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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 262x262, ED-AM558_winter_DV_20101112182501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4828236 No.4828236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ i found some old news that you might like.


>One of the world's most eminent scientists was embroiled in an extraordinary row last night after he claimed that black people were less intelligent than white people and the idea that "equal powers of reason" were shared across racial groups was a delusion.

>> No.4828243
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>mfw Mod sucks liberal cock

>> No.4828247

>mfw we all know he's right

>> No.4828258

> Keith Vaz, the Labour chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said: "It is sad to see a scientist of such achievement making such baseless, unscientific and extremely offensive comments. I am sure the scientific community will roundly reject what appear to be Dr Watson's personal prejudices.

>"These comments serve as a reminder of the attitudes which can still exists at the highest professional levels."

>> No.4828261

Just because it's politically incorrect doesn't mean it's not true.

>> No.4828267

>"It is sad to see a scientist of such achievement making such BASELESS, UNSCIENTIFIC and extremely offensive comments. I am sure the scientific community will roundly reject what appear to be Dr Watson's personal prejudices.

>> No.4828280

Yet he doesn't say what was baseless and unscientific. We are just supposed to assume that anyone who questions african intelligence has prejudices.

>> No.4828286
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OP mad because his girlfriend went to college and cheated on him with a black guy while he was working at BK.

>> No.4828294

Africans aren't dumber they are just lazy

>> No.4828295

sup /pol/

>> No.4828298

Is he basing this on actual scientific data or just his gut feeling?

>> No.4828304

So where's his experimental data?

Oh that's right, he doesn't have any, educate yourself with some real sources, dumbass

>> No.4828305

>Celebrated scientist attacked for race comments: "All our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really"

>> No.4828308
File: 60 KB, 500x530, James D. Watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The public intellectual forum is being manipulated with intimidation and coercion and you are being lied to. The media is not doing its job, and the scientific community is not playing its proper public role as a beacon of dispassionate truth seeking, as a conduit of knowledge to the public, or in fostering an open and fair intellectual climate. Both are abusing their power and authority to do the opposite of their honor bound social and intellectual roles; facts are being distorted in service of values.

>This post is a very long and detailed examination of what James Watson said, what the data reveal about James Watson's claims (i.e. are they, or are they not factually accurate), and what the media and scientists told the public about what the data reveal about James Watson's claims.

>> No.4828312

You sound autistic. Where are you on the autism spectrum?

>> No.4828314


Probably a mix. Maybe it's a basic IQ test and he's comparing distribution curves; it's not clear in the article.

A true study of this magnitude should have thousands of participants selected across all income brackets to reduce economic factors in fostering intelligence.

>> No.4828323


> can't find empirical data sets on google
> hurr durrr his conclusion be wrong

Tell me have you seen every empirical data set of every scientific theory before you believe in it?

Fucking idiot.

>> No.4828325


> /sci/
> can't into statistical significant dataset samples

>> No.4828330


I always look at the data sets when I read about discoveries that interest me. Always.

The first rule of science is to question everything.

>> No.4828332


1000 is appropriate for a study on humans. They are ridiculously variant creatures.

>> No.4828333
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>> No.4828336
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I'll have you know IQ tests were designed by whites to make the great African race seem dumb. How dare you suggest this dynamic race of inventors, explorers, and scientists are stupid. You sir, are a....RACIST.

>> No.4828339


>So where's his experimental data?

Is this a joke? You clearly don't know anything about this topic. You should fucking enlighten yourself before you audaciously barge into this thread denouncing everyone.

>> No.4828340

>doesn't realize that it's an article, so of course Vaz's full statement wouldn't be included
>similar to Watson, has never read any literature about race and intelligence

please stop talking

If you are too lazy/ignorant to actually research the things that you claim to be true, you are not a scientist. If you have no basis for your racist beliefs, you DO in fact have prejudices. Yes, I know: people on 4chan (people in general, to be fair) are not willing to believe that their opinions are not fact and that the things they believe are incorrect. And as a result, people are not willing to admit that they are bad. It's scary, I know.

But you have to put effort into testing your theories and finding contradictions before you can say you hold beliefs without prejudice.

Here, have some links to start your journey:

Read them; understand them; come back to me.

>> No.4828343

Jesus, What the fuck is that?

>> No.4828345


The world has 7 billion people.

With a 99% confidence level and an error of 5%, you only need 600 people tested at random to represent the entire world.

>> No.4828347

>Read them; understand them; better belive them or else.

