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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iqcb354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4848314 No.4848314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your IQ /sci/?


Post scores.

>> No.4848321

einstein's iq was actually negative five

everyone knows this

>> No.4848328
File: 31 KB, 400x345, 1288820727565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4848415


>> No.4848423

I'm crazy

>> No.4848428

Einstein probably didn't like IQ.

>> No.4848438

wft op your picture is wrong. 85-100 is not average. average has 100 in the middle.

>> No.4848450

I'm simply not patient enough to do 35 spatial questions.

>> No.4848457

i got 72,dont understand this shit

>> No.4848475

i dont get it either, some of the questions are obvious but how the fuck are you suppose to see a pattern with some of the more retarded ones?

>> No.4848479

probably around 130

I really don't care

>> No.4848483


Actually just clicked randomly to the end of the test to see if they were just going to ask for my credit card details before giving the result.

>> No.4848488

Didnt really concentrate till the middle...

>> No.4848495


The test sucks.

>> No.4848499


So, you have the line, then the cross, but after that is it the H or the square?

>> No.4848505

line, cross, H, square, ... == 1, 2, 3, 4, ...

Count the number of lines.

>> No.4848515

So with that knowledge I'm above average?

>> No.4848529

>35 questions

>> No.4848531

random clicks

IQ 40
99.39% of the people taking the test.

>> No.4848538

If 99.39% of the people had the same score than, you your IQ would have been 100.

>> No.4848574
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>> No.4848584
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>probably around 130

How do you know that?

I've never tested, nor do I ever intend to. I don't see the point really. It won't get me any special privileges, nor do I get anything of monetary value.

Why would anyone actually go out and do a formal IQ test? It seems a bit snotty to me.

>> No.4848614
File: 232 KB, 1797x905, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat you guys by 1. How does this make you feel?

But seriously, the test is stupid as hell. I wasn't concentrating on the patterns. I was just looking at the results and deciding which one would be the most logical. I guess I was going by patterns, but not by the question, rather by which answer best 'fit' compared to the rest. Kind of like in multiple choice how you elimiate that stupid answer that obviously isn't right. Something like that.

I didn't even look at the question half the time; only did I look at it when I couldn't come up with a logical answer from what they gave me. It helped most of the questions had 9 possible choices.

In summary, the test is flawed.

>> No.4848615

IQ numbers are for the weak.

>> No.4848617

>142 (3.99%)
>You answered 18 correctly
Nigga wut?
I probably answered about 18 out of 35 in total, for the rest the time ran out and I didn't want to chance since you get minus points.
Anyways, i think there's either multiple correct answers or the score is graded by how many of the "connections" you discovered judging by your answer. Because I sure as shit wasn't sure about all of my answers, and i even think there were duplicates were i answered different. And in one of the easy questions there were two identical answers of which i picked one

>> No.4848622

I got 108 in the real mensa test ( The one where you meet up)
I got 135 on this.
I got 129 on the mensa test on the web.

These suck.

>> No.4848624

That sounds harder than just looking at the question and seeing a pattern.

>> No.4848650

132 on IQOut
128 on MENSA

>> No.4848656
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 15-woll-smoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think that Einstein tested his IQ

>> No.4848666

Seeing as I've never taking this kind of thing before, I had no idea what was going on until about halfway in.

It was all fucking pattern recognition. In the beginning, I was just putting random ass answers down because I thought there would be a different type of question asked.

Still got myself 124. Meh.

>> No.4848684

Estimation, nignog.

>> No.4848695

The result of the test

By the answers you submitted your score would be so low that it is outside the area that this test can reliably measure. Therefore we do not announce your result accurately but only state that compared to the result 50 it would be somewhere below

>> No.4848726


135, though I find it completely arbitrary in any form. There was a test I did years ago to determine a suitable career. It was based on multiple different reasonings with multiple different types of questions.

I got 98% For abstract reasoning, seeing something from nothing, basically these types of tests and 96% for mechanical, those questions were along the lines of having a bunch of gears and it asks which way does gear x turn?

Everything else was lower, mostly slightly above average. I find these tests better, whatever they are.

Besides EI is more important in the real world.

>> No.4848729

HOW could you estimate it?? How could you estimate Newton'sn or Britney Spears?? It's the most ridiculous thing i've heard in a while, for all we know britney could be solving logic puzzles in her spare time on a regular basis.

