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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 417x298, tanLe-TED.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4827051 No.4827051 [Reply] [Original]

>Watching TED talk

>Tan Le demonstrating a cheap brainwave reader

>Could be used to control artificial limbs, help disabled people communicate and many other practical benefits

>Scroll down to read comments:

>"this might would for choosing what music you want to listen too but don't see it being practical also it will make people very lazy ..tv turn on no walking even to find remote,lights on, door open. we should get outside more"

>"The negative possibilities of this iceberg could trump the worst 20th century atrocities imaginable. Lets have an honest and frank conversation about the ethical and realistic uses of this powerful technology. Wake up."

>"The first SANE comment in this article. What an absolutely dangerous device this could turn out to be. When will scientists and developers realise that we might not be the best species to have access to these things? Where do they go to far?"

>"It's funny, i don't mean to make myself out to be a loon.... but look at movies like Terminator.... years ago it seemed SO ADVANCED technologicaly.... does it still seem as far fetched? would a modern child even give it a second thought? I really fear for our survival. We haven't a CLUE how this will all work out ni the future, yet we speedily dive in 100mph. It's very sad really."

Are these people trolls? Or do they really exist? Are they redirected to sites like TED by Intelligent Design advocates or someone similar?


>Dat feel when I see this technology and all I can think about is how it should be implemented in the next Xbox console

>> No.4827055
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Luddites gonna ludd.

I guess they're worried about a widening ability-gap between technologists and themselves.

>> No.4827060


One of the comments suggested that the army could use this "PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY" to pilot Flying Killer Robots via Wi-Fi.

It's using your mind to fly a drone is somehow infinitely more evil than using a joystick.

Luddites are fucking weird sometimes.

>> No.4827062

>Dat feel when I see this technology and all I can think about is how it should be implemented in the next Xbox console

It'll be used to sell casual games and old games with a gimmick

>> No.4827067
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the trouble with trying to implement a new input method before the technology is ready is shitty, low precision instruments.

the kinect has this problem, it's not good at tracking body movements (resolution is too low) but it's a great depth mapping sensor

go figure

>> No.4827068


Yeah. I was actually thinking it'll end up being a Wi-Fit controller so you can do exercise without having to get up off the couch.

It actually could be used down the track for full control of the Avatar, allowing for a way more immersive game.

>> No.4827072

Yes, yes they are.

>> No.4827074

Personally, I can't wait until all life is replaced by sentient quantum-computing mechanisms. Large carbon molecules are too inefficient.

>> No.4827080
File: 37 KB, 580x420, How-To-Use-The-Force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Wars Games

Star Wars Games Fucking Everywhere

>> No.4827505

I wonder how well people might multi-task with this.

>> No.4827510 [DELETED] 

>in the next Xbox console

>implying Nintendo will not take it first and Microsoft add it 3 years later

>> No.4827514

Most of those people probably imagine a full-blown mind reader. Such a technology would indeed be very disruptive and potentialy dangerous.

>> No.4827530

Looks like the brainwave reader devices introduced back in 2006-2008. Problem seemed to be that either the learning curve for doing anything meaningful with them was absurdly high or doing anything meaningful was impossible.

>> No.4827536
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Linear particle accelerator

>> No.4827541


Now that i checked it out, that TED talk was in 2010. So far i have'nt heard anybody being able to do ANYTHING meaningful with these devices. Sure a crippled person could learn to clumsily move a cursor around to allow writing (very sloooowly..).

>> No.4827560

>google glass
>10 years from now


>> No.4827577

/sci/ confirmed for shit tier



>> No.4827587
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Squeamish, hand-wringing nancies like that need to soldier the fuck up. Things are only going to get weirder from here on out. Besides, that cheap piece of crap is only dangerous if you somehow manage to poke yourself in the eye with it (which some of these fucktards could probably manage to do).

>> No.4827588

nope, thats just your average joe of the TED talks.

>> No.4827615
File: 18 KB, 775x732, 1333384147114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat feel when I see this technology and all I can think about is how it should be implemented in the next Xbox console

>Console peasant

>> No.4827619

Has /k/ been summered yet?

- /r9k/, /g/, /b/, /mlp/, /x/, and other heavily summered boards

>> No.4827642

Realize who the market is for daytime TV, and you'll understand this aspect of the internet.

The unemployed saturate this place.

>> No.4827643

Fucking luddites, they shouldn't be allowed to breed.

>> No.4827645


The high end models out at Duke University managed to get a monkey to teach a pair of disembodied robot legs to kind of jiggle.

Some german faggots used the Emotiv headset to steer a car dangerously around an empty track.

>> No.4827647


because they aren't good enough yet.
the obvious way of using them is allowing a disabled person to move an exoskeleton with his mind, giving him normal mobility but the precision isn't there.
right now making you control a prosthetic hand with the muscles in your stump is simply more precise and affordable then this.

