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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4866837 No.4866837 [Reply] [Original]

So, millions of years ago ginormous animals and insects were able to evolve because there was some 30% more oxygen in the atmosphere.

Now the real question is, how do we increase the oxygen back to those levels? because giant monster animals are cool.

>> No.4866843

dinosaurs lived when there was far less oxygen as a percentage.

that's why they got so big.

also, fuck /sci/ is fucking stupid.

>> No.4866846

>everything the OP just said

They were big because they didn't have teeth for grinding plant matter, just cutting it. They needed huge stomachs to digest the the un-masticated plant matter. In the later years dinosaurs didn't get that big because they had evolved teeth for chewing.

>> No.4866845



>> No.4866850

lolwut? there were much more oxygen as a percentage compared to today.

>> No.4866854

So because birds don't have teeth for chewing they're 200 feet long and ... oh wait.

>> No.4866855
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All of my what...

Alot of trolls on tonigth OP.

>> No.4866857

>how do we increase Earth's atmospheric oxygen concentration
Seed the ocean wastes with iron niggas.

>> No.4866858
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look, I'm a fucking dinosaur paleontologist. I'm going to set the record straight and then I'm heading back to facebook and you chucklefucks can argue amongst yourselves.

During the Jurassic when dinosaurs reached their greatest size there was ~6x more atmospheric CO2 than present.

elevated CO2 increased plant productivity
increased productivity caused nutrient dilution
nutrient dilution produced larger grazers
larger grazers meant larger predators

all of this is easy to check, just google "oxygen in the atmosphere" and "carbon dioxide in the atmosphere" and read the wikipedia articles.

five minutes on google shows that OP is full of stinking shit.


>> No.4866859
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>> No.4866860

>Alot of trolls on tonigth OP.
I see waht you did there.

>> No.4866864

/co/ pls go

>> No.4866869

>bitching about the source of a reaction-image

Really, Summerfags?

>> No.4866871


Are you implying that oxygen levels during the Carboniferous period were not at ~35%? As compared to our ~21% today?

>> No.4866873


were there dinosaurs during the Carboniferous, monkey?

>> No.4866874

Uh huh


>> No.4866881

are you saying that dinosaurs are insects?

god damn you're retarded.

>> No.4866885

Insects are dinosaurs, right?

>> No.4866889

>During the Jurassic when dinosaurs reached their greatest size there was ~6x more atmospheric CO2 than present.
so you're saying climate change is bullshit?

>> No.4866891
File: 61 KB, 363x480, funny-science-news-experiments-memes-im-just-going-to-tell-one-about-laughing-gas[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science jokes GO!!

I'll start: Heisenberg and Schrodinger were speeding down the highway, when a cop pulled them over. "Do you know how fast you were going?", said the cop. Heisenberg responded, "No, but i know exactly where I am". Suspicious, the cop looks in the trunk and says, "Do you know that there is a dead cat in the trunk?" Schrodinger answered, "Well I do now!"

>> No.4866892
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>ginormous animals and insects
>ginormous animals and insects
>ginormous animals and insects

Goddamn it, I would have posted a picture of a giant dragonfly but I knew people wouldn't understand the scale.

>> No.4866901

what about my post indicates to you that the climate HASN'T changed?

>> No.4866907
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Insects, yes. Dinosaurs, no. Insects don't have lungs. The oxygen concentration of the air directly affects how large they can get.

>> No.4866925

>x6 co2 levels
>somewhat warmer, but mostly just intense vegetation
>no mass ice ages kicking into gear or ultra hurricanes or whatever

>> No.4866929

So? Rather than answer the question you derailed the entire thing to show your superior knowledge of dinosaurs.

Big fucking deal.

>> No.4866935
File: 39 KB, 150x150, face001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm the poster you were arguing with
Anonymous isn't one person.

>> No.4866938

there was no ice on the poles, in fact they were seasonal jungles with climate much like the subtropics of today.

sea levels were 360 feet higher.

the equator to the tropics was an essentially lifeless desert of sand dunes.

Summer highs in much of what's now North America were probably well over 120F. There was so much CO2 that most people would be nauseous and tired until their body could adapt.

it wasn't much like today.
we're heading that way though I suppose.

>> No.4866944

you are an avatarfag, you deserve nothing

>> No.4866953

I heard that the main reason we don't have many giant insects any more is because birds generally fill that niche. Is this plausible?

>> No.4866959
File: 268 KB, 600x514, avatar-bender-korra-fire_fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it again mutha fukka!

>> No.4866965
File: 21 KB, 300x300, face234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're heading that way though I suppose.
We are in a period of ice ages. We are not "heading that way".

>> No.4867232
File: 26 KB, 480x316, Bloom_WT_0203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic shows oxygen and CO2 levels vs time from the Late Precambrian to present day.