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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 561 KB, 1076x1654, dontbelongsci2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4873465 No.4873465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck off to /soc/, normalfags.

>> No.4873466

Biology is a hard science, idiot. This isn't 1850 anymore.

>> No.4873468

I have 2 through 6, and I attend a fucking liberal arts university as a ceramic artist. Yet I enjoy science. U mad?

>> No.4873469

I have 7, but I'd like you to kindly fuck off.

>> No.4873471

I had a girlfriend once when I was 13, but she sucked some other guys dick
Do I qualify?

>> No.4873472

i'm guilty of 4 and 6.

>> No.4873473

I belong here. Feels good man.

>> No.4873482
File: 462 KB, 1280x720, buttdevastated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated, OP?

>> No.4873489

2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (partly) and 9 here.

- Graduated in "Literature" (rough translation) when I was 22 and then started chemical engineering

- Love sci-fi since I was a kid

- I am old enough to have "social life" without being a socially acceptable person in any aspect

>> No.4873496

4 5 6 7 9 here.

>> No.4873497

Fuck, I meant 7* partly.

>> No.4873504

Well Jeepers. That list excluded even me, which is a little surprising. Is anyone left?

>> No.4873505

just wonder where belongs informational scince, also I recently begin exercising I hope I can stick to it feels good and one have so much more energy to do stuff.

>> No.4873507

Playing futuristic science games count for #7? Like SC2, Gears, etc.
If so then I don't belong here.

>> No.4873511

>claim to be elite
>still cling to tribalism


>> No.4873514


I think you're the one who has to GTF back to /r9k/ for all those feel threads you missing out on.

>> No.4873517

6: should be reversed. If you don't exercise means you have absolutely no grasp over the rational way of thinking and improving one's health. (not to mention brain productivity increases).

So basically 6 reversed.

About the parties one i don't know, I view parties as a way of collecting data on social interactions and gaining new insights firsthand on how the social mechanism work.(no alcohol or other drugs though).

7 Is debatable, because a true scientist knows how to accept any forms of creation: literature about some fictional characters should only be viewed as a mean of improving ones ability to write literature in general and perhaps understanding of imaginational patterns. (well the point does say "fan" so fair enough)

The girlfriend issue is very debatable too. What if you meet a person that is truly as sharp minded as you are and acts according to the rational ways? I would be thrilled personally.

>> No.4873521
File: 87 KB, 299x288, 130221984383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sharp minded
>acting in a rational way

>> No.4873523

>About the parties one i don't know, I view parties as a way of collecting data on social interactions and gaining new insights firsthand on how the social mechanism work.(no alcohol or other drugs though).

omg ur like sheldon

OP, add:
>People with too much aspergers.

>> No.4873524

You mean to tell me that being socially intelligent enough to function with my own species excludes me from the "right" to come to a board for casual discussion? Am i somehow not allowed to discuss science because i do not fit your mold?

>> No.4873525


That's correct. Fuck off normie.

>> No.4873527

woman can be very smart but can never act in rational way, they just dont think like that. I am not sexist and I dont think woman are inferior but I speak from experience. I used to grow up with five other women and now live with my gf(and she did two degrees in same time) but they just have no grasp of logic, worst thing is that there is no problem for them to for example love and hate at same time, know and use medicine but think that crystals and roots are best etc.

>> No.4873528


>women can be very smart

No they can't.

>> No.4873537

ok I dont want to debate about what means to be intelligent, so I am going to say that thay can have high IQ as a matter of fact mens exceed women IQ only by rougly 2-5 points. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_and_psychology#IQ

>> No.4873539


I don't want to get into it but there are hardly any very intelligent women, for instance there are double the number of men with IQs over 130 than women.

>> No.4873541

Just think of the countless men who have changed the world with the discovery's they made, and the observations they had who would scoff at your opinion that its necessary to be a social reject in order to conduct or even discuss scientific observation and discovery. You sir embody the stye that has clouded the sight and judgement of human advancement throughout human history. Asses yourself sir.

>> No.4873540

>Uses IQ as a serious quotient for intelligence.

>> No.4873543

not serious just only one there is

>> No.4873545


Fuck off normie.

>> No.4873544

Guilty of 4, 5, and 7. All of the above lead me to become a rocket engineer.

So i think I'll stay here anyway

>> No.4873546

Get out normalfag.

>> No.4873548

Make me, faggots.

>> No.4873550

You should fuck off. Nobody wants a normie here.

>> No.4873551

misery doesn't want company. He must be doing us a favor. Let's respect it.

