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4841345 No.4841345 [Reply] [Original]

New question.

A treadmill that big at such speeds would create enough airflow for the plane to take off.

>> No.4841351

That's not a question, that's a statement.

>> No.4841353

yes, watch mythbusters.

>> No.4841359


That can't be true.

>> No.4841367

>It's THIS thread again

>> No.4841373

itt, fuckers that dont understand flight.

the fucking plane wont take off.


1/10 for getting a reply.

>> No.4841374


a plane will take off if you put it on a treadmill, it was shown and explained on mythbusters in a way a third grader can understand.
watch it, they'll do a better job at explaining it to you then i ever could.

>> No.4841378

The planes engines only need to overcome the frictional resistance of the wheels.

Once done, the plane will move forward on the treadmill and the wings will generate lift, therefore taking flight

Godammit this is not why I invented science

>> No.4841381


If i remember correctly the threadmill in the mythbusters example was as long as a standard airplane starting track. In OPs example the threadmill is a standard threadmill. The jimmies rustled gently across the universe.

>> No.4841382

are the engines on or off?

>> No.4841394


if only there were some way to empirically test claims.

perhaps the could be some people that could either verify or bust these myths.

but lets argue like its some hypothetical instead.
remember, everyones opinion is valid!

>> No.4841396


well then when it takes off it will hit the fucking posts of the treadmill.
it's like putting a wall in front of a car and ask if it will drive.

>> No.4841413


+1 internet for you

>> No.4841434

Oh god I fucking LOLd

Imagine this actually happening. And imagine a treadmill large enough for an airliner

Just fucking imagine

>> No.4841449

the treadmill on mythbusters only went as fast as the normal takeoff speed for the plane, so to take off the wheels just had to go twice as fast. The actual scenario has the treadmill moving at the exact speed of the plane's wheels.

>> No.4841506

no you fuck.

>> No.4841534


>the wheels move the plane.

>> No.4841572


For the last fucking time, the treadmill could be going at lightspeed, and in an ideal scenario, the plane would still take off.

The wheels do not move the plane.

>> No.4841621

omg... I didn't think I would have to actually take this thread seriously.

If someone can link to a video or something of this happening then I will eat my words

because I am positive that this would not work. In order for it to happen, the treadmill would have to move the AIR at the same speed that the plane would have to travel on the ground in order to be lifted.

and secondly, and most importantly, the air above the planes wing would have to move FASTER than the air below the wings, but if I am to believe that the motion of the treadmill is moving the air, then it is far more likely that the air would be moving faster under the wing.

Either post a link, or tell me why one of the two things I said above is wrong. Those are your only two options if you want to argue in favor of this happening, anything else is a waste of your time.

>> No.4841793


The problem is, that most people look at this problem wrong.
The plane wouldn't take off if it remained in stationary position.But it is moving regardless of the treadmill because its wheels are not generating movement.

>> No.4841806

>tfw this thread has been posted on average several times a day for the past four years (at least) and still gets replied to

Is this just a newfag detector or something?

>> No.4841863

PROTIP: Airplanes don't really fly because of Bernoulli's Principle.

You shouldn't post in threads you don't know much about. It just makes you look dumber.

>> No.4841864

>four years
>uses the word "newfag"
Oh boy. Summer's here.

>> No.4841866

>A treadmill that big at such speeds would create enough airflow for the plane to take off.

You have no idea what this is about, do you ?


>> No.4841867

>implying the treadmill wont fling the plane backwards before the engines get a chance to start up

>> No.4841889

> Airplanes don't really fly because of Bernoulli's Principle.
For the most part, they do. The Bernoulli effect isn't the only way to generate lift, but it's the most efficient (i.e. it creates the least amount of drag for a given amount of lift). For an airliner in level flight, nearly all lift is generated by the Bernoulli effect.

>> No.4841892

Here's the part

>> No.4841913

Well there is some OBVIOUS FUCKING DIFFERENCES between how they did it in myth busters and what OP's pic is asking.

Seriously I don't even know why that video is surprising at all, the plane is moving relative to the air just like all planes do before they take off... who gives a fuck if it's on a conveyor belt.

OP's pic suggests that the plane doesn't move relative to the air and it's only the ground under it which is moving, which obviously won't work.

>> No.4841918


no - it doesn't get it.

i'm surprised it didn't mention that the ujprights on the treadmill would knock off the wings...

>> No.4841923

Whoever made that pic is a troll god. It cements all the bad visual models that completely invalidate what the question is really asking.

Sage for troll thread.

>> No.4841978

The real troll question is if a plane can take off if there's a equal amount of down force as lift on the wings during take off.

troll me with that bitches

>> No.4841987

It will go forward, but not up. This is freshman physics free-body-diagram stuff, man. I'm not seeing the ambiguity necessary there for good trolling. You said that lift is completely canceled by some other downward force. Welp, there goes your chance of accelerating upwards. Done.

>> No.4841985


is that the dumbest question you can come up with?

i would think it is, but then again i don't know you at all...

>> No.4841988

Extra credit: How many calories is the plane burning while on the treadmill?

How fat will the bitch get if she overeats from depression for not being able to take off?

>> No.4841993
File: 33 KB, 932x1013, aerplane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4841994



>> No.4841997



>> No.4841999


spruce goose

>> No.4842002

no you retard, a treadmill can never accelerate to light speed

>> No.4842004


fat albert