>> No.4828351
File: 99 KB, 447x674, Human Intelligence - James Watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What James Watson said is pretty uncontroversial amongst psychometricians who specialize in the study of cognitive ability. Pick up any decent textbook on the subject matter and they will say the same thing. For instance, see Human Intelligence (2010) by Earl Hunt:


>> No.4828352
File: 63 KB, 489x455, 35 - Niggers Eat Menstraul Waste_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the left the noble African man is probably eating the menstrual waste of a cow in order to enlarge his testicles (bottom left picture) and prove his manhood. On the right, he's probably showering in the cows urine in order to ward of insects.

>> No.4828354


All linked articles that say that nigs have lower IQ

Which is what OP is saying

>> No.4828356


At random across the entire world. What team has the money/balls to go into some bumfuck African nation and spend 12 weeks touring the continent to find the couple dozen individuals that were selected for testing? What if someone is located in North Korea? You can't skip over him because it would taint the study.

Besides, different cultures have different measures for intelligence. Studies like this are often only applicable for like-minded societies.

>> No.4828359


I'm sorry but science is based on the search for objective truth.

>> No.4828358


Those articles try to justify why nigger IQ is low.

They don't challenge the fact that nigger IQ is low.

Is that the best you /sci/ fags can do?

>> No.4828357
File: 14 KB, 200x237, human biodiversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the US, there is a large stubborn Black-White differential in intelligence. This differential, on the individual and population level, explains a large portion of the social outcome difference. Within populations, intelligence is highly heritable. As such, the behavioral genetic default is that this differential also has a high heritability. It could be otherwise, though. As such, facts on the ground were explored and environmental explanations were evaluated. The facts include: (1) the difference is a true difference in psychometric intelligence, (2) it largely represents a difference in the general factor, (3) it has shown great persistence, having decreased little in the last century, (4) there is currently regression with age, (5) there appears to be a robust biological component to the difference, (6) the difference shows a Spearman/Jensen Effect, (7) biometric analysis indicates that the gap has a sizable genetic component, (8) the difference is not caused by environmental influences unique to one or the other populations, (9) if environmental influences are causing the gap they act fairly uniformly across the population, (10) the difference is no smaller at the upper SES levels than the lower, (11) family influences can not explain the difference, statistically explaining a decreasing amount with age, (12) Mixed race individual perform intermediate to monoracial individuals and this phenomena has been noted for centuries, (13) the Difference correlates with physical indexes of Caucasian admixture in the Black population, and (14) environmental interventions appear to show little to no lasting effect. Causal biological explanations were then explored and found to be wanting, capable of explaining at most 1/15th of the gap.

>> No.4828361

Please post some more fun nigger facts.

>> No.4828362

Interesting stuff. I see nothing that invalidates his statement.

>> No.4828363


And Chinks think eating powdered rhino horn cures cancer.

>> No.4828365
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>> No.4828370
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>> No.4828371


Minor exclusion in data sets will not skewer the results enormously.

If anything, excluding those bumfuck inaccessible Africans will only sckewer the results in the favor of the politically correct POV when it comes to racial intelligence argument

>> No.4828372
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>> No.4828375
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>> No.4828377

Why is this thread not bumping?

>> No.4828379
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>> No.4828382


because libtard mods

>> No.4828383
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>> No.4828388
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>> No.4828389

>Why is this thread not bumping?


/pointless sage

>> No.4828390


> suppress politically incorrect data
> hurr durrr we science now

>> No.4828391
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>> No.4828394
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>> No.4828397

Fuck that. This is a legit sci thread. Just because it's politically incorrect the faggot mod stops it from bumping?

>> No.4828396
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>> No.4828398
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>> No.4828400
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>> No.4828402


This is how it works in the world of academia

Source: engg. phdfag getting sick and tired of academia and wants out once defense is finished

>> No.4828405
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>> No.4828407
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>> No.4828406
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>> No.4828411
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>> No.4828418
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>> No.4828415
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>> No.4828419
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>> No.4828421
File: 118 KB, 700x530, 20 - Niggers Abandon Nigglets_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4828423
File: 54 KB, 436x469, 21 - Niggers Are Ugly_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4828424
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>> No.4828426
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>> No.4828430
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>> No.4828432
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>> No.4828435
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>> No.4828439
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>> No.4828437
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>> No.4828440

I thought this is where the smart people were at. I guess not! hehehehe

>> No.4828442
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>> No.4828448
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>> No.4828445
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>> No.4828449
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>> No.4828452
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>> No.4828454
File: 64 KB, 583x451, 34 - Niggers Are Retarded_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4828460
File: 74 KB, 435x530, 36 - Nigger Welfare Rates_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4828462
File: 47 KB, 509x312, 37 - Niggers Bathe in Urine_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4828463
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>> No.4828465
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And that's the end.

>> No.4828612

Liberals will never admit that facts determine this issue.

Negroes fare poorly regardless of their environment, much as is the case with Muslims. (Hence it's not shocking how many Negroes are Muslim.)