>> No.4873552

Still normal (by this horrible scale of "normalcy")
Still posting
Still fuck you

>> No.4873553

If you
>nothing to do with science
Then you don't belong in the science board! Science is all about things that aren't related to science.

>> No.4873554

>Still fuck you
>Still being edgy.

>> No.4873557

.>Still mad
>Still sageing

>> No.4873566

2 to 6 here.
A true hero amongst my fellow engineers I guess.

>> No.4873635

It's sunday. You normalfags should be outside with your "friends".

>> No.4873642

Who said /sci/ had to be Neckbeard Central? OP is butthurt and alone until death

>> No.4873649

OP, YOU don't belong here. The only thing necessary for posting on this board is a desire to learn.

>> No.4873677

Jokes on you, I don't have a girlfriend.

Oh wait...

>> No.4873675


Go away normalfags, dont pester us, go buy something to your gf's or something

>> No.4873699

Fuck that idiotic image, it has no place or relevance here.
It was clearly designed by some socially awkward, nonathletic neckbeard destined to be a foreveralone permavirgin. Seriously, since when do repulsive humans like that major in science, I thought science and engineering were for smooth badasses in suits smoking pipes and getting women.
0/10 for ignorance and stupidity.

>> No.4873705

I don't want people like you associated with science, you make it look bad.

>> No.4873717
File: 25 KB, 1074x534, kill_yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you OP. You're everything wrong with the world.

>> No.4873724

>a desire to learn

Yeah sure, because we're learning so much from [spoiler] inane religion and philosophy trolling [/spoiller]

>> No.4873734

Normalfags are what's wrong with the world.

>> No.4875702

4-6 and a science fiction fan and I ain't going anywhere. U mad?

>> No.4875713

so I see /sci/ has become infested with normalfags this summer. enjoy your bans

>> No.4875719


>> No.4875725
File: 17 KB, 300x330, Alan_Turing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have
2 (I don't have a very active social life, but I do have fun with friends. Everybody has a social life in some ways, even if they don't have any friends and family.)
3 (On occasion. I'm not a party animal, but I go when I have the chance every once in a while.)
4 (When I was 19 with this 23 year-old black chick)
5 (The black chick was kinda my girlfriend, but only for a month or so.)
6 (I walk and run often and do stretches and calisthenics.)
7 (I FUCKING love sci-fi! This is /sci/ after all, of course I do. Robert Heinlein is great.)
9 I'm majoring in Mechanical Engineering, so I guess that counts.

>> No.4875729

enjoy your ban normalfag

>> No.4875743

>Sci-fi fan losing his virginity to a ghetto black chick four years older than him

Pick one.

>> No.4875749

>sci-fi fan
>non virgin
pick three

No fiction on /sci/. No non-virgins on /sci/. No normalfags on /sci/

>> No.4875780


Suck it, like my girlfriend does, using her brain, which I study (not her brain directly but you get the fucking picture).

>> No.4875806

Maths and science are liberal arts.

>> No.4875817

enjoy your ban

>> No.4875844

Guilty of 2 and 3. Still feel like I belong here.

>> No.4875849

I'm only a 6. What's wrong with at least being healthy?

>> No.4875937

So in your opinion a person with some kind of social life isn't intelligent enough for science?
Either you're a damn good troll or completly retarded.

>> No.4875946
File: 313 KB, 1500x2972, sci 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recent burst of shit posting on /sci/ has really rustled my jimmies.

So, to vacant myself of disgust, I made this; a more realistic and less troll-ish version of the OP.

>> No.4875954
File: 231 KB, 1500x2460, sci 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

>> No.4875958

>a sci-fi fan
>you don't belong here

So scientists aren't welcome on /sci/?


>> No.4875975

2. no social life to speak of
3. last party was my ... kids b-day.
4. am not virgin check #3
5. never had a girlfriend, although married somehow
6. swim as often as humanly possible
7. hate stephen hawkin, black holes, higgs-bosons, ...
8. CC was cool for me. University was lame, profs. reminded me too much of beurocrats going through the motions
9. master EE

do I belong?

>> No.4875978

>Have had a girlfriend
Carl Sagan had three wives.

>> No.4875988

implying science FICTION is REAL,

still living in your parents house?

>> No.4875993

>mad at imbecilic memes
>posts a panda
enjoy your ban

>> No.4876001

>Carl Sagan
>not pop sci
enjoy your ban

>> No.4876013

>an imbecilic meme

>> No.4876020

At a party right now. Flitting with my friends underage banned sister.

>> No.4876021
File: 128 KB, 700x501, lepandaface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's not

>> No.4876262

Those would be really good if they weren't tl;dr.