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4870230 No.4870230 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, i'm feeling pretty down thinking about death and my parents dying and crap like that

I know it's all a part of life but how do I cope with it better?/how much longer until we can live forever :(

Pic related, my dad is on the right

>> No.4870239

bump...please someone

>> No.4870241

My condolences OP. I to have lost a father.

But, living forever sounds like a terrible idea, and would hardly be considered living.

I'll pass on that.

>> No.4870242

>not being stoked for death to give back to the universe
>seeking immortality

ur doin it rong

death is a responsibility, embrace it.

>> No.4870416

I'm sorry op, It must feel bad, it sucks this thread has no posts.
If I were religious I'd pray for him or whatever.
What did he do for a living? Looks important

>> No.4870424

Tell your dad it's not cool to creep around fake plants.

>> No.4870430

>I know it's all a part of life
it's not. you shouldn't be feeling this depressed at all. you're not normal. i'd kill myself.

>> No.4870589

well i don't really remember not ever being. i just remember being, and that's it. even when i'm asleep, i don't remember the dark areas, only the areas where I'm dreaming and my mind comes to as I wake up. Going on off that, I wouldn't doubt that after we all pass away we either start over later down the timeline as someone else. Everything came from something. So does my perception disappear? Maybe what I see and understand here and now, yes. But it still goes elsewhere after my current physical body gives out. Maybe it blows through the air until it finds a suitable new beginning.

>> No.4870594

You will never live forever, that is impossible. The universe will eventually die of heat death. And plus, even if it didn't, you'd eventually die by sheer probability unless the chance of your death was 0%, which is impossible unless the universe does not change.

Embrace death. Accept it.

>> No.4870600

Why do Indians always look like the most beta as fuck people on the planet? Like, I've never met an Indian who didn't look like the biggest bitch.

>> No.4870601

its why you have to live your life with certainty that you are doing what you like to be doing.

>> No.4870604

I take solace in this; once we die, we finally find out what happens after our material form dies. For me, I'm excited to know.

>> No.4870608

why do you judge people as being beta and alpha?
is it because you are truly... beta?

>> No.4870610


You don't "find out" anything. You just don't exist any more. You're not conscious.

>> No.4870614

It's not necessarily a judgement, I'm not marking them as bad/good people, but they always have the outward appearance of weakness about them. But...I could be wrong.

>> No.4870616

you exist but you are essentially dirt.
depends what you define as being "you".
in reality "you" have always existed, since the beginning of time.

>> No.4870620

its comes from their culture. the majority are very friendly, social people that don't place much value on competition and stress.

>> No.4870622


You sure should pretty confident that the soul and the body are one in the same. Can I read the paper you published?

>> No.4870627


I am probably a physicalist, although I have thought a lot about these problems. It may be that a sole emerges in a complex reacting device like a human brain, but that doesn't mean the sole doesn't die when the physical brain dies.

>> No.4870628

>Don't value competition
Oh, man. You're either trolling or talking directly out of your ass.

>> No.4870629


Assuming the soul defines our ability to perceive and think

>> No.4870631
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>> No.4870635


You implied that it actually happens. I'm saying if dualism is true, and that the soul can survive without the body, wouldn't that be a cool thing to find out

>> No.4870636

i've been to india
most are religious and yeah, what i said.

>> No.4870637

you sure sound pretty confident that a soul exists, can i read the paper you published?

>> No.4870640

Read some Alan Watts. Some of his scientific anecdotes can be a bit cringe worthy but it's good stuff.

>> No.4870641


No, that is a fucking terrifying possibility. Death releases us from all the pain and suffering that consciousness brings, and that's a good thing.

Also, I really don't think you know what dualism is.

>> No.4870657


There's the material and our immaterial consciousness, and if they are one in the same physicalist, if they are exclusive then dualism, but there could be a possibility they are dependant on each other. I just called it a soul. I didn't realize death does that, I'll let you know after I shoot myself brb.

>> No.4870680

You're neither a soul nor the atoms in your body. What material your body is made out of doesn't matter, it's what that material is doing. You're a pattern made out of matter. just like how a wave is made of water. In order for you to be the wave you are the entire universe has to be exactly the way it is, any different and you wouldn't exist in the same way. I had a thought once about how I thought of myself as my brain, then I thought about how worms and other simple creatures have separate ganglia that do different functions. So I tried to think about where "I" was in my brain, eventually I narrowed it down so far that I was either one single neuron that had been arbitrarily placed to experience reality in an otherwise fully functional brain, or that I was just some arbitrary soul. Of course both these ideas were ridiculous. So then the only conclusion left was that I was the relationship between my brain and the universe. Neither of them could exist without each other, and any distinction I made between them was meaningless. I was the Universe. The idea of determinism didn't bring the sad thought of just being a cog in the machine, but that I was the machine. I had infinite power over everything, I called the universe in to being by existing.

>> No.4870704


How do you know universe is dependent on my (or your) soul and vice versa? Are you sure consciousness is even located in our physical universe or whether it even has a physical location? And if it does exist inside our material self, many people die and my universe hasn't gone anywhere. I can where you're coming from that maybe each universe is tailored made for each consciousness. Kind of like I'm just taking to a physical manifestion of my consciousness. How do I know that you experience what I'm typing to you? Your response will just be my consciousness at work.

>> No.4870711

You really shouldn't post family pictures on places like 4chan, OP.
Death is inescapable really. You'll get over it eventually

>> No.4870737

It's a matter of perspective. Without minds to perceive it, the Universe is completely meaningless. Your consciousness is just your experience of the universe. Even if it is dependent entirely on biological phenomena, it's not a separate thing, it's just what we describe these reactions as. The universe itself is not dependent on minds to exist at all, but it's just that our minds filter information from the universe to create our experience. I don't believe there is a seperate soul anywhere else or inside the body because it simply just doesn't have to exist for our model of the universe to work. Think about a rainbow. In order for a rainbow to occur one might say that you need water droplets in the air and light at the correct angle. But in order for what we perceive as a rainbow to happen you also need an observation point, because the rainbow only looks like a rainbow from certain places. It's not that there are multiple universes. There is an ultimate reality, but completely different perceptions of it are created by different minds. This is why others can die and your perception is unharmed. Because a mind can never know anything outside of it, the idea of an ultimate reality is ultimately unprovable at a personal level. So to you, you are all that exists. There is only your experience, nothing else. Sorry if I rambled a bit.