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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 620x465, higgs-boson-cern1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4846439 No.4846439 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4846446
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gay and unlikely

>> No.4846461

>Fermilab director Pier Oddone said money was a “big, big issue” threatening progress in the United States and he hoped the Higgs discovery would spur greater funding from U.S. agencies and Congress.

depressing murica

>> No.4846487

Predictably, the eggheads want to investigate the velocity... of government money into their pockets. EPIC FAIL.

>> No.4846492


fuck off from /sci/

>> No.4846498

>Travel at speed of light
>Come back, Earth has aged 1000 years
>Apes everywhere
>Rustle everyone's jimmies

>> No.4846507
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>in order to travel at the speed of light you need to harness the power of a black hole

>> No.4846509

bro, we cant be shelling out that kind of cash we gotta pay for low lives to be on welfare.

>> No.4846520


I love you. Five star post mah nigga.

>> No.4846524

>world is starving and war-torn
>hurr lets spend billions of dollars to see if sci-fi books are real

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.4846534

Go away liberal. No one cares if Ta-Quin'lia.shidaStada and her eighteen children are starving. We shouldn't even be giving a damn about them anyways.

>> No.4846542

>We should study science for the well being of all humanity !
>doesn't care about humanity

>> No.4846546

I don't like this one bit.
God did not intend for us to do this.

>> No.4846547


>implying most of scientists aren't liberals

>> No.4846570

If people do not care about humanity, then humanity should not care about them.

If someone is more interested in crime and rape than space exploration, then the people who would benefit from space exploration should not give a damn about. If the people on welfare were White, you would not be whining.

>> No.4846574

when /sci/fags posted questions about being able to travel at relativistic speeds yesterday or 2 days ago, they were told to fuck off. But now... I find this impressive.

>> No.4846596

But anon, most of the people on welfare are white.

>> No.4846606
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>mfw my brain could not comprehend the simplified version of the higgs boson wikipedia article

>> No.4846617

why are people saying we should not fund the higgs research because it will produce more sophisticated weapons for the military? where are they getting this?

>> No.4846614

>people not caring about humanity
Except that people are humanity.
You think criminality is something new? It has always existed, and it has always been perpetrated by miserable people. The point of science and technology is to make people not miserable so that they stop being criminals.

>If someone is more interested in crime and rape than space exploration, then the people who would benefit from space exploration should not give a damn about.
But what if space exploration could be profitable to that exact person who prefers crime to being an astronaut?

>> No.4846629

they're talking about the boson gun

>> No.4846635

if one of these scientists told me that it will produce FTL id tell him to fuck off to. some scientists arnt that in touch with reality and then get quoted when they say stuff with absolutely no proof. there is no knows mechanism that the higgs field can be used for FTL travel, why would seeing the particle suddenly change that? the higgs mechanism is part of QFT, and it can be shown that QFT does not allow FTL.

>> No.4846654


The world will always have starving people and war.

Why spend money and time on something that's never going to go away? At least this has potential to do something good.

>> No.4846655

>here is no knows mechanism that the higgs field can be used for FTL travel
well if we can get rid of inertia, FTL is pretty easy

>> No.4846664

You can go FTL if you carry no information, actualy.

>> No.4846682

yes, we already have the technology for that, but its realy retarded calling it FTL then.

>> No.4846703

saying "turn of inertia" isn't quite the same as knowing how to do it.
if we can turn of the electromagnetic field, particles would be changeless and things like fusion would be a breeze. where is that technology? we knew about that field for hundreds of years, so why cant we just "turn of" the electromagnetic field? we dont even have a theory of how to do it.

if wee cant even do that, how the hell do they think we are going to turn of mass?

>> No.4846705

People who want to use technology to solve those problems cannot do it because they lack money or whatever, and people who have what people who want to solve those problems lack do not want to solve those problems.

>> No.4846737


>> No.4846742

>bro, we cant be shelling out that kind of cash we gotta pay for more bombs to drop on towelheads
corrected this for you

>> No.4846799
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ha, good one

>> No.4846828

It pains me to see these sort of posts because I myself came from poverty. Just because you're poor doesn't mean you're retarded. In fact, most of the idiocy I see comes from spoiled rich people driving pink mustangs and texting 24/7.

>> No.4846833


>> No.4846851


Emphasis on spoiled, because rich people generally tend to be rather intelligent/smart. They might not be into physics or math but they are better at what they do than others are. This being said, their daughters, sons and wives are the scum that should be wiped off Earth.

>> No.4846856

>rich people generally tend to be rather intelligent/smart.
Well, the people who got their anyways. People rich from nepotism tend to be dumb as bricks.

Different anon.

>> No.4846861

Your thinking of the trust-fund kids.

not the people who worked their way to riches

>> No.4846874

>Finance majors mad, they think we're wasting money on this research because no one ever explained to them how wealth is created

>> No.4846907


You're right. Since then, the proportion of black people have increased in the population.

There are even more black people on welfare now.

>> No.4846914

the higgs directly governs mass, and we find some novel way to influence either its strength or its pressence in a fixed spacetime volume, while using every-day energy levels and at only moderate cost

we will probably never harness it to any acceptable degree, it'll just be a thing which explains the universe better

>> No.4846919
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>> No.4846921

>make light-speed travel possible by “un-massing” objects or allow huge items to be launched into space by “switching off” the Higgs.

Biggest load of bollocks I ever heard in my life.

Hey guys remember when we discovered gravity? Remember when we invented levitation, because clearly when you discover something you can suddenly switch it off? I remember that time we switched off gravity and all flew off the face of the earth.

