoE4, not ApoE3, a genetic marker for alzheimer's. Stay away from processed carbs and optimally reduce your caloric intake. Calorie restriction is one of the only proven method to substantially increase lifespan. Eat a shit ton of green vegetables.

>> No.4887529


Next, buy supplements. I recommend 5,000 iu of vitamin D per day. Niacin will improve your lipid profile if that's a problem. Fish oil is also quite good for HDL and cardiovascular health. Also consider including a conservative multi to fill in nutritional gaps in your diet. Besides those, I also take piracetam and choline to maintain neurotransmitter and cell membrane integrity.

You can also consider things like selegiline to inhibit MAO-B, the enzyme that degrades dopamine in your brain. This has positive effects on cognition and you can increase the dose as you age.

Most importantly, question everything I tell you. Join a longevity/supplement forum like longecity.com and keep yourself informed on the latest, cutting edge breakthroughs.

Good luck, OP.

>> No.4887567

>medical knowledge
>gene tests tell me how I will react to things, like allergens and pills

Vitamin D might be good for heart health, and helps the growth of bones, if you aren't getting plenty of sun or Vitamin D milk and foods. But to recommend it for no reason, and at that dosage? You sure are hung up on it.

Blood panels are good, but it's always best to let your doctor tell you your ideal ranges for your age/weight/conditions/etc, and to establish a normal for you.

>question everything I tell you
The only solid advice you gave.
>imply that joining a supplement website is the way to question you
I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE, and I hope to the gods I don't believe in that OP did too...

GTFO of my /sci/

>> No.4887601

TTC - Medical Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths.torrent


>> No.4887605

>Vitamin D might be good for heart health, and >helps the growth of bones, if you aren't getting >plenty of sun or Vitamin D milk and foods. But >to recommend it for no reason, and at that >dosage? You sure are hung up on it.

Observe the all-cause mortality minimum that occurs at 37-42 ng/ml vitamin D. "The lowest quartile of 25(OH)D level (<17.8 ng/mL) is independently associated with all-cause mortality in the general population." [1] [2]

>Blood panels are good, but it's always best to let your doctor tell you your ideal ranges for your age/weight/conditions/etc, and to establish a normal for you.
Always question things for yourself. Don't let authority incapable of keeping up with all medical advancements try to tell you how to live your life. It is up to you to make informed decisions. Using doctors as a guideline is fine, but it doesn't end there.

"Niacin use significantly increased HDL-C by 29% and 29% and decreased triglycerides by 23% and 28% and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by 8% and 9%, respectively, in participants with and without diabetes" [3]

>solid advice
I know it is, thanks.
>GTFO of my /sci/
As someone who does research on DNA repair and aging, I'm well versed with the science of aging. Don't tell me to GTFO, when #1, you can't make me, and #2, it's pretty damn rude. I would have thought /sci/ is a bit more mature, but clearly this was too much to expect.

>> No.4887611

Forgot to number references. See below.


>> No.4887612

Okay, never mind. Doesn't show up for some reason. Weird.

>> No.4887625


>As someone who does research on DNA repair and aging, I'm well versed with the science of aging.

Talk to me about reducing IGF-1 levels (by lower protein intake) and its relevance to DNA repair and aging

>> No.4887637

>link to study about niacin
>doesn't support assertion
Conclusion is that niacin can safely be used in patients with diabetes, in a controlled setting. Not a setting where the patient controls the dosage themselves. Are you even reading this stuff, or are you just giving us some copypasta from someone reblogging a reblog?

>DNA researcher
>recommends not listening to authorites
So, we... should listen to you? You don't sound well-versed in even the shit you are copypasting.

>vitamin-D studies
>affect mortality
No, I think it said that those who died were potentially more likely to have low levels.
Causation-Correlation? it's hardly definitive, I think.

Yep, your soundest piece of advice is still
>question me

I'm also looking forward to your answer to >>4887625
even though I don't currently know much about his field.

>> No.4887641

Also, I'm not sexist, sorry. Author can use own gender when it's not specified. Sorry if you are a her. /lit/ should back me on this one, as will the MLA and APA handbooks, I think. Then again, they say we don't have to double-space after periods anymore. Friggin' ay!

>> No.4887646

eat less.
food digestion leads to mitochondria working leads to oxidation leads to radicals leads to fucking up your organelles and cell.
therefore eat less and avoid oxygen.

>> No.4887664

Has /sci/ ever heard of homeopathy?
I recommend everything 30C and up.

>> No.4887672

>Besides workout and a balanced diet

But that's the whole key, you fool

>> No.4887675

I'm not going to take your quiz. I have nothing to prove here. Never said you had to believe me. (Pro tip: If you do ask a question, ask it on a less broad topic. IGF-1 is very well studied and broadly known outside of aging-related circles, and there is a vast number of papers on this insulin with regard>>4887664
to aging).