>> No.4827649

The only hope is that most of these vapid douche canoes are too passively stupid to actually get in the way of progress.

>> No.4827650

Don't worry.

DARPA is working on this shit as we speak. Once they invent Avatar Killbots, we can put the technology to good use in FPS's (or getting cripples to walk, if that's your thing).

>> No.4827655


It's not so bad on /k/ because we make the kids feel like idiots when they act stupid. Doesn't really work on boards like /sci/ because they'll feign knowledge anyway.

>> No.4827660


oddly enough killbots are one of the things this won't be effective for.
if one was made you'd want precise control, imagine trying to control a killbot with kinect, or the wii.
honestly without much much better precision i don't see any use for this.

>> No.4827666
File: 161 KB, 393x500, catz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link to the talk?

>> No.4827678


Yeah. If something doesn't work right away, especially at the cheap consumer toy level, you just throw it out and give up, amirite?

DARPA and those stupid doctors and scientists should be working on refining Angry Birds instead.

>> No.4827679


Do you fly Predator Drones with a N64 Controller?

What about Guided Missiles? Are you using a Tom Tom to set it's co-ordinates?

>> No.4827680

> cheap

$100s is not fucking 'cheap'

>> No.4827682

So I actually have the very Emotiv EPOC you speak of, and I'm using it to see if I can map signals when you move your limbs to be used for prosthetics. However, this shit is hard to actually train and use. In the video, the guy is able to quickly push the block after only a single training session, but that isn't possible after a longer period of time or when layered with other movements. The people who are scared of it will never be able to have the concentration and focus to actually use it. And geez, it's like they've never seen an EEG in their lives or something.

>> No.4827688

or maybe you're just a dumbass who doesn't know what he's doing

no offence

>> No.4827689


It is if you live in a first world country and earn at least minimum wage.

>> No.4827692


Yeah, although there's a video of some other talk she did where some old bald guy managed to rotate and disappear the block at the same time. I read a review from a video game magazine where the guy said he was sweating balls and getting a headache just trying to play pong.

>> No.4827694

because you can always throw away a few hundred $, right? especially if you're on minimum wage ...

>> No.4827699



I do every week on dinner/movies/games and shit.

It's called being single and having no kids.

>> No.4827704

you're an idiot kid who's probably mooching off his mommy

>> No.4827707


i didn't say they need to throw it away numbnuts, i said they need to increase the level of precision before it becomes practical to use it in in day to day life.


>Do you fly Predator Drones with a N64 Controller?

no, you use a joystick and many other controlled that simulate the inside of a plane, while sitting inside of a room thousands of miles away.
the thing is you need immediate precise control on these things, right now the headset doesn't provide this.
also having to re calibrate it for each individual may be a problem.

>> No.4827709


No...I have a job. You know, so I can buy shit like electronic gadgets.

If I was living with my parents, do you think they'd give me money to buy crap like this?

>> No.4827714


>i said they need to increase the level of precision before it becomes practical to use it in in day to day life.


>oddly enough killbots are one of the things this won't be effective for.

Pretty sure that was a definitive statement on the worthiness of DARPA's research and development of said technology.

>you use a joystick and many other controlled that simulate the inside of a plane, while sitting inside of a room thousands of miles away.
the thing is you need immediate precise control on these things, right now the headset doesn't provide this.

Precisely. Fucking DARPA aren't going to be flying drones with off the shelf console controllers, just like they won't be using the Emotiv to pilot their Killbots.

>> No.4827718


but how is this form of manipulation better then the other?
what does this do that the other can't?
what is the added benefit of using your mind and not your hands to control a drone?

>> No.4827722


They aren't designing them for use with Drones. They are designing them for use with Robotic Humanoid Avatars.

The precision and control of a mind-link would greatly outclass that of any other form of control.

>> No.4827728


i can see why you'd want to use them for humanoid robots i guess. but honestly the human form probably isn't ideal.
is there really a point of making a humanoid robot instead of a plane, or a tank, or a dog?
why is the human form the one they choose to make for battle?

>> No.4827725
File: 31 KB, 593x355, Petman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend Millions Developing Brain Controlled Killbots

>Check Out How Many Push Ups I Can Do

Tax Payer money at work.

>> No.4827734


Maybe you've noticed that humans (with their fancy thumbs and forefingers) sit atop the evolutionary chain.

How well do you think a Dogs Paw or a Tank could do at disarming a bomb, for instance?

>> No.4827740


very well actually, there already are robots use by bomb disposal that look nothing like a human.
they are designed to do a task, not to mimic a human and they do it well.
humans may have fancy thumbs and are at the top of the food chain but when we design a plane we don't think "how are you gonna make it look like a human." do we?

>> No.4827750


>They do it well

Except they don't.

Which is why we still use humans to disarm bombs.

>"how are you gonna make it look like a human." do we?

No. Because a plane is a vehicle for carrying people and cargo.

