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4833437 No.4833437 [Reply] [Original]

What courses should someone planning to become an astronomer take if they're just starting college?

My problem is I don't have math 12 or physics 12 completed (just 11 in both). I have completed chemistry 12 though.

What do for my first semester?
Also. I don't want to waste money on gay shit courses to "find myself"

Please respond.

>> No.4833441

drop out and go to community college

don't get a loan, or depend on a scholarship

go to class, take notes

your success will depend on your ability to take notes

take math, it'll be useful for when you change majors to math or engineering

>> No.4833448

I am not dropping out
I am not going to major in math or engineering, it'll be astronomy or physics, probably physics

>> No.4833453

you'll change majors though unless you buy everything your adviser tells you
if you're dumb enough to go to grad school then it doesn't matter so much what your first degree is in, as long as you don't drop out after that

the first two years of college might as well be spent at the cheapest possible place

>> No.4833466

well I only pay 500 or so for a course. I plan to transfer to berkeley in a year or so to take more advanced courses

Also, idk what you mean by switching majors, I enjoy physics and astronomy

>> No.4833472


>> No.4833476

you can't imagine changing interests while you go to college?

also look for independent rankings of the things you want to study. don't think that an institution that's good at research will be good at undergrad studies.

>> No.4833488

No I can't imagine changing my interest in the only thing that's fascinated me from child, this thing that I was lucky enough to be born with the ability to comprehend instead of being entertained by gay artsfag shit

>> No.4833498

Also if you can't tell I am a huge autist

>> No.4833502

well then you don't need college for that.

how many people get jobs with only a bachelors in astronomy?

>> No.4833507

as much of math and physics as you can.

you might as well take some general ed, or else you'll end up taking it at berkeley and you'll have to compete in a philosophy class with people who FUCKING LOVE PHILOSOPHY.

I went to Berkeley. go bears.

>> No.4833512

Um, who said I was going for just a bachelors? I don't even necessarily care about jobs, I'd like to be able to study what I like, and have longtern plans for a phD in physics or astronomy

>> No.4833521

it's a bigger gamble than you think. all statistics available show that people change plan in college. so don't curtail your options. you can take your dream classes in grad school.

>> No.4833529


>> No.4833526

Wait, why do I have to take general ed courses?

I know what I want to do, do they really force people to take classes they don't want to? (Excluding english)

>> No.4833549

Yes, I believe most universities have general education requirements where you have to take a couple (or more) courses from each range of study (i.e. humanities, quantitative thought, sciences, social sciences, et cetera).

>> No.4833550

I don't think you guys quite understand
I know what I want to research and eventually have a career in. This is not some unstable whimsical dream in my head, I've overcome the variables of standards, money and other things that hinder what others ultimately decide to do. This has been my decision from child, when I wanted to be an astronaut

>> No.4833564

My dream to become an Astronaut was ruined when I found out the height restrictions :(

>> No.4833568

if you want to look up you're free to

if you want people to pay you to look up then you have to become an academic. if you don't like others telling you what to do then academia may not be for you.

if you would like an engineering job in the growing field of space travel, then become an engineer. i suggest starting with lots of math and physics for a bachelor's.

>> No.4833570

That is good. Go for it. I suggest starting with your general education courses when you get to university. That way, IF (big if) you ever plan on doing something else, you'd not have wasted your time in courses for astronomy or physics. Another benefit, you'd be able to study and anticipate the difficulty of the university (generally) through its general education courses. It will be a "warm up," you can say.

>> No.4833575

Yeah. I dunno if astro is in the college of engineering or L&S, but they both have humanities requirements. In addition, the whole university makes you take an american cultures class, a year of english, and american history.

Take your general ed, bro.

>> No.4833587

So if I'm forced to take general ed, and do so before I transfer to berkeley, would doing easy courses to raise my gpa be wise?

What are easy courses?

>> No.4833606

that's a dice roll. i found religion classes to pass themselves.

your adviser will tell you to challenge yourself. you adviser is full of lies.

>> No.4833607

different people are good at different things.

you have to find that out about yourself.


by taking general ed.

>> No.4833621

I'm having a difficult time accepting the notion that the question of whether or not general education requirements exist in today's acedemia was raised at all.

yfw when you and Machiavelli

>> No.4833623
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This is now an Estonian Folk Music thread.


>> No.4833649

come again

>> No.4833684
