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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4873045 No.4873045 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ Paradox thread?

>> No.4873965

schrödinger's cat

>> No.4873966

The sentence below is false
The sentence above is true

>> No.4873967 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 400x400, paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4873971

biological science

>> No.4873982

cheeky but not technically a paradox.

>> No.4873983 [DELETED] 

yeh i know, but its the closest i have :/

>> No.4873984

Oh wow, so you don't even know what a paradox is?

>> No.4873987 [DELETED] 

course i do.
>I know, but...

its kinda paradoxical.

>> No.4873993

Oh, I know this one. They have no truth value individally because neither of them actually states anything by itself.

And taken as a set, the set is false, because following the logic through, each statement becomes "this statement is true if it is false" which is always false.

>> No.4874005

It's really funny once you realize the answer that you didn't notice before. I can't help but wonder how many times I said to myself "but if it's true, then it's false" or "but if it's false then it's true" without realizing that those paraphrase statements are inherently false.

>> No.4874031

What causes causality?

>> No.4874034

In this ITT: Babby's first logic.

>> No.4874036


Causality is describing physical things, but its also an abstract idea. Its disconnected from reality.

No physical process is going to result in an abstract idea.

Nothing causes causality.

>> No.4874040

>No physical process is going to result in an abstract idea.

Do you even emergence?

>> No.4874055

isn't that a fancy way of saying "it's magic"

>> No.4874056

Come now, then what causes physical processes to carry out? It is a logical paradox to consider such thing as an ultimate cause, a cause for reality's existence, for an agent of causation is necessitated all the way down

>> No.4874057

Translation: In this in this thread

Go back to

>> No.4874061
File: 7 KB, 180x128, dolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooby pls

>> No.4874064

>Overused meme

Yeah, /reddit/

>> No.4874068
File: 30 KB, 403x403, le everything will be le okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to be le rustled.

>> No.4874077


>Come now, then what causes physical processes to carry out?

Well... I dont know...?

We have been saying "causality" and I guess thats the answer I would tell you. But in general "causality" is pretty shallow answer.

>a cause for reality's existence

Isnt this an inconsistent statement?

Reality is everything. Everything that exists is a part of reality. Reality is the sum of everything that exists.

How can something precede that? Nothing is going to cause existence to exist.

>> No.4874082

Crusader kings 2 or EU3?

>> No.4874083

That's meaningless.
>"What causes eleven?"
It's a concept.

>> No.4874085 [DELETED] 

Exactly, our existence is paradoxical. We are in limbo.

>> No.4874087

Exactly. Our existence is paradoxical. We are in limbo.

>> No.4874095


Well how is it a paradox?

Existence isnt like a physical property. You know like, a thing exists or doesnt, but existence isnt a thing the same way a rock is a thing. I dont think abstract ideas need causality.

>> No.4874107

You know this the wrong board right?
CK2, by the way

>> No.4874151

<span class="math">\{X : X \notin X\}[/spoiler]

>> No.4874161 [DELETED] 

I think you mean something like <span class="math">Y=\{X : X \notin Y\}[/spoiler], because otherwise it's just the same as <span class="math">\{X:\tee\}[/spoiler] (where <span class="math">\tee[/spoiler] is the logical truth.

>> No.4874163

I think you mean something like <span class="math">Y=\{X : X \notin Y\}[/spoiler], because otherwise it's just the same as <span class="math">\{X:T\}[/spoiler] (where <span class="math">T[/spoiler] is the logical truth.

>> No.4874177

He meant what he wrote.

>> No.4874193

Well, ask yourself the question does <span class="math">\{X : X \notin X\}[/spoiler], where <span class="math">X \notin X = P(X)[/spoiler] contain itself? If it wouldn't contain itself then <span class="math">P(X) is true[\math], which is contradiction. But if it would contain itself then P(X) is false, which is contradiction. Therefore we cannot decide whether <span class="math">\{X : X \notin X\}[/spoiler] contains itself.[/spoiler]

>> No.4874196

Well, ask yourself the question does <span class="math">\{X : X \notin X\}[/spoiler], where <span class="math">X \notin X = P(X)[/spoiler], contain itself? If it wouldn't contain itself then <span class="math">P(X)[\math] is true, which is contradiction. But if it would contain itself then <span class="math">P(X)[\math] is false, which is contradiction. Therefore we cannot decide whether \{X : X \notin X\} contains itself.


>> No.4874203

Well, ask yourself the question does <span class="math">\{X : X \notin X\}[/spoiler], where <span class="math">X \notin X = P(X)[/spoiler], contain itself? If it wouldn't contain itself then <span class="math">P(X)[/spoiler] is true, which is contradiction. But if it would contain itself then <span class="math">P(X)[/spoiler] is false, which is contradiction. Therefore we cannot decide whether <span class="math">\{X : X \notin X\}[/spoiler] contains itself.