A soldier is a person used to carry out tasks befitting of a human. If we can find a way of replacing the need for him to be physically present in a battlefield while still retaining his expertise, we would find it advantageous.

>> No.4827754
File: 46 KB, 776x602, 132556980952-Get-A-Load-Of-This-G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Browning Hi-Power

>> No.4827760


>Except they don't.

>Which is why we still use humans to disarm bombs.

i live in israel, we use robots and only robots.
most bombs can simply be tossed into a hole, when you cant the robot has remote control wire cutters.
a human doesn't approach a bomb to defuse it, it's to dangerous.

>> No.4827764
File: 68 KB, 643x960, 2PWgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not true.

Pic related.

Israels first female bomb disposal specialist graduating the academy at the end of last year.

Robots are used frequently in bomb disposal. But humans are also required for many of the jobs.

>> No.4827775

>cheap brainwave reader

This is nothing worth your money. It's a cheap 8(?) electrode EEG device, and a shitty one at that. You can build one yourself for less that 30 USD. This thing doesn't have per-amplifiers in it, and I'm not even sure it comes with an actual amp itself. There's no means of getting impedances down whatsoever (no gel contacts or saline sponges etc), which means the signal to noise will be absolutely horrible. Electromyogram- and simple movement artifacts will overpower any actual brain signal literally a hundred fold.

Just saying.

>> No.4827810

>You can build one yourself for less that 30 USD.

if you could they would be selling them for <$100

>> No.4827814

Why would they? No one else is selling them. For a gadget like this they can charge whatever they want and people will buy it. Prices will go down when actual competition shows up.

>> No.4827826

>No one else is selling them.

that's my point

somebody would be selling cheap ones if they were posible to make for~$30

>> No.4827847

>TED talks

>> No.4827849

>somebody would be selling cheap ones if they were posible to make for~$30
Apparently not. We can discuss whether it's possible to make one of these for less than 30 bucks, but frankly, that doesn't interest me very much. Go ahead and buy one if you feel it's worth the money.

Anyway, what you pay for is probably the software that's cleverly designed to hide just how poor the signal quality actually is.

>> No.4827857

you said this so go ahead, open a business, bro :P

> You can build one yourself for less that 30 USD.

>> No.4827873

Hey, it's one thing to have a busyness model, but actually setting up the busyness is another thing altogether. I don't have time (nor interest) in that.

Seriously though, the simplest electrode with which you could potentially pick up brain signal will set you back about 4 bucks. Have a look here:

And those are even sintered Ag/AgCl electrodes. Aside from that you'd need something to hold them in place, and a USB converter. Then you're good to go. Buy everything in bulk and you're in busyness.

>> No.4827886

cool stuff

too bad I'm not much of a hardware/physics guy

>> No.4827908
File: 52 KB, 300x309, EEGnakedman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


amateurs ...

>> No.4827911
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thanks for the laugh my friend.

>> No.4827917

I was going to tell you to watch the video on TED.com, not YouTube. Then I realized that you quoted actual comments from from TED...

>> No.4827929

There's an inherent fear of science among the population at large.
Ever play Deus Ex: Human Revolution and choose the SPOILER blow up the factory option?
Do you remember the monologue that started with "technology is like an axe in the hands of a madman"

Oppenheimer and other scientists working on the Manhattan Project said that they regretted their decisions strongly. Wish they had never worked so hard for this. Each scientists calculated they were individually responsible for 13 deaths.

The truth is every invention is bringing us to a new age. We gain something... but we lose something we can never get back.
Personally I find things like computer technologies are dehumanizing our population. We're surveyed constantly on our online presence, employers watching us, spying on us. Grading at my school is fed through a computer without a human eye so much as scanning it. I've heard that doctors now are just looking at patients as a list of symptoms on a computer and not talking to them.

Psychology presents the idea that we are always happy, regardless of our circumstances. It's a bodily adaptation. People living without technology are as happy as people living with it. People in the 20's were as happy as we are now.
If we consider that the end-goal of our entire existence is nothing but happiness, technology is basically meaningless.

>> No.4827934


>> No.4827989
File: 52 KB, 320x240, 18476-5871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public opposition to evolution is nothing in comparison to the coming shit storm in response to their future existential crisis brought on by our growing understanding of the brain.

Free will, consciousness, life-after-death--as much as people strut stupidly waxing sacrosanct about the origins of life, they'll lose their fucking minds when someone tells them something they don't want to hear about their own subjectivity.

>> No.4827997

>Are they redirected to sites like TED by Intelligent Design advocates or someone similar?

Are you implying TED is some sort of intellectual bulwark? Because it's just something retarded for pseudointellectual reddit-going hipsters to say they like in order to appear intelligent at parties.

>> No.4828017

No, it's a place where people can sell their new techy shit.

Notice that everything they do is a sales pitch.

>> No.4828238


mind reading tin foil?