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4842006 No.4842006 [Reply] [Original]

How will the discovery of the higgs particle effect my lifting? Will curling in the squat rack be anymore difficult?

>> No.4842011

>weights become heavier due to more mass

>> No.4842021

So instead of adding more plates, one would increase the number of bosons on the bar to raise the resistance?

>> No.4842024

how many more hours do we have to wait until they make a machine that automatically increases the amount of higgs bosons in something, i.e., a gun that increases the weight of my weights

>> No.4842031
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>curling in the squat rack

>> No.4842040


easier bulking
>inject higgs in ass (no homo)
>instantly XBOX MASS-ive glutes

>> No.4842049

I admit I scrolled by read your post and laughed


>> No.4842050
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>Do you even Bose?

>> No.4842058

i'm trying to stay current with the most recent scientific advancements since it helps make my workouts more efficient. when can i start buying higgs for my bulking diet? does anyone have any good recipes yet?

>> No.4842059

Will these higgs particles eventually be added to dat dere celltech?

Are there ways to test and see if you've been shooting bosons into your system? I don't want to get scanned by a CERN machine.

Hopefully this is un-traceable

>> No.4842075

soon enough fat people will be sucking out higgs from their bodies and we will have to reclassify obesity by percentage body fat instead of bmi

>> No.4842153
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>> No.4842182

The higgs discovery will not have any effect on weightlifting whatsoever.... A 25 lb dumbell will still be 25lbs tomorrow. The only difference is that the boson particles can possibly be added or subtracted from the atom

Therefore your 25lb weight, after boson manipulation, could possibly be 250000lbs, but still take up the same amount of space

>> No.4842190


>> No.4842194

Wait, what?

>> No.4842206

Holy fucking shit

Does this mean you can deadlift a bus after it has been coated with these bosons?

>> No.4842220

Does the LHC seperate the bosons from the atom or does it simply create them from the light speed collisions?

Why was a black hole not created in the process?

>> No.4842224

because all those engineers are very careful not to divide by zero. It's their job after all.

>> No.4842227

Because the doomsday quacks are full of shit.

>> No.4842239


How would they know what level to not exceed to prevent a black hole from forming? Its not like we have ever created one in a lab before

>> No.4842243

Atoms don't have Higgs bosons inside them. Higgs bosons are, roughly speaking, oscillations in the value of the field that sets the mass of electrons (but not protons or neutrons). And the LHC doesn't have anywhere near enough energy to make black holes unless particular exotic untested theories turn out to be right.

>> No.4842249
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>Why was a black hole not created in the process?

Why would it?

>> No.4842250

If they do create a black hole by accident would it already be too late to stop it?

Ie would it grow and consume the planet or just fizzle away

>> No.4842253

install gentoo
cop rick owens
do ss
listen to itoats

>> No.4842260
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>do SS

>> No.4842276

this is most certainly the pinnacle of human discovery since light speed travel is but a few years away now that the god particle has been found

>> No.4843178

learn how black holes work then you can speak with the adults