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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4848956 No.4848956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I made an A in the hardest math course in my degree program!!!

I had to share, because I literally shrieked and woke up my roommates when I saw the posted grades. Here's why.

I was a vocal performance major for a year before I switched to mechanical engineering. This semester, I took calculus 2, which is commonly regarded as one of the big nasty weedout courses because of how they overwhelm you with so many new concepts in one semester. It's one of the most difficult math courses for undergraduates, and probably the hardest math on my degree audit. My math background in high school was horrible, and that's putting it mildly, and there were a ton of key concepts the professor assumed we had all learned that I hadn't. Taking the first calculus course with a TA in the summer didn't exactly help me, either. Day two in my calculus 2 class, the professor actually asked me if I had even taken the prereqs. (I had. -_-) I thought I was doomed in this course from the start, and several times considered switching back to voice. I studied for an hour a day, at LEAST, with much longer sessions on weekends. I had anxiety attacks the night before some of the exams. I slowly made progress, but every time he introduced a new unit, I felt so completely overwhelmed I would go home and cry over my notebook.
Final exam was last Friday. Grades were posted; I set the curve on the final exam and came out with a 97% in the class. I am going to be a lady engineer!!! :D

>> No.4848961
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it hardly needs saying

>> No.4848962


So you sucked off the professor how many times?

>> No.4848964

If you ever design a spacesuit, make the lights point out instead of up and in.

Also, good job. 97 seems almost implausible to be honest - what uni?

>> No.4848968

Well done OP. Good to see females doing well at math (and enjoy pissing off the aspie neckbeard virgins who resent this)

>> No.4848967

I doubt you're a lady. Female perhaps, but not a lady.

>> No.4848973 [DELETED] 

Drop voice and math. Acquire language.

>> No.4848972

>butt hurt autists who would never dare look at a girl irl

>> No.4848975
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>> No.4848983

Drop voice and math. Acquire language.

>> No.4848985

>calculus 2
>one of the most difficult math courses for undergraduates

What the fuck am I reading? Is amerifat education really that bad? Calc 2 is fucking highschool stuff and nearly everyone gets an A without effort, except for genuine retards maybe.

>> No.4848987 [DELETED] 
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>hardest course
>calc II

CS is never /sci/ related, gtfo!

>> No.4848997

Hard to say without knowing the school and the course numbering, but at my uni the first two calc courses and the first linear algebra course were definitely the classes they used to weed out the math majors - class averages less than 60%, etc.

>> No.4848999

Bitch, whut? You actually outdid men and gotten 97%?

Not sure if honest, TBH, but if so - goos job.

>> No.4849016

so much samefagging in this thread

also good job for not responding to this obvious troll.

>> No.4849040

Good job OP. Although I personally didn't find calc 2 that difficult, most people I've spoken to regard all of the calc classes with a certain degree of apprehension.

/sci/fags here are generally pretentious assholes who regard themselves as the paragons of science and mathematics (even though most of them probably struggled with pre-calc) so just ignore the bluster.

>> No.4849104


>> No.4849150
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OP, your story inspires me. I'm currently about to enter my 4th year of Archaeology (no, I will not examine your large bone) and have been contemplating swtiching to physics. Basically same math background as you too.

>> No.4849342


You scored highly on a first year module where most of the class goof off and do nothing, suprise suprise, by studying.

Stop the presses. The key to success is to study.

Thanks OP.

>> No.4849393

>tfw 98 in calc 2 without studying
>babby maths

>inb4 butthurt studyfags try to call bullshit

>> No.4849411

So? About a quarter of my calc 2 class got either perfect marks or just one question wrong on the final exam. It's probably the easiest class in first year engineering.