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File: 598 KB, 2193x1265, Quantum Immortality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4861755 No.4861755 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts about Quantum Immortality.

>> No.4861761


>> No.4861766


>> No.4861768

You sound like a angry 12 year old who came online to rage about daddies cig burns.

>> No.4861771

lel > lol (correction complete)

>> No.4861775

>implying lel isn't Quantum lol
I shiggity diggity boo hoo no

>> No.4861778


>> No.4861781

Ok, i guess this thing makes sense but how the fuck are we supposed to actually make sure we go to the correct universes?

>> No.4861801

Clearly the God Particle has all the answers

>> No.4861803


Also, there's nothing about infinite universes the _requires_ all possible worlds to manifest. A human being can't last forever. It's not just a long shot, you won't be alive in 200 years (notwithstanding medical/tech advances).

>> No.4861809

I'm so baked OP, reading that quite literally just blew my mind.

>> No.4861812

>Retard detected

Only problem is that it's more likely that you survive but become horribly injured.

>> No.4861815
File: 20 KB, 364x344, 1281021675425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about dying of age? No-one is immortal.

>> No.4861816

So if I jumped from a plane over som flat ground, always reaching terminal velocity before impact there is a alternate universe where I survive this? How?

>> No.4861818



>> No.4861820

Quantum immortality assume killing you and replacing you with a clone is like nothing really happenned.

Well, you are still dead.

>> No.4861826

I've experienced many occassions where I should have died if it weren't for some "extra sense" to alert me to danger. I've often wondered if that sensation of an extra sense is realities diverging on the quantum level, leaving my conscious alive in the one where I'm alive, and bifurcating into a universe where I also just had perished. That sensation is the subjective experience of not dying. If MWI is correct, there would be so many universes available for each consciousness, it would be plausible that we can waste lives and just rely on the universe to indulge our survival.

tl;dr yah, I could sort of believe its true.

>> No.4861827

aging is a disease. all diseases have cures. even if we haven't found them yet.

>> No.4861830


This US Air force pilot survived 49 minutes in columbus cloud at around 47,000 feet. He suffered immediate frostbite, and decompression caused his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth to bleed. His abdomen swelled severely. The rain forced him to hold his breath to keep from drowning. Oh yea he was electrocuted slightly also.

BTW he survived lol.

>> No.4861835

everytime you die of old age, there will be parallel universes where you dont die, so everyone just lives forever as a complete freak of nature in a very small subset of all the different parallel universes

Ofc the theory is almost definitely bullshit though

>> No.4861837

>Edit he survive a fucking thunderstorm at 47,000 without a fucking plane lol. Just himself and a broken parachute

>> No.4861841

You realize the experiment you're about to perform is pretty damn stupid, so you stay on the plane in one universe.

In another infinitude of universes everyone else get to read and laugh about the idiot who decided to test the quantum immortality thesis by jumping out an airplane.

>> No.4861845
File: 42 KB, 464x349, Silly Nigger on Stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-Theory allows everyone to get their own universe. And become God over it.

>> No.4861848

If this hasn't been disproved by the time I'm 90, and if I have enough money, I'll build a quantum machine gun to test this out. None of you guys will know the result though, sorry.

>> No.4861854

watch source code , not only is it the best movie produced by the media in recent years, but is a very good medium for the complexity of quantum physics

>> No.4861873

you dont have to. If quantum immortality is correct, you will find yourself basically never dying. 1000 years from now you will still be alive and everyone else will be like wtf, but supposedly by chance you will avoid every oppertunity for death my a miricle

>> No.4861877

Read Permutation City.

>> No.4861884

seriously? you people believe this bullshit?

you do know schrodinger was trolling, right? RIGHT?

>> No.4861891

Actually, if quantum immortality is true and ensure our virtually infite survival then there need to be a rubber banding effect, that whenever your body dies you are transported back to the last branching point where you survive the event.

So building a quantum machine gun may actually be very much fatal in every case where you build the device, and the version of you that survives is actually the one that decided that while a potentially elegant device it would be pretty stupid to ever construct it as assuming it works you only really prove it to yourself and inflict an infinite amount of misery in other branches to the near and dear who have to scrape away their eccentric grandfather from his quantum machinegun.

>> No.4861909

it's about as scientific as the afterlife itself

>> No.4861912

What if death is just an illusion. Death is just a concept that can't be proven on the consciousness of the person. No one can prove the human consciousness dies with the body.

Back in the day science used to mean something. It meant people who would attempt to figure things out! Today science drools for $ with that new invention we all don't want or need.

>> No.4861921

Science can't prove human minds die with the body. Science only assumes out of ignorance atm. Where's the illuminati scientific revolution when you need it.

*Science needs a reboot*

>> No.4861945

Amen as in Amun Ra as this is the egyptian origin of Amen.

>> No.4861947

The human mind is a part of the body. You don't seriously think that the western concept of separating the mind and the body has any scientific relevance, do you?

>> No.4861953

Separating the mind and body is a eastern concept not a western concept. The only 2 religions produced by the western world is Christianity, Mormonism and Scientology. The western world is a lost world truly.

>> No.4861959

Western Science can't even keep up with the Eastern Science of China atm lol. In 5 years the chinese will have better dicks than the western dicks of the moment.

>> No.4861962

Doesn't this whole thing ignore the part where aging and eventually death is caused by the decay and shortening of the ends of DNA strands in the body's cells?

>> No.4861965

Well this reality can be compared to an organic reality. Where humans are walking organic chemistry labs among themselves. As where other areas in the universe where physics are vastly much older than the young physics of our area provided a new reality without the need of an organic body.

>> No.4861968

>western science
>chinese science
>eastern science
>indian science
>persian science

>confined to regionalism
Pick one.

>> No.4861974

I think I see what you're saying.

>> No.4861981
File: 28 KB, 547x345, SPACE MARINES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Persia is currently being ruled by a bunch of filthy Arab Muslims

>> No.4861983

Indian Science came from the vedic psychology of the mind and traveled from that river area of the indus river to the nile river of egypt. DO note that the Indian Science was injected with Aryan thought from the invaders via Persia. Chinese thought came from Indian thoughts.


You appear to be the latter.

>> No.4861987

What the fuck are you talking about?
The Aryan peoples are the ones who wrote the Vedas. They are those who spoke Sanskrit and migrated from central Asia to the Indian subcontinent a fucklong time ago.

You seem to be some sort of retard.
You should probably go back to /x/.

>> No.4861986

Ancient Persia was so wonderful. Now it's a shit hole filled with religion by the sword bullshit.

>> No.4861998

You really aren't a history major so stop trying to act like one. Because you're sadly mistaken. The Indus indian society were dev the Upanishads. But most people attribute the Upanishads as the ending of the veda. When they are actually the original Indian thought system. The Aryans brought the veda yes and injected it into the Indian thought system.

But do note that the Aryan vedic system came from ancient babylon and was the original astro theology system of its day and age.

Now go back to /mu/ and talk about cutting yourself little emo.

>> No.4862012

Are you high, or just a retard?

>> No.4862019

Astoundingly true.

I give you 8/10 because the common spelling mistake you wrote. Looks like you were distracted though. So It was going to be 7/10 but after I noticed the common interruption in typing I boosted it to a 8/10