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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 300x300, pilot-g2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4878425 No.4878425 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: God-tier school equipment

>> No.4878429
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anyway, thinkpad

>> No.4878510
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moleskin paperless. only babbys use lines.

>> No.4878832


>> No.4878847
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>> No.4878854
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Also, pic.

>> No.4878862



3 great choices

>> No.4878863

I need a new printer/scanner, does anyone recommend anything? /g/ is worthless.

>> No.4878873
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MFW self-indulgent pretense

>> No.4878868
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Never leave the apartment without one

>> No.4878877
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>> No.4878880

G2 = hnnnng

>> No.4878882
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Bumping up this thread

>> No.4878884

PaperMate BBC 0.5mm Mechanical Pencil w/ Eraser

>> No.4878887

Forgot to mention... 0.7mm lead all the way!

>inb4 ink = master race

>> No.4878885
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Ma note taking equipment.

Hardcover notebooks are awesome - they're so durable. When I used to use spiral bound notebooks, they would start to disintegrate halfway through the semester...

>> No.4878888
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Cant have math class without it

>> No.4878895
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ITT: a perfect materials for students use:

>>lightweight materials but, powerful when in use

I use the following for school:

>Asus net book (enough for typing essays and lectures)

>Sharpie pens

>2 No. 2 pencils

>moleskin graph, great for jotting down notes

>calculator if needed

And that is what I would take to class, might add more or change type of equipment later within the year, this list would be the start of a new class year.

>> No.4878896

>Can't have ENGINEERING class without it
Fixed that for you.

>> No.4878923
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>> No.4878931
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Ah man, good old high school with graphing calculator games... I remember playing those for hours on end.

>> No.4878933
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My good man, are you a wizard?

>> No.4878963

Buying one of these changed my life

>> No.4878994

I keep a few 5-subject spiral notebooks. A good mechanical pencil and a good smooth pen.

I have a weird compulsion where I must by a new notebook twice a year or so.

>> No.4879020
File: 12 KB, 500x500, uniball-vision-rollerball-pen-extralarge-81186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a G2 man myself, OP. I know your feels.

Trust me, Uniball's newer vision pens are the best pens. I have come to hate writing with anything else.

>> No.4879024
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>> No.4879042
File: 467 KB, 2324x1412, God teir schoolsupplies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summer fags cant use god tier supplies

captcha: calculating onvionta

>> No.4879050
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I prefer the X tablet series, even the only ones are amazing.
This plus OneNote is absolutely amazing especially with the handwritten formulas to text conversion.

>> No.4879056

I've always liked the feel of the G2 in the hand but the actual tip always felt too sharp and didn't flow well on paper for me.

>> No.4879060
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Graphing calculators are for pussies. REAL men (i.e. engineers) use good old fashioned scientific calculators.

Lol, jokes, but seriously, whichever calculator you're used to using is the fastest.

>> No.4879069

4/10 for making me laugh

>> No.4879072
File: 115 KB, 500x386, 978972626_b74f53d0fc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ti babbies
>no rpn
>shitty slow processor
>zero functionality
pick all 4

hp 50g master race reporting in
pic related, comes with a badass leather case

>> No.4879073

>TI everywhere

fucking hs retards everywhere

>> No.4879075


>not having an Nspire

You're an engineer alright. I can use mine in conjunction with probes to collect an analyze physical data in real time. Everything from volts to temp to light.

So when I'm out and about, I don't need a toolbox of equiptment to do simple things. Not to mention I can sync with my computer and transfer data between them.

>> No.4879078


This got me through all of undergrad. Used it on my first exam, and managed not to lose it all the way til my last exam and every exam in between. It has perfect weight distribution. You feel like you're holding onto something substantial, not just a plastic thing.

>get Bsc, believe in lucky pencil

>> No.4879079

Which is the best thinkpad to get?

>> No.4879080
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>> No.4879082
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Employedfags know this is the calculator of calculators.

>> No.4879093

Go to bed, accountants.

>> No.4879098

Thinkpads are useless. Take notes on pen and paper. If you don't draw arrows and concept maps while taking notes fast enough to keep pace with lecture then you dumb.

Get shitty laptop, strip all unnecessary bs programs, upgrade ram for 50$

invest into nice bag that won't rip after a couple years

get an Ipad to pirate every possible textbook on (shit pays for itself after one semester)

locate that one printer in deepest darkest corner of uni where you can print for free and tell NO ONE about its existence

find a place with open doors and couch past 2AM to sleep during extreme work periods

pick up smoking to train yourself for good behavior

How I miss the college.

>> No.4879099


>> No.4879104

Where does one find all these textbook downloads anyway? I've never found a resource for pirating most textbooks.

>> No.4879112

Why not just pirate textbooks on your laptop? Why do you need a laptop AND an ipad?