Ahh good times, good times.

>> No.4846925

Nouveau riche people are generally the ones with more witt than the average person. Their offspring are brain dead, however.

>> No.4846931

I love sarcasm so much.

>> No.4846934

Remember when we discovered electricity?

>> No.4846943

God damn it, of all the methods for FTL travel, why did the Ass Effect one had to be the right one?

>> No.4846952

I thought we were already working on this as a theory before the Higgs Boson?
Just like there was the theory for bending spacetime down in front of the ship and raising it in the back. (that seems weird to me, wouldn't that take astronomical amounts of energy? (no pun intended))

>> No.4846971

Wow, what an awful headline. The light speed travel (not FTL, guys) bit is bullshit, it's woth noting that they don't quote any scientist saying that shit.

Anyway, you know what would happen if you un-mass something? It would disintegrate in an instant.

>> No.4846981

Might explain why it's only in ONE newspaper on google... I knew it was right to be skeptical and google it.

>> No.4846986

changing your mass to zero doesn't allow for FTL, it allows for light speed travel and no faster

>> No.4846993

doesn't work
it requires dark energy, a lot of it. good luck capturing some, let alone compressing it to a point
also, turns out as you run this thing past light speed the interior of the bubble will be bathed in hawking radiation. it's like the same thing that happens at the exterior of a black hole (virtual particle pairs are created, one falls in, the other stays outside and emits), except here the ones that "Stay inside" irradiate your ship horribly. to the point where the interior of the bubble cannot actually sustain solid matter.
so that didn't work

>> No.4847007


Most people's offspring are brain dead. It's not isolated to the rich.

>> No.4847023

>it requires dark energy
No. EXOTIC, not DARK. Big fucking difference, retard. Stop talking out your ass.

>> No.4847026


its supposed to form a warp bubble

the inside is your regular vacuum + spaceship, its the shell/membrane from twisting space up front and expanding it to normal at the back that does all the work

its a reactionless drive


>> No.4847041

troll physics time?

1.) manipulate Higgs boson by removing mass from behind your ship
2.) front end is suddenly "heavier"
3.) ship is propelled in the direction of the area with more mass because of gravity
4.) accelerate to the speed of light

>> No.4847057
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>> No.4847073


it requires an intimate understanding of what, exactly, is SPACE in the first place

all anyone knows for sure is that space isn't a perfect vacuum, its got quantum foam + cosmic background radiation, it is not NOTHING, it is not EMPTY

also, anyone who uses the phrase "fabric of space" and takes it literally does not know what they're talking about, its only a metaphor/analogy

>> No.4847081

You said there is no Practical way to do it. Well at one time there was no practical way to cross a mountain. Or sail across sea's. Or fly. Or blast off to the moon and land on it. Do I see it happening. No. But that's because I'm not nearly smart enough to truly understand it. But someone will be smart enough. And in time someone will figure out the next puzzle piece. And if not who cares.

>> No.4847104

I'm afraid the problems with that system are far more than practicalities. It couldn't be stopped and would destroy anything inside, there is no way of overcoming this.

>> No.4847138


nothing inside is destroyed

it's called a warp bubble for a reason

>> No.4847150

>A more recent paper by Carlos Barceló, Stefano Finazzi, and Stefano Liberati makes use of quantum theory to argue that the Alcubierre Drive at FTL velocities is impossible; mostly due to extremely high temperatures caused by Hawking radiation destroying anything inside the bubble at superluminal velocities and leading to instability of the bubble itself.

Yes it's from Wikipedia but your welcome to check it's sources.

>> No.4847174

sorry, meant to say that, which is ironically even more impractical

>the inside is your regular vacuum + spaceship, its the shell/membrane from twisting space up front and expanding it to normal at the back that does all the work
that's the problem, as you're speeding along inside this warp bubble, you can actually drag along some virtual particles with you, ans split virtual particle pairs
one of the particles radiates into the bubble, the other one just gets lonely and wanders off

>> No.4847195

mass effect incoming.

>> No.4847204


600 billion dollar American military budget.
18 billion dollar NASA budget.

>> No.4847216
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Yeah! Support us low lives, you need us! For something..

>> No.4847217

>18 billion
i wish

>> No.4847286

Does anyone think this will lead to massive scientific research into the field?

Just to get people excited about the possibilities offered by the research into this field. It could be the next step along the path into space.

>> No.4847293
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>world is starving and war-torn
>hurr lets spend billions of dollars to fix it
Good work!

Now the world is still starving and war-torn, but to top it off, it's also EXTRA retarded.

>> No.4848285

yes... lets spend ALL resources to growing the population and increasing consumption for ALL 7 FUCKING BILLION ASSHOLES.

>> No.4848305

This whole Higgs Boson particle is totally ridiculous. It lasts for less than a second and yet they say it is a fundamental building block of matter.

Would you build a house with a brick that lasts for less than a second?

Wake up people! Quit admiring these ridiculous theories and start asking hard questions. These physicists with their fancy and complicated math have been getting a free ride from the media for far too long.

As another example of how ridiculous current physics is: physics current state that a particle can act like a wave. However, a wave must by definition have a medium. For a water wave, the medium is the water. For a particle wave, the medium physicists have landed on is ...... wait for it .... a wave of probability! Totally ridiculous and obviously wrong. Arise people. Enough is enough!

>> No.4848311

its like im really in high school again

>> No.4848327

should have said sheeple instead of people