>> No.4848736


why is it that butthurt retards can't see that the simple availability of the 'easier ones' may be present in 'the more retarded ones' for people of higher intelligence

>> No.4848737
File: 127 KB, 1280x800, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unline half the fags in here, the smart choice wouldve been to take an ss

but im still retarded...

>> No.4848741
File: 56 KB, 806x497, Results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4848748

fun fact, the test op provides supplies you with a different IQ number, generally lower than your traditional test score.

>> No.4848757

Britney hasn't written scholarly papers. All we know from Britney is how the media portrays her. With Einstein, we have first hand accounts from his work.

>> No.4848761

Really? Source?

>> No.4848765

>implying Britney Spears is not the leading authority on condensed matter physics

>> No.4848770


the test is the cattell iq test, a culture friendly version.

scores are generally lower than your traditional logic tests

>> No.4848810

>high five

I scored 122
We are almost the same, brethren.

Also, IQ tests are pretty stupid.

>> No.4848860


i always get betwen 100-113 in IQ test from internet i guess im actually arround that

>> No.4849075


>> No.4849106

"By the answers you submitted your score would be so low that it is outside the area that this test can reliably measure. Therefore we do not announce your result accurately but only state that compared to the result 50 it would be somewhere below"

You jelly?

>> No.4849107


you can see at the bottom of some of the screencaps of other users that in order to qualify as a genius, you need an iq of 171+. thats generally 140 on the standard tests.

>> No.4849109

My arbitrary segregating number is 127, which means I'm intelligent (!!!!!!)

>> No.4849112


>> No.4849129


feels average

>> No.4849141

Maybe a little.

>> No.4849144

And yet, it's not.

Your comment just pushed you down to a 124 btw.

>> No.4849147


you are lucky
>You answered 0 questions correctly.

Can you have a minimum IQ because you are able to use the computer?

>> No.4849157


no real problem solving in using a computer. so ill assume thats a no.

especially considering using a computer is the norm, and no indicator of advanced intelligence.

>> No.4849182


BTW: this test uses the Catell scale, SD is something like 25 so a 120 score on this test is pretty average.

>> No.4849187

132, though in all honesty i don't really feel like this test proves jack shit, I certainly didn't feel like I knew what I was doing.

>> No.4849218

>tfw this test doesn't indicate anything more than spatial reasoning.

>believing an online test can accurately determine IQ

>> No.4849266

WTF is this test supposed to determine. I got a 68. I also am 2 semesters from a Masters in groundwater hydrology which requires shitloads of math and engineering courses as well as physics and geology of course. I don't think this test tests anything at all.

>> No.4849309


>> No.4849340

That was brutal. 115

>> No.4849460

Protip, this test is stupid as fuck.

>> No.4849596
File: 14 KB, 329x150, Screen Shot 2012-07-07 at 3.17.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got lucky. The test does have flaws though. A few of the answers appeared twice for some questions.

>> No.4849598
File: 13 KB, 546x194, Screen Shot 2012-07-07 at 3.20.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.4849615

Look closer; every answer is distinct.

>> No.4849627

I'm talking about answer C and G.
There's an outline on answer G because my pointer was over it (the pointer doesn't appear in the screen shot)

>> No.4849645

Einstein's IQ would be pretty irrelevant because the test is readjusted regularly to maintain a mean of 100.

>> No.4849689

124, though I'm going to go ahead and toss out that this test is unreliable since people who are taking an internet IQ test are not an accurate sample of the general populace.

>> No.4849693
File: 29 KB, 661x487, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On most of the questions my time ran out, and I think multiple attempts at this test would improve one's score as it gradually became more obvious the ways that a shape is allowed to spin, translate, and evolve. Plus, like an anon pointed out above, sometimes test taking skills are handy because it allows the elimination of certain obvious wrong answers and considerably more educated guessing.

tldr: IQ tests are bullshit.

>> No.4849699

I saw not aware of this pointer box phenomenon.

>> No.4849750
File: 108 KB, 443x562, atheists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Folks here seem a bit dubious about spatial reasoning and mention the importance of emotional intelligence... so is it even possible to design a intelligence test that actually measures intellect as a single variable on a bell curve?

>> No.4849775

Dear god, I don't have the attention span for this shit

>> No.4849777

IQ doesn't mean jack shit in the real world.

>> No.4849781

Good for you. Gladly /sci/ isn't the real world and here IQ means alot.