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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4852442 No.4852442 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /sci/ things we thought as kids, and why we thought them

>> No.4852454

I used to press on bruises to make them heal better. I thought since medicine tasted nasty, you had to suffer for things to heal.

>> No.4852452

I want to contribute, but I can honoustly not think of a /sci/related thing.

>> No.4852460

Then say something else.

>> No.4852463

I still kinda believe that. It's a reflex. I just keep cutting into wounds to make it hurt and I somehow convince myself it will help it heal.

>> No.4852477
File: 369 KB, 1600x1200, 063weekend reflections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do rocket science with any chemicals i could found, mixing them and playing the centrifuge... until the container exploded right in my eye, from that time i always thought i had super vision power, also it set on fire 1/4 of the house, felt bad man.

>> No.4852473

that's not how we do things here..

>> No.4852536

Back when I was little and still knew nothing about our atmosphere and air humidity, I thought water was able to pass through glass, and therefore it served as a filter, hence why fillled cups got wet in the outside.

>> No.4852552

I used to believe there was no higgs boson.

>> No.4852600

I thought that if I held my hand at arms length from my face that the fact that I could see whatever was behind it to be some sort of proof that I had super vision powers or something. That was followed by two fantastic weeks followed by my disappointment that if I covered one eye and closed the other that I could not, in fact, see through it, hence I was being a moron.

>> No.4852609

When I was a kid, I thought global warming was man made. Oh how retarded I was.

>> No.4852620

>implying you didn't make potions out of old shampoo

>> No.4852635

That you couldn't die on camera. Or that you couldn't die with police men/Ambulances around.

>> No.4852639

I used to make crisscross patterns on my mosquito bites with my thumbnail.
No particular reason why other than it looked cool.

>> No.4852641

>the sky is blue because of the reflection of the oceans

>> No.4852654

further explanation please

>> No.4852658

mind that I was taught the following by my elementary school teacher:
>The reason mountaintops are colder than the surface of the earth, is because sunlight doesn't reach the mountain directly, but reflects on the surface of the earth and therefor has to travel a longer distance to reach the mountain top.

>> No.4852677

What's the real reason?

>> No.4852688


>> No.4852694
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>> No.4852711

I'm not sure if it counts, but for many a year I thought that women gave birth to babies from their cleavages.

>> No.4852742

I thought babies were pooped out.

Also, I thought that the way sex was determined was that the Sperm and Egg fought in the womb and the winner got to grow into a baby.

>> No.4852750

I thought women were attracted to intelligence. ;_;

>> No.4852757

crossing my eyes allowed me to see through objects.

god damn it

>> No.4852761



>> No.4852773

I thought God exists because Big Bang couldn't happen by itself

>> No.4852776

not to sound like a huge pompous liar faggot, but I actually had thoughts that were elementary concepts of determinism. For example, I concluded that everything happens because things happened in a certain way before that. I also concluded that depending on what choice I make, for example walking to school instead of driving, would in some way add a variable to the scheme of events and ultimately change things, either in an insignificant way or a huge way, like the butterfly effect.
I also thought about how small "particles" could be (didn't use that word) when looking at objects...what made up the larger whole

>> No.4852782

Primitive determinism. When I first heard about particles, I thought "if I'm atoms and everything must have a cause, then my brain is just particles randomly banging into each other creating thoughts, this must mean I have in fact no control over myself"

But then I thought "fuck it" and took a shit in the sandbox

>> No.4852797

I'm very ashamed of this. Please don't make fun of me. I actually believed that /sci/ was a board for science and math.

>> No.4852815

I thought that kissing transfered the sperm and egg.

>> No.4852907

I shit you not i used to think bee's shot electricity from their stingers after seeing a picture from a magazine

also i used to think that those little dots that slide across your eyes when you move them were germs now i think they are atoms

>> No.4853451


They are actually dead cells being removed as your eyes adjust to the light.

>> No.4853459

Well yea, even babies learn that actions have consequences. And in 3rd grade you learn about atoms and what not

>> No.4853465

Me too, I thought it had something to do with the saliva and hat was why people kissed when they got married.

>> No.4853470

I thought I could see through things because there was a bar on my bunk bed and if I got close enough I could "see through" it. Obviously it was just the parallax error between my two eyes.

>> No.4853476

That there were hidden cameras everywhere filming everything, and that my parents and other people can see what I am doing and saying at all times

>> No.4853492

>>also i used to think that those little dots that slide across your eyes when you move them were germs now i think they are atoms
>>now i think they are atoms

That makes me a saaaaaad panda.

>> No.4853509

When I asked about how babies were created, my dad carefully explained something like this:

"The man deposites a seed in the woman by inserting the penis in the vagina, then an specialized doctor helps the baby come out, etc ". He put so much care in the explanation that I instantly understood it was serious business.

I thought you had to have sex naked in front of the doctor. Standing. In a laboratory full of experiments and machines. And that it was a really embarassing task for both integrants of the couple.

I was already worrying about how could I convince my future woman to do such an awkward thing in front of a doctor if we wanted to have babies. And if I would be able to be naked in front of them.

Hooray for instincts.

