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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 79 KB, 496x354, tripfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4842056 No.4842056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4842060

who is moot?

>> No.4842071

Who is everyone of them

>> No.4842067

Just one?

>> No.4842070

>implying 5 or more of them didn't

>> No.4842095

>implying summerfags know any tripfags

>> No.4842129

underage summer tripfag

>> No.4842198

Carl Sagan
mathgenius (not trolling)
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Richard Feynmann
Violent Simians Guy
IQ Fundie
Peak Oil Fundie

>> No.4842202

I hope you do realize that some of them are the same person.

>> No.4842199

Mad Scientist

>> No.4842205

wtf was wrong with him?

>> No.4842208

He attracted underage cancerfags.

>> No.4842207

I do.

>> No.4842209

Why isn't Blackman in that list?

>> No.4842217

Yeah fuck that guy. Starting all those treads about particle physics? That's not what this board is about.

>> No.4842221

>hate tripfags
>see no tripfags
>start thread to bitch and whine about tripfags
>not science or math

everyone in this thread who didn't sage is cancer

>> No.4842226

lel that thread was so successful on /x/ yesterday that it had a sequel. I thought about poasting it on /sci/ as well, but OP was faster.

>> No.4842222

He just jokes around. It's not like he actively trolls or shit posts.

It gives the board flavor.

>> No.4842230

Blackman samefagging detected.

>> No.4842240

IQ Fundie
other IQ Fundie
Carl Sagan
These threads always end with a dozen lurker tripfags nobody's ever heard of trying to get mentioned in a thread.

>> No.4842244
File: 858 KB, 240x228, 1341167149906.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browses /x/

>> No.4842251

Oh and back in the day:
He wasn't around for long but it's embarrassing seeing a person sure enough to have a trip be completely fucking useless at physics. That sort of attitude killed this board.

>> No.4842252

Damn right. The people there are way more better than the people on /sci/. Maybe they don't have education, but at least they are not raging aspies who take every troll serious.

>> No.4842256


stop denying faggot

>> No.4842258

Paranormal isn't science, nor is it real. It's pointless fabricated drivel. 50% of that /x/ is also horsefuckers.

Why would you visit that board when you could be doing science?

>> No.4842264

>Why would spend any amount of time having fun when you could be doing science?

Thanks for confirming what I said.

>> No.4842265

>fictitious nonsense
You must be a liberal arts major.

>> No.4842271

>not having widespread interests in all fields of human knowledge

Stay close minded.

>> No.4842274

>considering made up garbage human knowledge or even entertainment

>> No.4842278

>not knowing fun or entertainment

>> No.4842283

This board was stillborn.

>> No.4842279
File: 550 KB, 150x90, 1315219739103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/x/ used to be good. It was like that hole in a wall dive that only the locals knew about. The original content from /x/ was fantastic. JosefK's stories come to mind (He's currently in the process of publishing a novel, /x/ probably has no clue who he is anymore). Also literally every scary gif and creepypasta picture you've ever seen.

Then when /b/ went down one too many times they started flocking to /x/ and calling it /bx/. Its like that fat asshole from Man vs Food featured the place on his show, and now its filled with retards and yuppies. Such a shame.

>> No.4842280

>not knowing what real fun or entertainment is

>> No.4842282

blackman, ek and harriet were under control but when blackman started seriously trolling harriet kicked it up a notch and the board hasnt been the same since

>> No.4842285

Easily EK. Dumbest bitch #1.

>> No.4842288

Come at me, bro. Explain to me what fun and entertainment are.

>> No.4842290

Good science posters:
the Emma Stone guy
that one pony fag who knows higher math

Annoying but not really bad:

Carl Sagan
the violent simians guy
Richard Feynmann

>> No.4842294

How about you update the list? Most of them don't poast anymoar.

>> No.4842298

>mfw no one remembers me
remember that fall of 2010?

>mfw no face

>> No.4842299

Everyone remembers you, Anonymous. You were the worst poaster 4chan ever had.

>> No.4842300

they post without tripcodes.
Because people can't stop insulting them.

>> No.4842302

Good science posters:

Annoying but not really bad:
Carl Sagan
Language reform guy
resident /sci/ economist

the violent simians guy

>> No.4842305

Much better.

>> No.4842309

Logic error: Plural tripfags =/= single-handedly

And I take great umbrage in being included in this list. I am not a tripfag, you fucking violent simian assholes.

