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4828512 No.4828512 [Reply] [Original]

Given that the universe expands on for billions of years into the future, what kind of elements could be formed and what could their functions possibly be?

I'm shitty at phrasing, but basically if the matter in the universe continues creating new elements, what could their potential functions be?

>> No.4828522

>tell me the future

You can't be this retarded.

>> No.4828533

we've already discovered all the stable elements, and their functions

"As of November 2011, 118 elements have been identified, the latest being ununseptium in 2010.[1] Of the 118 known elements, only the first 98 are known to occur naturally on Earth; 80 of them are stable, while the others are radioactive, decaying into lighter elements over various timescales from fractions of a second to billions of years. Those elements that do not occur naturally on Earth have been produced artificially as the synthetic products of man-made nuclear reactions."

as time goes by, this doesnt mean we get new elements being made.

>> No.4828536

EK, it's been so long
And what you're saying actually makes sense

>> No.4828545

as the universe expands it becomes less dense and therefore cooler, why the fuck would more elements naturally get created?

>> No.4828547

Until we become a Type I or even Type II civilization, there is no way for us to produce reasonable amounts of artificial elements, and unless a meteor containing large amounts of these happen to collide with the Earth or pass close enough for us to extract material from it, there is no way for us to obtain it in bulk.