>> No.4853521

Woah, same here. I also was slways looking for things out of the ordinary, like the transformers had a secret configuration, or choclate bars had some secret prize thing thay they would announce later. I was a paranoid kid. I'm suprised I'm not more /x/.

>> No.4853527

I used to believe that girls didn't poop but had a much more corrosive stomach acid that dissolved food to the molecular level, but as a side effect they would bleed from their butts, which hurt so that made them mad. I also used to believe they peed from their butts.

>> No.4853530

i used to think (and i keep thinking) that time machine will never exist,ther will be teleporters to a diferent dimensions wich is excactly as this dimension but the only diference is the time,For ex. We are in a dimension where it is 2012, if we want to go to 1900 we will travel to another dimension where the year us 1900.

>> No.4853536

I use to think that when you excercised the sweat was just the fat of your body melting. lol

>> No.4853541

Nobody explained to me that tobacco smoke is addictive because it contains nicotine, I thought if I breathed in too much smoke from a campfire or something I'd get addicted to cigarettes.

>> No.4853543


Imagine it now

>> No.4853547

Till shown otherwise, I find no reason to not believe girls shit out of there vagina's.

>> No.4853549

For a brief period of time I had the belief that rust was good for you. A trip to the doctor's office later solved that.

>> No.4853553


Not exactly the same, but I was convinced people smoke cigarettes literally just so that they could look cool. I had no idea that it affected your mood or anything. I was so confused about why people smoked them.

Also I feel like tons of kids wore shorts that had that quote "pain is weakness leaving the body" and I always wondered if that were true.

I also didn't understand why if you were on top of a box or something and you were falling from a great height you couldn't just push off from the box at the last second and land safely because it'd be like jumping up from the bottom. I now feel so stupid for thinking this.

>> No.4853561
File: 246 KB, 983x1001, 1338337479667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think that Jehovah God sent his only begotten son to die for my sins because somebody told me that. And that all my worldly friends would die painful deaths in Armagedon when God destroyed everyone who didn't belong to The One True Religion, or The Truth as we called it.

eventually I figured out that none of that was true, my family just sucks balls.

>> No.4853618 [DELETED] 

I could succeed

>> No.4853621
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Commercials for medicines always showed the medicine transform into a humanoid inside your body that just beat up all the bad things in your body.
>mfw I was smart enough to question how that could even be possible
>mfw I was stupid enough to keep believing it regardless

>> No.4853648

I used to think that when shit melted or froze stuff, the temperature destroyed or created the atoms which would let it shift between the different states of matter.

>> No.4853653



>> No.4854405

When I was a kid, I would paint turtles and beetles with white-out, writing my name on their backs. I believed that one day, decades from then, all these animals would breed and their babies would have my name on them.

I even put the insects through fitness tests by jamming a pin through their chests. If they survived, they were worthy of my name. I wish I could say this is a joke, but it's honestly what I did...all the time...and honestly what I believed.

>> No.4854423


...damn, man

captcha: special omportA

>> No.4854750

Man you were messed up.

>> No.4854758


For future refrence, the post was:
I could succeed

(No quotes)

>> No.4854766

this is the shit that breeds phsychopaths.

>> No.4854782

>wonder if inanimate objects have feelings
>think about temporal paradoxes
>wonder if decisions causes our timeline to divide and create drastically different parallel universes no matter how small our decision was
>wonder if every particle in a solid object repels other objects so slightly they never touch but come infinitely close to touching

>> No.4854798

I assumed that vitamin c and calcium were the same thing

>> No.4854817

When I was really young, I essentially thought in Troll Science. Of course, this was the earliest years of the 2000s, and "trolling" had only just been invented. I attempted to design perpetual motion machines, and had a brilliant design for a "light grenade" made by taking a bunch of one-way mirrors and trapping light inside them. And then... it would turn solid or something?

I was also pretty sure that every fictional work I read or watched was a parallel universe out there somewhere, and if I just imagined hard enough that there was a parallel universe duplicate of myself with universe-travelling technology that was going to come and get me he'd show up. Never worked, obv. I just assumed the timeline forked when he showed up and I was just getting unlucky and always ending up on the wrong side of the fork.

Also I thought that smoke was what made rockets go, and I could build a spaceship by putting a really smoky wooden campfire out back.

>> No.4854824

Oh, and I thought that since matter was mostly empty space (Thank you, Bill Nye), I could pass through solid objects by pushing against them and wiggling a little bit. Also never worked.

>> No.4854840

You made this thread?


>> No.4854846

When I was a really young kid I presumes a boner ment I had to urinate. I reasoned that some form of pressure must cause my dick to inflate, and the only thing I could think of was urine.

>> No.4854850


Me too!

Pretty embarrassing actually. I swear to god my 4th grade teacher (who was female) taught us that babies come out from women's asses, and that guys have to fuck their asses to impregnate them. The notion of a vagina was a mystery to me.

My dad wanted to tell me the bird's and the bee's and all. But I just told him not to because I understood all of it thanks to my wonderful 4th grade education.

It was only years later when my mom reacted poorly to an off hand remark about fucking asses did I realize something was wrong with my understanding.