Sorry used backslash instead of slash.

>> No.4874257

>Therefore we cannot decide whether X:XX contains itself
No. It's "Therefore the set given does not exist."

>> No.4874323

Which is direct consequence of not being able to tell it's elements. What's your point?

>> No.4875283

empty set, phi. not a paradox retard

>> No.4875358

It is not empty set.

>> No.4875373

Isn't this why we introduced classes, as opposed to just sets?

>> No.4875403

What is love?

>> No.4875478

It can't be ∅, because {∅} is a set that doesn't contain itself, so {∅} must be a member of Y (the aforementioned set that contains all sets that don't contain themselves).

Yes, it allows us to discuss objects that we couldn't otherwise. Category theory would be pretty pathetic otherwise - most categories one would like to discuss, such as the category of groups or of topological spaces, are not sets.

>> No.4875526

Gödel thread?

>> No.4875531

>not a paradox retard
Alternatively, most well known mathematical paradox. Yes, yes definitely that.

>> No.4876017

Baby don't hurt me

>> No.4876027


"If I asked you to have sex with me, w-would your answer to that question be the same as the answer to this one?"
"Well, would you have sex with me?"
"Hahahahahaha no."
"But...you just said..."
"I was lying, obviously. Piss off, nerd."

>> No.4876034

I'm starting to like this tripfag. Was he in the shitposters list?

>> No.4876047
File: 29 KB, 350x110, Banach-Tarski_paradox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banach Tarski paradox: for any pair of balls partitioned in any number of subsets, there exists that many applications such that their images of each subset of the first ball is a subset of the second ball.

In other words, if you cut an orange into appropriate pieces and clump them together in an appropriate way, you may get a ball as big as the universe.

>> No.4876319

op here made this thread like a week ago didnt realise it was still alive you guys can probably go home now

>> No.4876321

Yesterday wasn't a week ago.

>> No.4876325

I was joking with my girlfriend as she threw her penny in a wishing well.

>I asked her what she wished for
>Of course, she didn't want to tell me because then, her wish would not come true.
>I threw a penny in the wishing well after
>I told her I wished for her wish to not come true.


>> No.4876331


No loophole anymore. You told us what you wished for, so it can't come real.

>> No.4876334
File: 31 KB, 320x316, feel or no feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw a penny in the wishing well, wishing to get a gf. ;_;

>> No.4876336


Yes, my wish was for her wish not to come true.

Forcing her wish to come true.

>> No.4876344

And you did it wrong. Can't you into logic? You should of wished for wish to come true and then tell her. This way your wish and transitively her wish couldn't come true.

>> No.4876381

No, he did it right, if he wished for her wish to not come true and his wish does not come true, then the double negatives cancel and her wish comes true.

If he wished that it does come true and his wish does not come true, then her wish also does not come true.

>> No.4876386

Oh wait, nevermind, you are just a typical dick and actually want her wish to not come true, whereas the other guy actually wanted his girlfriend's wish to come true.

>> No.4876389

1. As a proper anti-social asshole his intention should be to annoy her by making her wish impossible to come true.
2. Logically this is the only thing that can be achieved, given the implications of a wishing well. By telling the wish he can make it 100% sure that it won't happen, but by wishing without telling he only leaves a possibility of it coming true. Figure it out for yourself.

>> No.4876391

Ah I love this one.

>> No.4876401

No need for him to be an asshole, especially since he is just attempting to learn her wish and set up a paradox as per the thread (and your way doesn't even introduce a paradox it just introduces pure dickery) and he has successfully done that if he can convince her to tell him her wish.

>> No.4876402


3. Even if a wishing well resulted in 100% probability of the wish coming true (if not told), his action would be fucking retarded because it wouldn't add anything anymore.

Oh god, you guys seriously can't into logic.

>> No.4876407

His way doesn't introduce a paradox. It does literally nothing. All he did was wasting a penny.

>> No.4876413

Oh, so you didn't get it after all.

If she tells him her wish then her wish can not come true.
But he already told her his wish, so it can not come true either which means her wish must be able to come true.

That would put her wish in a position in which it both must come true and must not come true... a paradox.

l2logic first, then you can get on your high horse and tell other people to learn logic

>> No.4876419

he got you good

>> No.4876422

>That would put her wish in a position in which it both must come true and must not come true... a paradox.

Are you retarded? This doesn't follow at all.

>she makes a wish and doesn't tell
>ergo her wish can come true
>he makes a wish and does tell
>his wish can't come true
>his wish was her wish not to come true
>if his wish can't come true, that means hers still can come true
>he added NOTHING, especially not a paradox

Get your IQ tested. You might have a severe deficiency.

