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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 300x404, tom_ford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4839881 No.4839881 [Reply] [Original]

what scientist or engineers wear suits to work?

Thinking of a high-tech career but one requisite is a stylish dress code. The other is a high salary and the last is a "practical" field that normal people are interested in hearing about, not abstract rubbish.

>> No.4839883

You're looking for an excuse to wear a suit?
Just wear a fucking suit.

>> No.4839886

>what scientist or engineers wear suits to work?

Financial Engineer
300k starting +infinite bonuses

Major in anything quantitative, Masters/Phd in anything quantitative. Learn programming and finance in your spare time.

>> No.4839919

Computer Engineer here. I've got to wear a suit when I'm presenting at trade shows, the rest of the time it's jeans and T-shirt. I could wear a suit every day if I wanted to, but I really don't.

>> No.4839927


ya but walkin in a suit outside and on your lunch break feels badass lol

>> No.4839929
File: 105 KB, 500x326, engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying engineers wear clothes to work

Well, maybe bath robes or something....

>> No.4839963

Realistic answer: on normal days, virtually nobody doing technical scientific work dresses up. Suits are for presentations, sales, meetings with non-scientists, and that sort of thing.

Loophole: you can always dress up if you want to. I know a linguistics professor (linguistics is a science) who shows up to his university job in a suit everyday. It's not the norm, but he does it and that's that. He's aging and not particularly handsome, but he's perfected the "roguish professor" persona over the years and the undergrad girls eat it up.

>> No.4839970
File: 58 KB, 640x478, brogrammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel more like a badass dressing like I'm going to the beach after work and knowing I'm not some barista or flight attendant who can get fired for how he dresses.

>> No.4839986

Because you know you have at least 3 layers of clothing to sweat through before it starts to show?

>> No.4839984


I'd fire whoever uses a keyboard like the one in that picture

>> No.4839991
File: 682 KB, 711x948, haters gonna hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4839993

I'd fire whoever wears sunglasses indoors and stores shoes on their desk

>> No.4840010

i'd judge him based on how much work output he achieves

beliefs and traditions are for retards.

>> No.4840021

Quit living in fairy land.
The real world doesn't work that way.
If you act like a retard people will assume you _are_ one and fire your ass

>> No.4840041
File: 982 KB, 1437x961, Steve_Jobs_at_Apple_iPad_Event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4840050

how fucking 12 year old are you?

>> No.4840051

>Black socks

>> No.4840053


This isn't The Orange Box.

>> No.4840057


>straight cut jeans

>> No.4840061

Black socks are "in" now, where I live at least. Not those though, those are too long.

>> No.4840069
File: 74 KB, 537x700, fat-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u mad cuz I'm stylin on you in a suit?

>> No.4840071

>Thinks Stevie did _anything_ innovative
Protip, it was his engineers. He was just an attention whore who loved stealing credit.
CEOs aren't the ones who design products

>> No.4840072

But with the white shoes they contrast really strangely and just look weird

>> No.4840077



Get the fuck off /sci/.

>> No.4840079

my world will work that way, stop working as a peasant.

>> No.4840081

Your fantasy world with elves and magic.

>> No.4840085

Get the engineering degree, then get your MBA and be the project manager in charge of the engineers. You'll wear a suit, have the salary, have the authority and satisfaction of knowing that the engineers report to you, and because you actually have the engineering degree you'll know that you're more badass than most other manager types and be paid accordingly.

I know this feel, btw. Chalk it up to TV and magazines I guess, but I've always felt like "professional" types wear suits. It just looks more mature than the kid who never grew out of T-shirts and jeans.

>> No.4840083
File: 139 KB, 1400x1050, S-IC_engines_and_Von_Braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aerospace Engineers do because they are much more important than most other engineers.

Pic related.

>> No.4840089

yes that's exactly right

i'm so glad you've already resigned to following the general population

you'll make a great human calculator, assuming you can math.