>> No.4854856


I know that feel.

I remember when I was young I got a present for christmas. It was a watch. The only time I had thought about that watch, or saw that watch was when I saw it with my mom and said I liked it. I immediately forgot about it.

Rather than questioning the notion of santa I began analyzing the complicated intelligence networks required for Santa to know what to get me.

I was thoroughly impressed.

>> No.4854872


I honestly have no idea what dots he is talking about. But your rods/cones detecting light are a atomic effect. I have a friend (who is a scientist) describe to me that in a dark room your eyes can observe some kind of quantum randomness affecting the mechanism of sight.


Yeah I know. When I was a kid I didnt understand addiction. I just thought they tasted really good or something.

>> No.4854911

same about the light bomb. Infact I found a simulator on the internet and tried to build a box of mirrors with a lightbulb inside it. This crashed my browser which I took as success.

>> No.4854912

He is talking abt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater

>> No.4854924

I grew up in a religious fucktard house hold and got pissed, and I mean pissed in like 2nd grade when the teacher wouldn't listen to me about the earth being 6000 years old

>> No.4854942

testing something

<span class="math">\sqrt{a^2 + b^2} \over 2[/spoiler]

>> No.4854958
File: 7 KB, 222x227, 4564465456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that first LaTeX test
feels good right?

>> No.4854959

kinda works for bone tissue though

>> No.4854998

>I honestly have no idea what dots he is talking about. But your rods/cones detecting light are a atomic effect. I have a friend (who is a scientist) describe to me that in a dark room your eyes can observe some kind of quantum randomness affecting the mechanism of sight.

That wasn't what your friend was talking about. Stuff floating in your vision isn't the same thing as what happens with vision in the dark: Graininess. This happens because you don't get enough photons to form a meaningful image. If you could capture an image over a longer period of time such as can be done with cameras, those disjoint photons would start to make sense.

But the image would get blurry because the world does not stand still.

>> No.4854999

I used to think that the reason why muscled people are usually short is because they lift a lot, and the weigth of the dumbbell doesn´t let their body grow.

That´s why I was so scared of lifting things, I though that I would be short forever if I didn´t grow properly in my childhood.

>> No.4855051

Damn right it does.

>> No.4856189

Any more tales?

>> No.4856214

What was before the universe and before that and before that, I imagined the windows blue screen where there was nothing and then I got frustrated because I felt that I wasn't real at all.

>> No.4856403

I thought that when I stared at at light source for too long and had the image burned into my eyes shortly, if I followed it, it would lead to to treasure. I remember telling my friends in primary who believed it too. I had them all following me at lunch time staring into the sun and waiting for me to lead the way to riches.

>> No.4856506

I used to think of the possibility that there was an infintesimal gap of space between all things, that nothing would ever really touch. I dismissed it as having probably no relevance to the real world. After all, if I can't tell the difference, what does it matter?

>> No.4856943

I thought that fiction was real (in another universe), and the author was observing it happening as he or she 'thought of' or 'wrote' it.

>> No.4858274

I was afraid of the dark.

...still am.

>> No.4859998 [DELETED] 

>I has a question...

If the Area at Step 0, is:
<span class="math"> s^{2} [/spoiler]
At Step 1 it is:
<span class="math"> s^2 - \frac{1}{9}s^2 [/spoiler]
At Step 2 it is:
<span class="math"> s^2 - \frac{1}{9}s^2 -8 (\frac {1}{9}) \frac{1}{9}s^2 [/spoiler]
At Step 3: it is:
<span class="math"> s^2 - \frac{1}{9}s^2 -8 (\frac {1}{9}) \frac{1}{9}s^2 - 8(\frac{1}{9})\frac{1}{9}\frac{1}{9}s^2 [/spoiler]
the End area is:
<span class="math">\frac{8}{9*9^2*9^3*9^4...}s^2[/spoiler]
So we have:
<span class="math">\frac{1}{\infty}s^2[/spoiler]
>But I thought infinitely small numbers do not exist. Someone brought it up in a 9.999...=1 troll thread.
So do they, or do they not?

>> No.4860005 [DELETED] 

>I has a question...

If the Area at Step 0, is:
<span class="math"> s^{2} [/spoiler]
At Step 1 it is:
<span class="math"> s^2 - \frac{1}{9}s^2 [/spoiler]
At Step 2 it is:
<span class="math"> s^2 - \frac{1}{9}s^2 -8 (\frac {1}{9}) \frac{1}{9}s^2 [/spoiler]
At Step 3: it is:
<span class="math"> s^2 - \frac{1}{9}s^2 -8 (\frac {1}{9}) \frac{1}{9}s^2 - 8(\frac{1}{9})\frac{1}{9}\frac{1}{9}s^2 [/spoiler]
the End area is:
<span class="math">\frac{8}{9^{1+2+3+4...}s^2[/spoiler]
So we have:
<span class="math">\frac{1}{\infty}s^2[/spoiler]
>But I thought infinitely small numbers do not exist. Someone brought it up in a 9.999...=1 troll thread.
So do they, or do they not?

>> No.4860327

>all these sexual misconceptions
