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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4853287 No.4853287 [Reply] [Original]

>eating oatmeal in garage
>look at cement
>make out image of pony from the blotches and specks
>come in and lay on couch
>look at carpet
>make out image of pony face

What's happening to me, /sci/? Why is my brain seeing this shit from random patterns? I'm asking /sci/ since you guys are best educated.

>> No.4853305


Just part of your brain.

Probably came about from natural selection. The guy who was paranoid about what might have been a wolf head off in the distance didn't get eaten while the guy who thought it was a rock did.

>> No.4853313

you can only find what you look for, the funny and interesting part, is there is so much information generalized, deleted, overlooked, and repressed. Thus, perhaps, it is a unconscious (subconscious) process related to forms or expressions trying to manifest in the 'down time' ; a relaxed setting prompts repressed issues to surface as well.

>> No.4853403


>> No.4853415

Cut back on the ponies, seriously. This exact same thing was happening to me some time ago with a different topic.

>> No.4853428

what was it?
>tfw op is trying to become a pony

>> No.4853443
File: 131 KB, 720x584, psych424552_358421817513740_214511138571476_1085645_363593135_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have vigorous hallucinations and delusions when my mental health is low. When something triggers me to sag into depression or I have bad social anxiety, that's how my mind responds.
What i hallucinate varies depending on what is lurking in my conscious or subconscious.
You need to stay away from MLP and take a nap or something.

>> No.4853448

Well, I don't want to say because anonymous reasons, but it was a certain type of rodent. I was much younger, so that might have had something to do with it.

>> No.4853457



>> No.4854934
File: 129 KB, 1440x900, IheartU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to watch more ponies.

>> No.4854941

This is perfectly normal. Your brain- indeed, any human brain- is a ludicrously powerful pattern-finding machine. This is why we can solve CAPTCHAs, for instance. In fact, we're so good at finding patterns, we can find them even when they're not there!

And one of the things your brain is best able to recognizes is faces. We see faces everywhere. A colon and a parenthesis? Face. :) A rock on mars? Face.

You're probably just applying this to ponies as a well-known symptom of Doing Too Much of One Addictive Thing. People in the 80's had the same problem with seeing Tetris blocks everywhere.

So calm down! Worst-case scenario, if this really bothers you, take a break from ponying. If you can't do that, switch over to reading fanfic for a while. It's just your brain, doing what it's best at. (Besides breathing manually)

>> No.4854950
