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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 257 KB, 1838x961, sciguide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4850550 No.4850550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Read the pic, faggot.

>> No.4850565
File: 91 KB, 449x401, LaughingWhores.jpg[1]..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4850964


>> No.4850989

Sometimes I wonder what the fuck the mods are doing. I got banned once for posting this (albeit in spam form), heads up. The ban reason: "posting inane crap, we care greatly about the quality of our boards" or something along that line. Ironic, isn't it.

>> No.4851003

Do not upset the mod overlords, for they are infinitely wiser than us and are the supreme arbiters in all things inane.

>> No.4851008


That's the only word he knows. Also, he frequently posts in these threads and bans anyone who opposes him.

It's pretty funny.

>> No.4851007

what is reduction ad fornicatum?

>> No.4851012
File: 7 KB, 201x182, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moot will never lurk this board and chat with us

He does that on /r9k/ occasionally.

>> No.4851017

Honestly, moot is pretty much a normalfag and a sellout. I think he grew out of his teen years, and he never had a interest in math or science. We really should make a /sci/chan. Unfortunately, I'm busy studying math shit..

>> No.4851765

/sci/chan already exists, it's just dead.

>> No.4851780

A /sci/chan? With boards for every sub-field? Perhaps with a board for philosophical science as well? Ah, that would be nice.

>> No.4851783

OP, you will never this sticky.

>> No.4851793

inane and irrelevant trolling garbage

>> No.4851802
File: 1.84 MB, 482x344, surprised eagle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw when there is no more putnam problem and hasn't been for a while

>> No.4851814

yeah what happened to that?

>> No.4851818

No one gives a fuck. There's like 3 people at most who are interested in solving it. You can still post and discuss the problem, but there's no need for a sticky.

>> No.4851828

"X is better because it/they get(s) you more pussy"

>> No.4851834

This reasoning is not true. There are definitely more people interested in the putnam, then that post in that thread. Unlike god vs religion, EK threads, and hw threads, one needs to think before posting. That limits the number of posts, and, as a consequence, the visibility of the thread. So a putnam thread can be more popular than a god vs religion thread, yet the former will get buried due to low post rate of interested people, and the latter will get bumped a lot by retards being retards.

>> No.4851835

Doesn't that make it objectively better? (unless your gay of course, but then you won't reproduce anyway)

>> No.4851838

You are delusional. The majority of /sci/ is undergrads or highschoolers who neither can nor want to solve a putnam problem. There is no reason to sticky a thread that is relevant to only a small minority. And it's not like posting putnam gets you banned or something. You can make the thread and you can bump it everyday, if you like. Given that threads take about 30 hours to 404 on /sci/, stickying it would be redundant and more annoying to those who have to scroll it away.

>> No.4851845

I don't see why you would think that is a fallacy. Femanon here, btw.

>> No.4851850

Putnam is for undergrads. Although as a postgrad I still enjoy them.
And high schoolers should not be here to beging with.
If people have to search 15 pages to find a putnam, it's not going to work. Part of the fun is shooting (down other people's) ideas.
Besides, which is more important, the minority that wants to discuss math, or the majority that responds to troll threads?
Putnam increases the average quality of posters. The quality of posts increased the moment that putnam got stickied, and decreased when unstickied.

>> No.4851858

Bullshit. Putnam does not increase the quality of posts. If you want to make up a fallacious correlation, then do it correctly. Since putnam has first been stickied in february, the quality of posts on /sci/ has rapidly decreased, lol. /sci/ is not your aspie paradise where everyone shares your views. Contrary to your deluded opinion highschoolers have the right to post here, as long as they are over the age of 18 and their threads are related to science or math. You're also a fucking retard if you dismiss all non-putnam threads as troll threads. We have a lot of science and math threads. It's your problem if you're too buttthurt to appreciate them.

>> No.4851861

Well, if you have to scroll it away because you don't want (or can't) solve it, fuck you. This is a science and math board.

>> No.4851865

Hi hidden mod. Do you think the creation of a /phi/ board will increase /sci/ and /lit/'s quality overall?

>> No.4851868

I fully support the creation of a /phi/ board. What the fuck is a "hidden mod"?

>> No.4851872

Fuck off, cancer. Aspies like you who can't imagine others having different interests or different levels of education are killing this board.

>> No.4851873

>implying you aren't a mod posting anonymously

>> No.4851877

I wish. If I was, I would of deleted this thread, as it is nothing but inane spam.

>> No.4851878

>Oh my God, someone wants a Science and Math board to talk about science and math! What an aspie!

>> No.4851881

It was shit before februari, it was shit in februari, it was shit after februari. But I don't come here for the shit. There are pearls buried in the shit sometimes. And with a stickied putnam, there was always at least one nice thread at the top of the first page.
Also, I'm not saying all non-putnam threads are shit. Lrn2not strawman.
Only high schoolers in their last year may potentially be eligable to post, as they are over 18. Putnam requires no mathematical knowledge, only mathematical talent (that's the idea), hence a senior high schooler should be able to solve them to (although it'll be more tricky).

>> No.4851882

If you believe putnam threads are the only valid form of science and math, then you are retarded in more than one way. You are arrogantly dismissing all the other much more interesting and more important science and math discussions we have on /sci/. You can fuck right off.

>> No.4851884

>strawman everywhere

>> No.4851886

>makes utterly retarded post
>gets called out
>"hurrrrrrrrrrr strawman"

Fuck off, cancer.

>> No.4851888

We aren't the same person, idiot.

