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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4875821 No.4875821 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, do you agree with this?

>> No.4875828

go to /r9k/

>> No.4875829

Opinions don't matter on science

>> No.4875826

Already dealt with by Alan Sokal

>> No.4875831

She just stated an opinion. How can I agree with no reasons provided?

>> No.4875851

you mean peer reviewed data
reasons wouldn't mean shit either.

>> No.4875856

>using science to figure out if the process of science is biased
you just went full retard.

>> No.4875862

>implying a non-cognizant, abstract idea can be biased

>> No.4875870
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Thats pretty amazing. How and why did you find this?

>> No.4875872

No, it is perfectly capable of self study which is actually how it was created and refined in the first place (and still today). Unless you can demonstrate a better alternative that is how it is done.

>> No.4875878

stuff like this has been around for a long time. It's called post modernism. See
Bibliography for more info

>> No.4875880

>conflict theory in a nutshell

Worst idea in sociology or worst idea in sociology?

>> No.4875883

Science: because alchemy was born in the kitchen, but it's still a masculine thing?

>> No.4875889


this man ... THIS !!

it was so obvious this whole time but I never used... it just .. fuck .. it just says too much with few words ..

>> No.4875933


No I do not

>> No.4875944

The more I look into stuff like this and its practitioners, the more I think they focus only on the fashion of science, rather than its content.

It's pretty much a bunch of fluff with big words and concepts that aren't based on anything being thrown around.

>> No.4876959
File: 45 KB, 680x544, 1319694357139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexuality: because feminists that keep bringing the shit up certainly aren't forcing the idea themselves.

how do we get rid of racism and sexism?


>> No.4876969

>Implying we need Science/Technology to rape woman.
Nature maybe, but we've always been able to do whatever we want with woman...

>> No.4876972
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>> No.4876978

I wonder, if feminists want man-free things, why don't they make their own operating system?

~80% of the internet runs on linux
~20% still runs on something else made by men
Men made most of the women's clothing that women wear.

We aren't stopping women from doing science, so why aren't more of them going into science? Can't women even get special grants and stuff to make it easier for them nowadays? Why so much nursing?

>> No.4876983

Because we're the same fucking species and we share progressions and support, feminists are fucking cancer and most females hate/don't care about them.
I understand AA for black people, but for woman is ridiculous, they already have equal rights, they should not be given further preferential treatment.

>> No.4876985

*support each other

>> No.4877074

>feminists are fucking cancer and most females hate/don't care about them.

I can attest to this. I dislike how feminists act, they do not realize that they're the reason certain stigmas are made.

Same goes for blacks and the whole "the white men owe us something still," being part black, it annoys me to no end when people still think the government is trying to keep them down still.

>> No.4878839

Yeah, but I know white folk (I am white, if it matters) who also think the government is evil and trying to keep them down. Romney and the tea party come to mind...

Mind you, I don't like Obama much better. I just like that they all have a vocabulary and elocution much higher level than that of our previous glorious leader of the free world...


Oh, and yeah. Feminism. It sucks. &c &c.

>> No.4878852

No. Science is a girl thing.

>> No.4878859
File: 183 KB, 548x286, newton-rape-manual-sandra-harding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You read, you rage. Pic refers.

OTOH here is a woman who gets it

"If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts."
Camille Paglia

>> No.4878867

women are now smarter than men

>> No.4878878

im gona need some context for this.

>> No.4878883

I agree with it, sort of. I do think that the system we've created for educating and producing scientists is overly masculine and not friendly to women. I think women are also discouraged from science-based careers generally.

If you're on 4chan, you don't have to look very far to realize chauvinism is still pretty endemic.

>> No.4878891

>overly masculine and not friendly to women
i beg to differ

>> No.4878899

She's right in a way.

Much of modern science really evolved out of the need to create more and better military technology for the purpose of subjugating one's rivals. Since the military classes were the wealthiest and most able to fund rudimentary scientific study they necessarily dominated that field for some time, until the need for constant military force subsided and then gave way to a landed leisure class (a gentry). Since this early military application of science was inherently masculine it was focused away from women and often used directly to subjugate them.

>> No.4878902

That's one tiny example, and it has been rightly criticized by feminists for being overly pandering and not very well thought out.

>> No.4878906


I'd feel threatened if their emotional frailty didn't cripple their cognition so effectively.

>> No.4878920

>The privileging of solid over fluid mechanics, and indeed the inability of science to deal with turbulent flow at all, she attributes to the association of fluidity with femininity. Whereas men have sex organs that protrude and become rigid, women have openings that leak menstrual blood and vaginal fluids. . . From this perspective it is no wonder that science has not been able to arrive at a successful model for turbulence. The problem of turbulent flow cannot be solved because the conceptions of fluids (and of women) have been formulated so as necessarily to leave unarticulated remainders.

>> No.4878949

Oh god my sides. What the fuck is this? Can you give a link? I can't believe people think things like this...

>> No.4878957

Feminism ruins everything it touches.

>> No.4878959

It's from some feminist named Luce Irigaray. I read it on Alan Sokal's book Fashinable Nonesens.

>> No.4878960

Forgot the link. I got it from a Richard Dawkins essay on postmodernism. richarddawkins( )net/articles/824-postmodernism-disrobed

>> No.4878965

But the scientific method isn't even a western idea.

>> No.4878978

I'm... I'm actually shaking with anger.
This person should actually be killed.

>> No.4878981

Contemporary feminism is inherently anti-science.

Contemporary philosophy is also anti-science. Modernism and post-modernism have pretty much ruined all intellectual pursuits and academia.

>> No.4879653

Hay guise. Google gives me this:


I think is related. Clearly we are dealing with a genius.

Also, I had no idea tumblr was this cancerous. Geezus, can we cleanse tumblr with fire?

>> No.4879654

Oh, wait. This isn't /b/. /sci/ doesn't do those things, do you, /sci/?

>> No.4879658

I wonder what argument that quote was taken from. Is the main point of the argument that science arose out of patriarchy (like you said, that has some truth because science was used in military, and technology is a driving factor in taking over enemies), or is it that the content of science has been oppressive? If it's the latter, I just can't see how it makes any sense.