>> No.4842311

Hello, TN5.

>> No.4842319
File: 16 KB, 452x287, adSTFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.4842320

you may not be a tripfag, but you shitpost worse than all but a handful of them, and you incidentally always make it obvious you are the same person by repeating the exact same 3 arguments (violent simians/peak oil will end civilization/actually just those two) every single time you start posting, and also you genuinely seem to get mad every time someone posts something that contradicts your belief that were all fucked and nothing good will ever happen

>> No.4842322

Redcream, why don't you post on /lounge/ anymore?

>> No.4842324

Take your pills.

>> No.4842325

Nobody mentioned me :(

>> No.4842326

oh shut up

>> No.4842329

Show me your quality poasts.

>> No.4842331
File: 6 KB, 189x251, EK (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842332

not me, fucking 7/7/11-fag

>> No.4842334

>yfw you realized that the day after tomorrow will be 7/7/12


>> No.4842336

It is. Stop denying it.

>> No.4842339

Awesome. The first anniversary.

Too bad moot disabled bbox, I would've made a script to give everyone EK's trip

>> No.4842340


Dude, this is a board for SCIENCE. One thing about science is that you're supposed to search for truth and accept it when you find it. One part of physics is ENERGY. Nothing happens without it. And our civilization is very energy intensive and runs almost solely one one fuel source: Petroleum. Which is depleting, and nothing replaces it for what it does for us.

Those are all facts. The problem with this recognition is that a lot of comfortable lifestyles are coming to an end, and so the violent simian in all of us comes roaring out to deny facts and logic.


Because I get a 404 every time I try, from all the computers I've ever used before (except the public library, which I use very rarely). moot (or his bedmate and rump ranger WT Snacks) has perma-B& me via my IP addresses. THIS IS WAR. There will be a reckoning.

>> No.4842342

EK is the #1 shit poster. derails threads left and right and rarely posts anything on topic.

EK along with harriet are also responsible for the majority of tripfag drama on /sci/.

>> No.4842347

not TN5, but that was close.

>> No.4842349

no it fucking isnt! stop shitposting!

>> No.4842354

Remember when /sci/ wasn't shit?


>> No.4842355

My posts on MEMS and NEMS since that's my field, getting /sci/ involved in my research including the design of new reactors, posting science trivia questions, and answering general astronomy and environmental questions to name a few.

>> No.4842356

Hello, psistar or ponyfag

>> No.4842359

I miss 4tran

too bad he has his PhD now and stopped coming to /sci/


>> No.4842377

Definitely, but Carl and not moot are worse in that they try to contribute and actually have some of a clue, but do so in such a dickish manner they instantly kill any sort of intelligent conversation.

>> No.4842383
File: 12 KB, 251x251, sunice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>answering general astronomy

Alright, can you answer pic related?

>> No.4842399

Cancer on /sci/.
/sci/ could use more chemistry.

>> No.4842401


Anyone has this bitch's real name and/or address? I have her pictures but no personal info.

>> No.4842408

Answer this question: If i want to travel to the moon, do i need sunglasses ?

>> No.4842409

I've already answered it for fun, even though it has always been a troll question. I calculated the mass of each star, treated them as point particles, and ignored tidal and general relativistic effects on their orbits as they collided together. Then I calculated the velocity they would need to either collide and continue orbiting, collide and break their orbits, or collide and coalesce. Giving a full answer would have taken too much time.

>> No.4842414
File: 147 KB, 484x453, fuckyou1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit, fucking 7/7/11 fag, she aint me anyway

>> No.4842430
File: 1.22 MB, 477x252, oh dear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop browsing /sci for a few months
>come back
>my face when it's summer time /sci

>> No.4842438

Why can't you be a cool guy like Setti? He poasted his address and phone number several times.

>> No.4842435


Not the same guy, I'm just a lurker who wishes to know more personal, trackable details on the non-anonymous females posting non-anonymously with non science-related content on an anonymous board dedicated to science.


>> No.4842437



>> No.4842441


>> No.4842444
File: 16 KB, 445x445, 1305680708759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that thread was legit
>implying it wasnt just harriet trolling.

>> No.4842449

Didn't EK publicly posted her tripcode and left some months ago?

>> No.4842456

Disinfo agent detected.

>> No.4842457


i kinda made a new tripcode since then.

