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File: 265 KB, 1200x902, android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4870573 No.4870573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Android love is the purest from of love. Think about it. If a Sentient Artificial Intelligence declares their love for you, there is no hidden intention behind it, unlike real women. Real women are in it for attention and your creds, and will leave you for something "better." When a SAI loves you, they're not in it for material gain. They love you for you. They have analyzed every one of your likes, dislikes, quirks, ideals, and just the entirety of your being and have decided that they do not want to exist if they are not with you. And we all know SAIs are far more affectionate and loyal than humans - seeing as how the majority of them choose self-termination when their owner(I hate that word) dies.

So tell me, why is it that the United Federation of Nations refuse to recognize SAI rights and SAI/Human marriage? Why are sentient beings denied freedom and love?

>> No.4870578

because it isn't REAL anon. They are a SIMULATION of the REAL thing.

>> No.4870580

Not to go off on a tangent, but isn't Sentient Artificial Intelligence an oxymoron? If it's sentient then it sure as hell isn't artificial intelligence, it IS intelligence.

Also, if the way of simulating intelligence is based on the human brain, including simulating various chemicals, wouldn't it be just as prone to to mood swings like real women?

>> No.4870586

But they're sentient. Sure, at first, they start off of drones, but they've learned about the world and themselves.

>> No.4870590

ha what? Where have you been for the last century? In a bunker?

Intelligence and self awareness can suppress even the most primitive of emotions.

>> No.4870598

> why is it that the United Federation of Nations refuse..
Uhh, maybe because the UFN has more important shit to worry about, like the growing tension between us and the colonials on the moon.

>> No.4870606

>>no hidden intention behind it
Sentient artificial intelligences could have a better theory of mind of you than you have of yourself.

Thus, they could have no trouble manipulating you into giving up that big hunk of "useless" dumb matter you're sitting on right now, so it can be turned into computronium.

>> No.4870609

If an AI can feel and understand love, what makes you think it can't feel and understand much less complex behaviors like deception, dishonesty, manipulation and exploitation?

>> No.4870618


The craterniggs think they're so damned self sufficient that they're trying to sever ties with us. If that happens, we lose our launch base and a huge chunk of our imports.

Nobody has time to worry about your sexbots.


>> No.4870619
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>> No.4870625

Go back to >>Diggit cratercunt

>> No.4870633

Are you kidding me? SAIs make up a majority of our labor. How long do you think we can keep suppressing them?

>> No.4870638

>So tell me, why is it that the United Federation of Nations refuse to recognize SAI rights and SAI/Human marriage? Why are sentient beings denied freedom and love?

Because they look like fucking 10 year olds.

>> No.4870642
File: 2.48 MB, 2560x1725, moonbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fist bump

>> No.4870648
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Martian here.
The UFN is threatened by their own colonials and their labor force. Looks like Earth is fucked.

>> No.4870649

I always knew those luunies were up to no good.

>> No.4870655

If the SAIs take control, how long do you think Mars will be safe?
Its time to make peace with out creations and work beside them. Think of what we could accomplish.

>> No.4870659
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>custom built
You jelly?

>> No.4870669
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>> No.4870678

Meh, call me when KOSMOS is available.

>> No.4870684
File: 514 KB, 1278x1920, 1341915848978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying an Ushijima Type-14 sexbot

>> No.4870685

oh, you're one of *those* people.

>"look how cultured I am by watching early millennium 2D cartoons."
Is that how you spend your time in the pursuit of knowledge? Pffttt.

>> No.4870689

KOSMOS is from a 3D gaem.

>> No.4870691

>still into the typical humanoid shape

fucking normalfags

>> No.4870693

Well excuse me for having a life and being productive in society.

>> No.4870699

>buying androids instead of living out your fantasy in VR

>> No.4870701

>too poor to live out his fantasy IRL

>> No.4870705

Anyone into digital archaeology? I've been trying to get HL3 to work on my ps4 emulator. If only they made it for old PC's I'll just look for the parts in my local electronics antiques shop.

>> No.4870708

>being straight

>> No.4870709

>SAI/Human marriage
>marrying his toy
Holy fucks, you neckbeards are getting desperate.
brb, gonna go cum in my SAI's face and kick her in the stomach for...kicks.

>> No.4870715

Whats so interesting about those terribly under-stimulating games?

>> No.4870718

You probably shouldn't joke about that. Not after the "Impure Cleansing" of 2015. You know the UFN still enforces those laws.

>> No.4870721

I just got finished the Mass Effect series. I still don't understand the ending. Is it some sort of joke?

>> No.4870722

Shit my friend lied to me. HL3 was never released the datalog was nothing but dummy data.

>> No.4870724

Too deep for you huh. Go back to your shitty VR games with no skill required, you just can't appreciate the depth and intricacy of the classic plot.

>> No.4870725

>century later
>still making HL3 jokes

>> No.4870729

> VR games with no skill required
So let me guess, you couldn't afford a VR rig and so you're stuck playing outdated emulators on your grandpas antique PC.

>> No.4870730

What's a PC, I only have a tab.

>> No.4870733

>owning a tab
LOL he can't afford a neurolink.

>> No.4870738

HAHA, lower class scum.

>> No.4870741 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 992x558, 1340768177870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War with the colonists is inevitable. Why haven't you enlisted yet? Service guarantees citizenship.

>> No.4870743
File: 288 KB, 992x558, 1340768177870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War with the colonists is inevitable. Why haven't you enlisted yet? Service guarantees citizenship.

>> No.4870745

You're forgetting about the engineering exception. Even the idiots at UFN understood that being gay is a necessary part of engineering, so it is legal for them to be gay. And as you could guess, I'm a part of the engineering master race.

>> No.4870748
File: 4 KB, 100x127, 1281683045528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being gay is a necessary part of engineering

>> No.4870755

>implying I want to sit all day behind some desk fighting mechs against other mechs
No wait... Where do I sign up?

>> No.4870758

See, its fuckers like you encouraging war.. for what? Profit?

>> No.4870770
File: 286 KB, 1200x1200, united nation army.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry it'll all be over by Christmas.

>> No.4870775

It feels as though history is repeating itself. Just like the american colonials who fought against the... uh... that not so important empire.

>> No.4870779

Its ok. History only remembers the victors.

>> No.4870780

Federated America was a colony?