>> No.4840093
File: 109 KB, 181x211, GASP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4840094


lol fuck that, just get a diploma of pm or something like that quicker, cheaper and have to work in pm to actually complete it so you'll already have some income and experience

>> No.4840108

>lol fuck that, just get a diploma of pm or something like that quicker, cheaper and have to work in pm to actually complete it so you'll already have some income and experience

Oh don't get me wrong, the lower level PM education and certification has its place. That'll get you into management experience before you get the MBA. But when you get MBA + project management certification + engineering degree, you enter god mode of ultimate salary and no promotion ceiling.

>> No.4840120

eh dip of pm and BE will be plenty if you just want to pm eng projects. getting the experience is the hard part in all cases.

>> No.4840180
File: 56 KB, 600x480, mad_men_draper1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck science
Fuck engineering

Get your PhD in math so you can make 300k starting.

pic relevant

>> No.4840190


show me a job that has 300k starting, 0 experience

thanks, all the fresh math phds I know have shit jobs

>> No.4840200

A patent lawyers with scientist or engineer background.
A pothead fresh out of college.

>> No.4840219

I wish I could wear a suit. I get so many compliments when I do.

But climbing up structures in 100 F heat does not sound cool.


>> No.4840221

But what happens if I don't want an engineering degree.

>> No.4840241


0 experience (170k/yr):http://www.ginastechjobs.com/display_job/50537/

2 years experience (250k/yr): https://www.ivyexec.com/professionals/search/job/0b449248/?promo=INDEED2&utm_source=Indeed&u

3 years experience (500k/yr):http://vnv.catsone.com/careers/index.php?m=portal&a=details&jobOrderID=1011520&amp

>> No.4840247


Then be a plebian

>> No.4840252

>0 experience (170k/yr):http://www.ginastechjobs.com/display_job/50537/

That said ten years, actually

>> No.4840254


>> No.4840262

What? No they don't.

80k at the most, which is actually quite comfortable.

>> No.4840259


>-10+ years experience developing statistical models in a trading environment.

>100 - 170k salary

holy shit thats terrible. They want a phd with 10 yrs exp, for 170k LOL....

fucken high school drop outs in Alberta make 120k a year on oil fields in their second year

>> No.4840265


What about the 3 years of experience 500k job?

>> No.4840274

Doctors wear suits a lot

>> No.4840279


Doctors aren't scientists

>> No.4840296

Doctors are like first tier call center support for the body. HERE ARE SYMPTOMS. GO SEE X MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL.

>> No.4840305


>no they don't, 80k at the most

30 bucks an hour, average 100hours a week.

3k a week, 9k a month, 108k a year. in first year.

depends on the hours they get, 80k is low for first year.

the average salary in Fort Mac is 100k a year....

>> No.4840314

>100 hours a week

I didn't even know you were legally allowed to work 100 hours a week.

>> No.4840323


hard working Canadian here. what certs are needed to get into the oilfields? I am very jelly of all the opportunities there are there.

>> No.4840349

>Right applicant should have a PhD in Finance or Economics from the top school
>the top school

Yeah I would love to work at Hedge Fund with 2 years experience after I go to the top school.

>> No.4840356

>>4840259 oil fields
> Live out of a motel in a shithole with thirty men for every woman.
There's more to life than money.

>> No.4840365


>>implying the smart choice isnt to save up the money and then take off once you are happy with the amount, using it to invest into future money such as a degree without loans

>> No.4840378


usually need H2S alive cert for safety around chemicals, first aid, a valid drivers license and be fit to work hard 12hours a day, 21 days in a row, that type of shit

>> No.4840391


>more to life than money

for many guys its a way to boost their income short term, if you need money for investment, projects, debts, etc...

work 5 months, get 50k+ in your bank

then figure out what u wanna do with it and your time...no one said you gotta make it your life,

>hurr durr but I wanna spend 5 months with my friends and family while I make minimum wage hurrr

lol what a life!

>> No.4840396


dl is a neccessity?

>> No.4840405


why wouldn't you have a DL?

and its necessary for like 60% of the jobs, some don't care, but most do. Why? Because they need you to drive trucks around now and then, specially at the start when you dunno how to drill at all, you're just cleaning machines, lifting heavy shit and driving trucks around

>> No.4840417


21 and never had the chance to go for it until recently. just looks like oil work will have to wait a year or so to get it

>> No.4842858

Good thing he uses an ergonomic keyboard.