>> No.4842461

How did he die?

>> No.4842466

<greentext> &gt; implying </greentext>

>> No.4842471


Wow, I'm kind of disappointed to find out you're that much melodramatic.
I mean, I love you on /sci/. Don't pull that shit, just be yourself. Boys always tease girls in kindergarten because they like them.

>> No.4842477

meh, i dunno, i probably should have just stuck with it. no idea why i even made this new trip.

>> No.4842482


I always smile when reading your posts.
I mean isn't that what's everyone going for in the world nowadays? "If I can change the life of at least one person, it's well worth it"?

>> No.4842483
File: 80 KB, 750x700, DoILookLikeI'mJoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are worse than /b/ when it comes to arguing.
Well at least here there aren't as many autistic faggots.

>> No.4842485

reli? i dont see why
its usually just me arguing with either retards,trolls, or 7/7/11-fags.

>> No.4842487

Fuck off.

>> No.4842492


My imagination tells me you're pretty sexy when you passionately argue. Or just argue, doesn't really matter.

Might just be a fetish of mine.

>> No.4842496


Thanks man, I'll find out enough to make her stop. I'm sick and tired of this bitch.

>> No.4842500
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come get some, faggot!
she aint me anyway,
enjoy wasting your fucking time, stupid cunt!

>> No.4842519
File: 20 KB, 244x248, costz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe that's EK.

Show me one shred of evidence to support that assertion.

>> No.4842527





>> No.4842532

>circular reasoning

You already assume 7/7/11 to be true. Please back it up by providing evidence.

>> No.4842533
File: 165 KB, 302x356, 01290843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesnt prove anything, cunt
they're totally different people
one of em being called 'harriet' is just a fucking coincidence.

it aint the same harriet

and haz left /sci/ anyway, so fuck off and stop fucking talking about her!

>> No.4842539

7/7/11 aint true. its only believed by retards

in fact, according to that shit that other harriet is a journalist, or some shit
none of the details even fucking fit.


>> No.4842553

>probability of same name
>probability of both friends
>probability of living in the same fucking town

>> No.4842557

Oh, and also


She admitted to it.

>> No.4842556


Nice fallacy.

>> No.4842568

That isn't an appeal to probability. It's not a best-case scenario. It's just probability, which is evidence.

>> No.4842571

>implying we live in the same town
>implying you know where i live.

apparently rose lives in scotland, but i fucking dont.

and the names wrong, moron
her initials are RK, not EK.

that aint me admitting it. i never clicked the link, i just presumed it was a link to roses profile, because why the fuck would a 7/7/11-fag post anything else?

>> No.4842578

OP is right shes not even fucking here anymore and you still talk about her she is the cancer that killed this board.

>> No.4842576

>that aint me admitting it. i never clicked the link, i just presumed it was a link to roses profile, because why the fuck would a 7/7/11-fag post anything else?
You're lying. Let's quote you.
no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11
and ive already said multiple times that she aint me, and haz even confirmed it, so STFU."

"no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11"

"no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11"

"no it doesnt, that went to that rose girls profile from 7/7/11"

>> No.4842579

Could of been disinfo.

lel no, probability is not evidence. Do you even science?

>> No.4842587

i meant it PROBABLY goes to her profile
i mis-typed

my mistake, yeh, and i apologise. but you still havent proved shit.

>> No.4842585

Do you?


>> No.4842593

Nope. Lying piece of shit.

>> No.4842594

>Chapter 5: Queer Uses For Probability Theory

Yeah, nah, sounds like engineering.

>> No.4842596


So you go to court and admit you murdered someone.

You then say "oops, never mind, I said 'I murdered' instead of 'I did not murder'"!

That's what you sound like right now.

>> No.4842609
File: 208 KB, 603x452, ekfatfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4842611

no, thats nothing like it at all.
even if i was her (which im not) thats not a crime, is it? so your analogy is a load of bullshit.

i just didnt botehr to click teh link
does that mean im lazy?
yes, probably
but THAT isnt a crime either!


fuck you, you dont know shit.
its obviously pointless trying to even talk to you, just carry on believing your bullshit if you like, i dont even care what you fucking do.
i have shit to do anyway

>> No.4842617
File: 192 KB, 1277x700, ekfatshitheadneckbeardscottishwelfare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842621
File: 95 KB, 600x830, fatshitneckbeardek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842623

>i have shit to do anyway
LMFAO. Like what? Work on your Zoology degree?

