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4871097 No.4871097[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you retarded mexican nigger fucks talking about this? the sun just fired off a massive cme a day ago. It is expected to make auroras all the way into the southeastern US. If that isn't a severe cme - nothing is. Why isn't the federal givernment warning us and preparing to shutdown the grid to protect it?

BTW fuck the nigger who designed the retarded captcha. he should be raped by a nigger dick dipped in fireants.

>> No.4871101

you don't belong here. go along, now

>> No.4871106

too busy discussing the merits of pedophilia and faggotry to worry about something important? seems about right. fucking morons.

>> No.4871122

We were talking about it the other day. It's just a CME - nothing to get worked up about. Enjoy the light show.

>> No.4871124

>All eyes are on the solar wind data to note the expected passage on Saturday of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from Thursday's solar event. SWPC expects G1 (minor) with the chance of attaining G2 (moderate) Geomagnetic Storm activity after 9:00 a.m. EDT (1300 UTC) on July 14. Elsewhere the S1 (minor) Solar Radiation Storm lingers, and Region 1520 has been quiet.

>> No.4871125

Why are you so angry? Don't bring your deep-seeded anger over your own inadequacies here please.

>> No.4871127

>2012: not being able to post a fucking link on a discussion board. go to fucking google news and search for cme. It is being called massive. also reports of conflicting information between noaa and nasa. the point is that a solar flare (known as a cme by retards) is potentially devastating. the other point is that severe solar flares pointed at earth are not benign and hey could bring down the power grid world fucking wide.

>> No.4871132

I'm not finding anything about it being "potentially devastating".

>> No.4871138

In any case, what the hell would you do about it?

>> No.4871155

This is the fucking worst thread in fucking existence. OP is scientifically clueless and illiterate.

>> No.4871159

Coronal mass ejections happen all the time.
Sometimes they are massive.
Sometimes they cause blackouts and hinder communications.
Sometimes mass media likes to make mountains out of molehills.

Nothing new or earth-shattering about any of this.

>> No.4871166

If you're super paranoid, turn off your expensive electronics and disconnect them from the power supply.

>> No.4871192

I love when this shit happens every month or two.
Idiots lose their shit and start screaming that the world is ending, everyone with a IQ above 3 tells them to shut the fuck up and the thread dies.
Then the cycle repeats every1-3 hours until the event fully dies down.

>> No.4871195

stick around for two years its gonna get way better

>> No.4871196

because CMEs cant do shit to us. unless half the sun decides to fart in our direction to depress the magnetic field to ground level, but in 4.5 billion years, that has never happened.
Stop being a bitch and enjoy the light show this weekend.

>> No.4871201

They can and have. If only once in recorded history. Do your research.

>> No.4871205

i was referring to doomsday scenarios as OP was ranting about

i do not consider a power outtage a doomsday event

>> No.4871213

>Implying the world will exist after this year

>> No.4871214

eh, its very unlikely but theoretically it could destroy the entire power grid for the sun facing side of the earth if not more. Which would be pretty damn bad.

>> No.4871277

What are you referring to? I've never heard of a CME doing any sort of biological damage.

>> No.4871357


I think he is referring to the 1989 geomagnetic storm that knocked out power Quebec for half a day.

>> No.4871515
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Coronal Mass Ejections happen all the time (though they are more frequent when we approach solar maximum). Most don't have a noticeable affect at all, some of the worse ones may cause minor blackouts or communications issues.

If you're worried about something like the Carrington Event in 1859 happening though... relax, this isn't remotely on that scale. It'll give us a pretty light show in the northern states, and in the worst case you might have to go without cell phone and gps for a couple hours, but this isn't going to destroy human civilization.

If something that big was coming towards us, trust me - every news network, every radio station, and half the internet would be lit up talking about it.

It takes only takes a few days for the matter from a CME to reach Earth, sometimes as little as 12-24 hours. IF a CME big enough and powerful enough to cause major damage was headed towards us, the governments of the world would need to get the word out fast and coordinate global efforts to shut down and shield critical systems.

So relax, enjoy the light shows, and if you're still really freaked out stock up on aluminum foil.

>> No.4871535



>> No.4871592
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10/10 post, informative as fuck.

>> No.4872764

So... Saturday has come and nearly gone and I'm not seeing any mayhem.

Seriously bummed... I want my apocalypse dammit!

>> No.4873187

Your body is slowly deteriorating from the radiation, you just haven't noticed yet...

>> No.4873213

Looking at the X-ray and proton fluxes on the ice top summary page. Doesn't look all that bad to me. May 27 event was probably bigger.

>> No.4873231
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Kp index is at about 5 right now, used to be 5.2 a few hours ago
it's not all that bad
i was hoping to see something in MA, but i need a 7.2 kp for that :(

>> No.4873536
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