I study double strand break repair (NHEJ). I don't want to get too specific, though. Won't say more than that.

Taking niacin can help improve one's lipid profile, in both diabetics and non-diabetics.

That's epidemiology for you. You can take it or leave it.

>vitamin D
There is a mortality minimum at 37-42 ng/ml. See:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2677029/figure/F1/

>should listen to you?
No, don't, that's what I'm saying. I was merely implying that I have knowledge of topic and that I can direct people to the relevant places. I.e. Link studies.

Concentrations of compounds are usually far too low to have a significant effect on the body. It's a bit like putting an aspirin in a lake, stirring it up, and taking a sip, expecting to cure your headache. It won't work. It's not scientifically supported.

>> No.4887693

>nothing to prove
>keeps on trying to prove that niacin and vitD are good for you


>implying knowledge of a topic
>can't even speak to basic knowledge of that topic
>topic is dna
I though you studied DNA. Why can't you answer anon about reduced protein and affects on aging?

>complains that homeopathy isn't scientific
>throws in studies out of context and pretends it's science


>doesn't want to get more specific
Probably because it would require more than googling wiki articles.

>> No.4887696

i dont think thats how oxidation works

>> No.4887706

>takes quote out of context. builds nice >strawman that billows in the wind.
>wants me to take a quiz
No thanks.

>thinks studies lack context, when they are >actually completely relevant to the thread

Feeling okay?

>Doesn't know how to read scientific studies
You'll get it eventually, don't worry bro.

>> No.4887714

Electron leak along ETC can lead to single electron reduction of O2. Yields ROS that then undergo chain oxidation with lipids, proteins, and nucleic acid within cell. Reduction in ETC throughput reduces oxidative burden on cell. i.e. caloric restriction

>> No.4887718

He is right about homeopathy, except they wouldn't use aspirin but something that causes the symptoms the sick person has on a healthy person.
And the part about the concentrations is an understatement, they dilute to the point where nothing of what they are diluting is left (or atleast VERY, VERY unlikely to be left.)

Just forget I brought up homeopathy.

>> No.4887722

Conscientious and mindful living. Not worry free, nor stress addled madness. Keep a good schedule, eat balanced meals, exercise (aero and anaerobic), keep a general plan of the future, but don't obsess over specifics. Respect your limits, but try to push against them.

Having a passion that drives you and reinforces zen living is possibly an aspect. Being part of a stable community, such as with the Okinawa community of Japan, also seems a significant component, but how much is somewhat nebulous.

>> No.4887723

>takes studies out of context
>doesn't realize it
>claims strawman when is strawman

To quo que

>claims is molecular biologist
>can't back it up with molecular biology
Strawman, anyone?

>doesn't respond to criticism about not knowing his studies and their context
to quo que
ad hominem
personal incredulity

You know, you could actually address the issues. But you won't. Because you are a simple troll, one without even a trip. Too bad. Then again, OP never delivars, and neither does anon.

>> No.4887729


>> No.4887750

>Thinks studies taken out of context but is wrong. doesn't realize he's wrong. presented with scientific evidence showing significant all-cause mortality reduction in certain vitamin d range. fails to show how it's not applicable. claims victory. beats chest.

It's sad when this happens.

>creates strawman about my claim to be molecular biologist. never stated molecular biologist.
Another strawman, but it's getting a bit obvious now. You have to try to conceal it, at least.

>utterly fails to respond to proof about supplement benefits of niacin. implies patient can't control niacin dosage on his own. dismisses solid evidence of lipid control using niacin supplement in normal diet. doesn't state why.

Your rage and tears fuel me. OM NOM NOM NOM. At this point, I'm just doing this because I'm getting a kick out of seeing you rage. GOD, please continue.

You're digging a hole for yourself, I hope you realize this.

>> No.4887758


Really, if you don't know about the field, don't pretend that you do.
There is no worst form of ignorance that believing you know something that you don't know.

>> No.4887779


That's right. When all else fails, resort to anonymous mode. Because we all know how that goes over.

>still fails to address the issues

>fails to see that correlation isn't causation
No, you're reading it wrong. Just because VitD levels were at x doesn't mean it killed them. It means it could have been a contributing factor. It means it appears to be a contributing factor. All things equal, it doesn't mean you will die sooner, it means you could. I think >>4887372 touched on this point long before you, the 'dna' person, made your post. But hey, when you don't have a solid argument, just attack more ad-hominem. This is, as you pointed out, hilarious.

>complains that I didn't respond to his points about niacin
>can't read, apparently, posts >>4887637 and >>4887693

So, when I pointed out that your study shows exactly what I said it shows, and not what you said it shows, that was somehow not responding to you? That was somehow failing to understand study synopses?

>implies study supports idea that supplements can be used to control something rather than showing that it can safely be used in a group of people.