>> No.4842633
File: 25 KB, 663x369, ek cant into math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842629

What kind of mental disorder do you have?

>> No.4842631
File: 79 KB, 600x500, troll-award.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842636
File: 95 KB, 1040x187, teacup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK's many personalities

>> No.4842639
File: 40 KB, 1347x308, ek is too dumb for calculus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842644
File: 12 KB, 623x140, zoologistfamily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More proof of multiple personalities

>> No.4842643
File: 24 KB, 308x288, 1336839944625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4842648

I loved that thread.


>> No.4842650

they could just both be zoologists
if you think its the same poster faking, why would they invent them both to be zoologists? wouldnt that just be really suspicious?

>> No.4842659

He's a fat Scott on welfare suffering from dissociative identity disorder. Logic isn't one of his strongest traits

>> No.4842663

oh wow, EK is fucking retarded

>> No.4842683
File: 152 KB, 995x816, EK_collateral_damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842675
File: 60 KB, 1062x699, EK Harriet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842685
File: 6 KB, 756x152, 1319655836924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842686
File: 68 KB, 751x449, hurrmeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the mods are aware of EK's disorders

>> No.4842695

How do you know?
So it definitely is not Rose then?

>> No.4842696

/sci/ was being excellent for a whole of three weeks in June. Everything was nice and slow, shitposting at a minimum, no trolls, no tripfags.

Everything has went back to shit this week. Fucking hate you guys.

>> No.4842698
File: 132 KB, 1111x929, EK idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK posted this in /adv/, I screencapped the thread before the mods deleted it

It was a ban screen with like 200 "take your pills" permabans

>> No.4842710

I've been investigating this case as a part-time job. I was the one who originally found out he was really a fat Scott on welfare suffering from dissociative identity disorder.

>Be living with mom in Scotland because the doctors said I can't live alone with my schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder (I hate taking my pills)
>Frequent 4chan especially /sci/
>I have no friends in real life so I come up with an idea to get super popular with my trip "EK" on /sci/ (everyone thinks I'm a girl lol), I just have to wait for the perfect moment to post this girl's FB profile I know and then I'll pretend they found out my real identity and then I'll pretend to take a break from /sci/ because I'm mad (but I will just post anonymously because I'm a faggot)
>It's 7/7/11 and I'm on 4chan for my daily 15 hour troll session.
> I see a thread that gives me the perfect chance to make everyone on /sci/ believe I'm a girl.
>I post the Facebook profile of a girl (anonymously) that used to go to school with me and provide evidence supporting that it's really EK
>Everyone on /sci/ now actually believes that I'm an average looking slut
>I have so many friends now. I get so much attention and I love my life.

>> No.4842711

None of them has the ability to do this, and by implying they do you only feed their already bloated egos. Making threads about tripfags also does this. You are part of the problem for drawing attention to them, please fuck off.

>> No.4842709
File: 8 KB, 231x251, 1338087579660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with you fags?
You don't stop arguing!

>> No.4842719


>> No.4842720

That might not apply to just EK.
Look at >>4842686
They said the same thing to Blackman.
And he is not EK, is he?

>> No.4842714
File: 12 KB, 1282x118, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this an EK thread?

>> No.4842733

The trip on all the bans was EK's (this was before he gave it out)

I didn't have time to save the image before it was deleted

>> No.4842727

Well it's interesting at least. Wrong but interesting. An infinitely small side means it doesn't exist and so quad is a triangle. It does leave me wondering what a real triangle is. I imagine only EK knows what those are...

>> No.4842728
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Vandal_Savage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK You're blowing this way out of proportion.
Just quit responding.

>> No.4842754

If that is true, then why is the poster anonymous?
If EK posted that on /adv/, would she not also use he tripcode there?

I can not read the small images of the ban screen, I can not see if it is her tripcode or not, but I do not think she would talk so openly about her condition, even on /adv/

>> No.4842787


>> No.4842793


>> No.4842809
File: 7 KB, 300x229, dn13620-1_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we evolution from monkey whay there no others creatures how can talk and think like us "hemo-cat, hemo-dog or hemo-rat" and the sea so big whay there no others creatures how can talk and think like us there.

>> No.4842814


they can, they just don't speak english

>> No.4842827

10.0 best new copypasta

>> No.4842888

yup i saved it