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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4823190 No.4823190 [Reply] [Original]

Going to a casino for the first time this summer... Can you bet on only black for example, and each time you lose you double your previous bet? Are there rules against this?

Bet black $10: Lose
Bet black $20: Lose
Bet black $40: Lose
Bet black $80: Win - Net gain of $10

Infinite money? Unless you go on a terrible lose streak.

Pic related, its black

>> No.4823196

shitty troll is shitty.

if not trolling, double 00 space. House ALWAYS takes.

>> No.4823197


So what if you do 10 21 43 87?

>> No.4823199

I did this few times.
I began with 100 CZK (I'm Czech) and after few minutes I've had about 800 CZK.
But them out of fucking nowhere terrible lose streak and had 100 again. Basic bet was 10 CZK

>> No.4823200

nah, my mate made a post about this, one sec....

huh, stopped using her tripcode.

>> No.4823204

You can't cheat probability. Even if it was 50/50, which as already pointed out it isn't, a losing streak is going to happen sooner or later. And with your luck it's going to be sooner rather than later.

>> No.4823206

>And with your luck it's going to be sooner rather than later.
luck doesnt exist, the chance is he same for every player.

but yeh, house slowly makes money on all games, they are a business afterall.

>> No.4823209

I guess it would work if you were to reset the bet amount after each win. But then again, you wouldn't really be making a whole lot of money, and there is the probability of lose streaks which will drain your fundings.

>> No.4823210

So by this logic, it wouldn't be the worst of ideas to do this with small bets every once in awhile (like 2-10 dollars) and instead of going for a new car, make 20 bucks of spending money for the night


>> No.4823212

yeh, the tactic is to reset the bet amount to minimum after a win, and start the streak again. it still doesnt work though, read that thread i linked.

>> No.4823214

you can space it out as much as you like, when that losing streak eventually hits, it aint gonna be pretty....

>> No.4823215

You would be better off just getting a job, it's like betting but with a 100% probability of winning.

>> No.4823224
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Basically, casinos, encourage this strategy, because:
1) Statistically there will be a losing streak at some point, and most will not stop after a certain amount of money earned.
2)Even if they do stop, 90% of the money gained in casinos is spent in casinos.

>> No.4823230
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ah, theres a name for that strategy.

thanks hun. memorised.

>> No.4823233

Thanks for the help /sci/, I'll use this information wisely and go have some fun.

>> No.4823265

ON average for this scenario to be effective you would need to be able to double 7 times.

So with a 10 dollar min, you would need 2550 dollars to bet. Also Your last bet will be 1024 dollars. The casino will have a 500 dollar bet limit, making that impossible.

>> No.4823284

1280 dollars. not sure why i wrote 1024

>> No.4823289

aint effective anyway
the losing streak is rarer, but its also bigger, and even more crippling when it happens

you cant fucking win.

>> No.4823288

This is the best answer. While mathematically your expectation is still negative, the real (practical) reason this method will never work, even with a line of unlimited credit, is table maximums.