>> No.4876424

oh nevermind he got you good

>> No.4876428

You are the retarded one.

He told her his wish to get her to tell him her wish... that was the whole point of spending the penny, to try to give her confidence in her wish coming true, but to actually set up a paradox and learn her secret wish and if he had succeeded and she told, then there would be a paradox in place rather than just her getting her wish.

>> No.4876435

Trolling with logic can hardly be succesful. It's so easy to disprove and all it does is lowering his IQ. Thinking like a retard -- even if done for only a short period of time -- can have permanent negative effects on your brain.

lol, nice try. The lack of reading comprehension "troll".

>> No.4876450

A male barber only shaves men who do not shave themselves, does he shave himself?

>> No.4876456

says the guy who values being an antisocial asshole over collecting knowledge and information

>> No.4876458

Again no paradox. No, he doesn't shave himself. That doesn't necessarily lead to the conclusion that he should shave himself, because only one implication was given: IF he shaves someone, THEN that guy didn't shave himself. The opposite direction cannot be assumed.

>> No.4876462

What does wasting money in a wishing well and wasting time with a "gf" have to do with collecting knowledge and information?
As if it wasn't retarded enough to believe in wishing wells at all.

>> No.4876469

He valued the knowledge of the contents of her wish higher than simply fucking her out of her wish for no apparent reason like you would do, you self-admitted antisocial asshole.

>> No.4876493

I read it fine, you just failed to read between the lines, but we can just chalk it up to your asperger's and your inability to understand anything that isn't 100% literal and explained in complete painful detail.

>> No.4876529

The guy should have wished to never learn her secret, and told her. THAT introduces a paradox.

Anyway, here's a better one, and it's math related!

If you were to choose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance that you would choose the right answer?
> 25%
> 50%
> 75%
> 25%

>> No.4876535

Or rather, it introduces a Catch 22 for her - because if she doesn't tell him, then the wishing well is proven false and she doesn't get her wish. Yet if she proves the wishing well right, and tells him, then she still doesn't get her wish.

>> No.4876541

Except that this is unrelated to the thread topic of paradoxes.

This is a thread about logic. "Reading between the lines" (which in this case boils down to making up shit that wasn't contained in the post) can be done on /lit/ or /x/ or wherever people don't give a fuck about logic.

>> No.4876550 [DELETED] 

That's not a paradox. The answer is 0%, and that answer is not available.

>> No.4876559 [DELETED] 

Yes, I know being an antisocial asshole for the sake of being an antisocial asshole has nothing to do with paradoxes or this thread, that is what I have been saying this whole time.

>> No.4876566

Yes, I know being an antisocial asshole for the sake of being an antisocial asshole has nothing to do with paradoxes or this thread, that is what I have been saying this whole time.

However, that is the event that was the catalyst for the creation of this particular paradox and again sorry if your disease prevents you from filling in the additional information needed to solve this incomplete logic puzzle, but maybe next time you can stick to more pedestrian puzzles and riddles whose answers are contained entirely in the prose and no additional information is needed to be gleaned from common sense.

>> No.4877167

A man is loading a gun, he is next to a time portal that is looking directly at the same spot one minute back. (just assume it exists) He finishes loading and points the gun at the portal which is showing himself loading the gun 1 minute prior, he fires the gun. Who fired the shot?

>> No.4877177

Not a paradox as time portals do not exist.

>> No.4879161

Do any paradoxes exist?
Isn't that the point of a paradox something that is logically impossible?

>> No.4879165


No paradoxes actually exist, only logically.

Nature has no paradoxes, only our attempts at understanding her does.

>> No.4879170


>> No.4879179

That was my point, you can't say "its not a paradox because it doesn't exist" since paradoxes themselves do not exist, nonexistence would be a better indication that is was a paradox rather than not. (is this a paradox?)

>> No.4879214

Would infinity be a paradox?

It only exists because it doesn't exist. Infinity cannot exist, because there has to be a limit eventually, yet it does exist because we have not discovered that limit.

>> No.4879225

There is no limit to infinity, it is a limit... the ultimate limit, but it is not an actual number, it exists only as a limit and you are thinking about it all wrong.

>> No.4879235

Infinity is everything after a certain point. We can move that point by lets say adding more numbers into our numbering system. But, we can never define every number, because infinity will always be there. If we can continually add more, how is infinity a limit? If we can define more of infinity, how is it a limit?

>> No.4879242


Because it is an unbounded limit... the ultimate limit or limit of limits.

>> No.4879261

ITT: people acting like aspies calling people acting like aspies aspies, and vice versa.

>> No.4879344

Your post is literally the only post that term exists in and you used it three times in one line because you have a terrible vocabulary and can't properly express yourself.