>> No.4851892

>Doing it again.
How many threads on the front page are about science, and how many about math?
If there were a putnam sticky, there'd be at least one thread on the first page about math.
We have been clear about this opinion, and NEVER stated that other threads are automatically not about math or science. Yet this is what you portray that we think. That's a strawman.

>> No.4851893

strawman fallacy, that is

>> No.4851894

Holy shit you're retarded. You're not even arguing anymore. I wish there was a way to remotely eviscerate people over the internet because that's what I'd do to you should you stand before me. Dumbass. I hope you die of testicular cancer at 30.

>> No.4851895

Btw I'm a girl :)

>> No.4851899

So you're a wannabe "troll"? That's even worse cancer. Kill yourself.

>> No.4851905

How did you even come to that conclusion?

>> No.4851921

Hi /sci/

Everyone has autism but me.

Just thought I would clear that up so you guys could stop arguing over who has it and who doesn't.

>> No.4851925

I'd like the Putnam problem back, that'd be nice.

>> No.4851942
File: 22 KB, 251x226, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has bookmarked links on how to live with autism

>> No.4851949
File: 10 KB, 194x152, dol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time you neckbeards are wasting on calling each other autistic you could have spended like for example getting a girlfriend. Just sayin.

>> No.4851954

Dude, I could post a lot of threads with math problems for PhD fags only. That wouldn't increase the board's quality.

>> No.4851953

> No one gives a fuck

No, fuck you. Plenty of people give a fuck. The evidence is the fact that I see many people complaining that it's gone.

>> No.4851956

there is. I always solved/tried to solve them.

>> No.4851959

That's one autistic samefag. Most likely the same guy who reports every harmless fun thread. He should fuck off to stackexchange, if all he wants is "hard" math problems. /sci/ is not his personal autism board, /sci/ is for everyone who is interested in science and math, irregardless of his education level.

>> No.4851964

Then go on solving them. Whether they are stickied or not is irrelevant.

>> No.4851966

It isn't. (I'm a different person than the one you're talking to) It should come back.

I also totally agree with everything in the pic and it IS true that mods don't do shit during european daytime.

>> No.4851971

Being a faggot and mindlessly complaining is easy. How about you get a tripcode and show us what a good science thread looks like?

>> No.4851972

>How about you get a tripcode
I don't get that part.

>> No.4851973
File: 142 KB, 387x417, stopliking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's pic is nothing but a huge collection of pic related.

>> No.4851975

I'm calling you out on that shit though I agree with your statement.

>> No.4851979

I want to see what faggots like you post. I always see you complaining, now it's time to show that you're not a hypocritical asshole who comes here for shitposting only. If you think you know what a science post looks like, then show it to me.

>> No.4851981

This is the stupidest post I've ever seen.

>> No.4851982
File: 8 KB, 363x360, irregardless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting confused by "irregardless"
every fucking time

>> No.4851983

Your butthurt doesn't change the truth.

>> No.4851984

>"quit complaining and actually contribute!"

>angrily demands things, does not contribute

Hey guys remember how I said you all have autism? It's still true.

>> No.4851985

You don't want to contribute? Thanks for confirming my suspicion. Those complainfags are not serious posters, they just want to further shit up the board.

>> No.4851986

> fun threads

You mean shit posts? Do you really want those to stay?

I understand actual science content, but I'm sick of the "PEAK OIL", "JACOB BARNETT", "How can you believe ____ when it's just a guass".

Fuck, there is so much shitposting in this board. If you enjoy shit, that's your deal but take it to reddit or something.

>> No.4851987

I always post about science, you dumb idiot. If you're scared of people posting anonymously, go back to Reddit.

>> No.4851990

You don't like the /sci/ culture? Then don't come here. It's easy like that. You might want to go to a more serious forum instead. No one forces you to stay here.

>> No.4851996


Fuck off, christfag. Your sky fairy doesn't real.

>> No.4851993

ITT everyone just wants /sci/ to be better but everyone has their own definition of "better"

>> No.4851994

This isn't /sci/ culture, moron. When /sci/ was created it was nothing like that. Goddamn it I hate people like you. You make me want to puke.

>> No.4851995

I want to see one good post coming from your person. I bet you haven't even finished highschool.

>> No.4851997

OP you suck. You didn't even condemn that neverending ">hard science" bullshit.

>> No.4851998

You must be new here. Other than you I was here right from the beginning.

>> No.4851999

Stop projecting, you goddamn idiot. I am probably proficient in more fields that you will ever get to study in your whole life.

>> No.4852001

Then you shouldn't have a problem with sharing your knowledge. Come on, highschooler. You're not gonna fool anyone.

>> No.4852003

What do you mean by "sharing your knowledge"? Do you have any idea how stupid this is? Ask me questions and I'll try to provide answers based on what I know, but if you want a chemistry course go to fucking khan academy.

>> No.4852005

You think khan academy counts as higher education? Way to shoot yourself in the foot. How old are you? 14?

>> No.4852007

I don't know who you think you are talking to or who I am but lemme clear some stuff up.

I actually go on /diy/ most of the time but I'm just enjoying the rage and butthurt that is this thread.

I'll adopt a very temporary trip so you can identify me. I made this post up here: >>4851921

>> No.4852008

I don't know khan academy, I've never been there. Anyway, there are many resources for you to find if you want a course in a specific field. Ask away.

>> No.4852006
File: 35 KB, 487x375, shitpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the pic, faggot.

>> No.4852010
File: 161 KB, 960x720, AW SHIT NIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Khan Academy

>> No.4852011

Let's count what you have posted so far:

irrelevant garbage posts: 2
science posts: 0

>> No.4852013

You are complaining about the threads posted on /sci/. Show me how you would make a better one.