>> No.4879120


>get an ipad

You're so pragmatic and frugal.

>> No.4879124
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>> No.4879130

I find them all on demonoid usually, sometimes not exactly same edition and maybe not even same author but same subject. There's like a hundred textbooks on any given subject from hs to grad to reference level. I like Ipad because of how quickly I can switch to internet and look up papers, great screen resolution, the first gen feels nice and heavy. Can't always have laptop out to read. I'm talking about a piss poor 400$ gigantic laptop that you keep stashed somewhere for writing papers. The Ipad is frequent use (bring it to class, pass out with it in the library...etc.).

>> No.4879132

Plus with ipad, you can read and walk. Take it out and read before falling asleep in car, smoke and walk and read. It lets you constantly study.

>> No.4879134

>confirmed for freshmen or sophomore

Excel will become your best friend, young one. Doesn't matter if you're an engineer, chemist, biologist, industry worker, researcher, etc. The sound of "Hey anon, put your data into a spreadsheet and email it to me. Thanks." will echo day in and day out.

>> No.4879138


>> No.4879144

>not getting a doctorate in math or physics and doing theoretical/pure research for the rest of your life
>needing a calculator at all


>> No.4879150

Excel is not mathematica

>> No.4879157
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>> No.4879172

B.S. in Mathematics with a minor in computer science as my first degree.


>> No.4879188

Major in CS and minor in math, or just double major.
Don't you want a job?

>> No.4879197


What makes you say that?

>> No.4879202

>Don't you want a job?

>> No.4879207
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not as a monkey

>> No.4879206


Just because I'm going into math doesn't mean I won't have a job. Or do you know something I don't?

>> No.4879211


And I honestly think 4chan glitched. I posted this in a different thread and it somehow ended up here.

>> No.4879213

>Implying going outside to smoke during study time isn't detrimental to your success.

Also finding a free printer is pretty lucky.

>> No.4879218
File: 208 KB, 620x433, Macbook_Pro_2012_with_Retina_Display_35331572_05_620x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4879254

There are no jobs for mathematicians

>> No.4879376 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4879379 [DELETED] 

whiteboards masterrace

>> No.4879392
File: 26 KB, 600x400, ComputerPaper3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4879394

fucking racist

>> No.4879398
File: 1 KB, 61x64, Saunders 13031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saunders aluminum 13031 sheet holder with
an ampad 20-323 white college 3 hole pad inside.

>> No.4879635


>> No.4879662
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get on my level

>> No.4879666
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>> No.4879689


>> No.4879714
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lab coats. got mine. get yours today!

>> No.4879719

>lined paper

what else do I really need, faggots

>> No.4879843

I want a boss lab coat, not the sheet of paper my university sells. Anyone know where to get a god-tier one?

>> No.4879851

All my life I was told that scientists get to wear these awesome lab coats, yet here I am working on supersymmetric QFT and I still don't have one. I feel cheated.

>> No.4879856


Should'a taken the MSTP route, breh. I get to wear a lab coat while working on gamma-SPECT theory. Physics + medicine = shit is so cash.

>> No.4879877


>> No.4879898 [DELETED] 

Steins;Gate a shit.

>> No.4879900
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you got a problem with fun?

>> No.4880053
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Dixon Ticonderoga: I press/write hard and these survive better then mechanical pencils. Finding pencil sharpeners can be a challenge.
Pink Pearl: Never failed me.
STAPLES generic copy paper: Cheap - a case for ~$30. Used for homework, notes and lab printing.
Used/previous generations of TI-86 and TI-89: Get them for <$50.
Blackhawk Messenger Bag: Sturdiest messenger bag I have ever owned.

>> No.4880130

Genius. Thanks, I'd never seen that one before.

>> No.4880136

I remember the days when I used to use a graphing calculator... and by that I mean played games on it in high school calculus. Now I use Mathematica, I could not imagine going back to those pieces of crap.

>> No.4880194


In a real world setting I agree that MATLAB or Mathematica are superior, however in undergrad a calculator that can rref is more than enough.

Using MATLAB is like sandblasting a soup cracker for undergrads. Generally speaking.

>> No.4881026


lets get some god tier supplies/college tips thread going

>> No.4881711
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>there are people who still use regular wood pencils

>> No.4881792

yes i like pencils!

>> No.4881825
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Every goddamn math course up until the 4th year and grad. level seminars requires a "computer component", ie. an assignment for MAPLE (oh, canada) or Mathematica.

Wolfram Alpha has been satisfactory just for tinkering with stuff for assignments though.

Also, related, my pen of choice. I've always used Lamys, and it's what I'm used to.

>> No.4881835

>pick up smoking to train yourself for good behavior
how does this work?