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4846389 No.4846389 [Reply] [Original]



Why are we not more excited about this? I think they bricked with the initial promotion. Particulary due the video they released, in which the production value rates 5-6 at a scale of 10. The quality of the promotional video is highly important because of the subject matter. Many people find the mission itself hard to belive and take it as an april fools joke if they are not entierly convinced. Do you agree? Maybe they should make another update video on some anniversary of launch date or smth to try to kick it off more. Or is it just me? I

>> No.4846421

if they manage to land a few good tv contracts, it might be doable.. never underestimate the power of mass media and commercials.

there should be plenty of volunteers too

>> No.4846474

It's all bullshit. Nobody's going to Mars. Humanity is slowly but surely turning away from manned spaceflight. The guys with the spreadsheets have won. And if you knew anything about planets and technological civilizations, you'd AUTOMATICALLY realize that any plan to colonize another planet is total bullshit. O'Neill's work PROVED that a planetary surface is the wrong place to expand with a technological civilization. If Humanity was actually working at moving into space, it would be gearing up MANNED spaceflight, and then leveraging asteroidal mining to produce SPACE HABITATS.

>> No.4848655


>> No.4849017

WHY do people keeping posting that picture of VENUS in these MARS threads?!?

>> No.4849048

>why the fuck would anyone want to do this
>earth is fucking sweet
>pillage and plunder earth
>enslave the human race
>earth who?

>> No.4849057

>it would be gearing up
But it is.
You realize NASA is planning a manned trip to an asteroid in the 2020s? And a manned trip to Mars in the 2030s?

>> No.4850619


Use English, not Doubletalk & Buzzwords, would you kindly?