This isn't that hard. But please, keep attacking me. The less you talk about the issues, the bigger a fool you seem, anon without trips.

>> No.4887783

I mean, it works on /pol/ and /b/, why should you think ad-hominem attacks won't work here?

Because this is >>>/sci/

>> No.4887786

or maybe you're just that butthurt anon samefag who doesn't like trips from the other day. Trolling trolling trolling trolling, life is but a dream..

>> No.4887789

Travel really really really fast.

>> No.4887794

well yeah that makes sense but oxygen is still needed

>> No.4887798

Or, you know, just do whatever you want, and die when you die. Why worry when you can do whatever you want?

>> No.4887813
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you seem a little upset

>> No.4887814

thanks. will check these out later specialy the vitamin d. i know we dont get enough of it through normal sun exposure and diet but didnt know it had this much efect. im gonna run this by my dad because he majored in bio in college. maybe he will know more about this stuff O_o

>> No.4887832

>Join Scientology
>give Scientology all of your money
> develop your mind and body according to the teaching of L. Ron Hubbard until you can reach OTIII and gain the magical ability to learn about the aliens without dying
>give more money to Scientology, if you have no money start working for the church, ideally join the Sea Org
>continue to train according to the teaching of L. Ron Hubbard and work your way up the OT ladder
>Eventually become a Cleared Theta Clear and gain the power to control matter, energy, space and time at will and basically become a god like Dr Manhattan style superman.

>> No.4887841

Appearances can be deceiving.

>> No.4887845

in thread: tripfag getting trolled

>> No.4887856

The point is living a simple life.
No working out, instead do light-moderate exercise such as jogging and planks.
No eating a lot, every calorie u process wears out your organs a bit more. Low-quality food wears them out faster. So eat green veggies.
No obsessions, take it easy, that also means not obsessing over your lifespan, don't spend 1/5th of your time on longevity forums, but simply accept a simple lifestyle as the best lifestyle for you.
Take care of someone or something. Grow a beautiful garden. It's a pleasure to maintain a garden. It provides food, distraction and some light exercise.

>> No.4887867
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>No working out, instead do light-moderate exercise such as jogging and planks.

Please refrain from trying to rustle my jimmies, friend.

>> No.4887875

• Eliminate stress in your life as much as you can.
• Exercise daily
• Reduce the amount of sugar and sodium you consume
• Drink water regularly
• Sleep as often as your schedule permits, naps are good for you.

>> No.4887886
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>genes have no effect on anything
>thinks GPs are knowledgeable

>> No.4887897
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>No working out, instead do light-moderate exercise such as jogging and planks.
enjoy the cancer, weakfag.

>> No.4887917

jogging and doing planks as well as others light-moderate cardio and core training easily puts you in top third.

>> No.4887927

Smoke cigarettes every day and cigars/a pipe every night.

>> No.4887943
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>Sleeping prolongs your life but there's just one drawback
>You spend more of your life just sleeping

>> No.4887981

Chances are you won't die from old age.
Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.4888027
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On geriatric weightlifting:


Wasn't Roy Walford, the "120 lifespan diet" guy, swole before he died of some random brain-related illness?

>> No.4888030

suck on fetus juice

>> No.4888041
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No, brah, you'd get mad cow disease. For reals.


You never die of "old age". People say someone died of old age when they don't bother to check or because medicine isn't advanced enough to recognise what happened. Aging is for the most part your metabolism shitting all over your body, your body sustaining damage and becoming frail, which invites a fuckload of diseases. I'd say in that sense most deaths are age-related.

>> No.4888043



>> No.4888378
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Coffe is good for you!

>> No.4888381

Working out: check.
Good diet: check.
Minimise stress in your life. Stress changes brain chemistry and can wreak havoc on your body if it is frequent and a part of your life for several years.
Have good friends
Laugh at things
Oh yeah and
GET LAID. Oh wait... it's op. on /sci/. My bad.

>> No.4889483
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You know what? On second thought, take all those supplements and ignore your doctor. Maybe then the cancer that is anonfags will die sooner, because you actually die sooner.

Good game. I'm on your side now.

>> No.4889494

>most deaths are age related
Take that, cancer. Fuck you, crohns. ALS, pshh, it's got nothing on age. Died in a car accident? Must've been old. Diabetes? Only for old people. Suicide? Too old. Heart attack? Certainly not because you are a fat lard. Heart disease? Quit being over 40. Pneumonia? Geezus, babies are old.

>> No.4890581


Circulatory illnesses can also be age-related, usually are. It's why you have 20-something lardasses having less heart attacks than 50-60-something normally built people.

Senescence increases cancer risk as it decreases immune response to mutations.

>> No.4890706

In addition to the other vitamin's and supplements listed, I recommend Acetyl-L-carnitine and the herb Cats Claw.