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4884365 No.4884365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


AKA: Lactuca sativa, Lactuca virosa.

Effects: The seeds are said to be psychoactive, producing a high similar to opium, but milder. Why
bananas (which have no psychoactive ingredients whatsoever) have gained such a reputation and
lettuce has not is somewhat of a mystery. Jonathan Ott says trace amounts of morphine have been
discovered in lettuce (lactucarium, or lettuce opium), but then, it is a trace constituent in human milk
and cow's milk also, and is a natural product of brain chemistry.

Precautions: It is not addictive, though large doses are toxic.

Dosage: The wild lettuce plant (or the hearts and roots of iceberg lettuce) is liquefied in a blender until about a pint of liquid is produced. The liquid is then left in a bowl under heat lamps or the hot sun until it has evaporated, leaving only a sticky brownish-green residue. The residue is placed in an opium pipe and heated, with the pipe pointed downward so that the residue does not get in the stem.
The resultant white smoke is held in the lungs for about half a minute.

Link any other interesting tid-bits you find in here: https://www.dmt-nexus.me/doc/Encyclopedia%20of%20Mind%20Enhancing%20Foods,%20Drugs%20and%20Nutri

I need to take a little break from myself, and drinking alcohol is getting old. What avenue should one take if he's looking for a conscious-expanding experience? As of now, this lettuce smoothie doesn't sound too terrible.

>> No.4884387

Very interesting OP, thanks.

>> No.4884396

do science faggot.

>> No.4884404

Reported for promoting drug use.

Go to 420chan if your trying to get high.

>> No.4884424


I've been doing science for the past 9 months straight, everyday. I want to use this aspect of science to help me gain a better perspective on everything I've learned. These chemicals are present to help us tap into our dormant capabilities, but there's so much red-tape and fear-mongering surrounding the issue that I feel lost and and I could really use a helping hand.

>> No.4884439

Is promoting drug use not allowed on this board?

>> No.4884440

It's not the nicotine that kills!

It's the smooOOOoooOOOOooooke, the smOOOO0000ooooo000000ke

>> No.4884447

Shrooms imo, check out shroomery.com learn to identify (do it right!) and enjoy.

>> No.4884452

Your talking about Opium lettuce, yes? It's not that great in my opinion. If you want a euphoric sedative why not just get opium pods? Or you could look into Kratom, most people compare a decent kratom dose to a dose of Hydrocodone.

>> No.4884453

Nicotine is a proven carcinogen that does irreparable genetic damage.

What was that about Nicotine?

>> No.4884455


Oh, and if you are looking for a consciousness-expanding experience: Psilocybin Mushrooms, Ayahuasca, Mescaline Cactus, Salvia.

>> No.4884471

Just did shrooms for the first time a few days ago. Very interesting, I was able to see what 'infinite' looks like, basically. My ceiling was somehow infinitely large yet at the same time confined to my room.