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4861535 No.4861535 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else look at large pictures of the cosmos and feel overwhelmed?

>> No.4861539
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Yes. But, it's a good feeling no?

Or do you mean "overwhelmed" in a bad way? If so, then no.

>> No.4861540
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No. I feel depressed because I know that I'll never live in a space civilization that travels between solar systems.

>> No.4861541

I think about large numbers and get overwhelmed.

>> No.4861542

fucking space mang

>> No.4861546

I feel like this

>> No.4861563

I'm overwhelmed at the thought and beauty of its sheer size, but at the end of gazing upon them, I feel modest and humble. its a relief to know that we're insignificant. it baffled me how people can be so deeply vain and have such large measures of themselves.

>> No.4861569
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No, in a good way. I just imagine myself being infinitesimally small floating and staring at this thing more vast than I could possibly comprehend. My brain, which is seeing and processing the image is so insignificant physically to this leviathan thing I'm looking at. Its what I imagine divinity feels like, but the feeling lasts for eternity.

>> No.4861576

Overwhelmed by all the unknowns? Definitely. Overwhelmed by its beauty? Definitely.

>> No.4861578

>its a relief to know that we're insignificant.

And how do you know this? What if Earth has the only life in the entire universe? I'd say we're pretty significant then.

>> No.4861583

what does divinity have to do with it?

Sure, but you meant it in a different sense didn't you..
It depends on your definition of significant. I'm sure what had in mind was more in terms of "volume" than "uniqueness" which is how you meant it.

>> No.4861584

significant to what? our own image maybe but we're not the only life form in the universe. carbon based life isn't thw only possibility for life.

>> No.4861592

sure it is

>> No.4861594

Just what I said. If there is any heavenly experience for the human soul, based on how its described in holy books, I bet the feeling is similar to the feeling I get when I look at those pictures.

>> No.4861613

Ok, I actually had to google divinity.

Anyways, on a personal note.. Doesn't anything to do with religion just totally kill the mood? It does for me.
When I look at those images, not only do I see the light, the stars, I see the vast emptiness, the fact that the region of empty space in between two stars in one of those galaxies (which appear so close together in the image that they probably take up a single pixel) is larger than anything any human has been able to fully comprehend.

It's like a natural high, and then you mention divinity and it's like it all just shatters and I hear
"womp womp womp"

>> No.4861665
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Yes. Even more so when looking at them after playing with Space Engine.

>> No.4861678

When I look at pictures of our galaxy which shows the sky positively filled with stars even in areas that look completely dark to the naked eye, and then pictures taken by Hubble which show space beyond that, similar pictures but filled with countless galaxies this time, it makes me want to giggle, sometimes, the same way I did as a child when I cuddled beneath a comfortable blanket, just from knowing that there's so much stuff.