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4823108 No.4823108 [Reply] [Original]

If I change my sleeping routine and sleep every 48 hours, how fucked am I?

>> No.4823112


>> No.4823114

wow, dat fucking ignorance
give it a try faggot, see how far you get...

>> No.4823113 [DELETED] 

wow, at fucking ignorance
give it a try faggot, see how far you get...

>> No.4823117


I already tried it. I just want to know if its dangerous.

>> No.4823118



>> No.4823125

I know a guy who has a 32 hour sleep pattern. He acts as normal as anyone our age.

>> No.4823126


Fuck it. I already have a shitty life. I'm gonna try if I break this dude's record:


But how do I go about proving it?

>> No.4823128
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>He acts as normal as anyone our age, except for the fucking retarded sleep pattern that only synchs in with everone elses social life once every 4 days

how the fuck does he have a job/studies?? how the fuck can he have such a retarded way of life and still fucking function!??

>> No.4823130
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, good luck, you'll need it

to make sure you dont waste your time, get guiness on side to start observing you, and make it a legit record attempt
(you will almost certainly fail, this shit's retarded)


>> No.4823132


EK I want to be your sex slave

>> No.4823135

That guy was under observation. You'll probably need something similar

>> No.4823134


I don't live in US or EU. In a shitty country so I guess that can't be done. Anything else?

>> No.4823140

official observation, not just some random mate vouching for you.

guiness go all over the world, im sure you can contact them, they have record holders for loads of random shit all over the world, and your country cant be THAT shitty, you still clearly get internet.

>> No.4823142

>We do not accept claims for longest sleep or sleeplessness.

>> No.4823146

wtf? so then how come randy gardner gets to be the world record holder, and no1 is allowed to fucking challenge it??

>> No.4823154


Fuck Guinness. I can't get anyone to observe me. I hardly ever go out so some way to prove it through the internet?

>> No.4823156

Take up a tripname and keep posting on 4chan constantly.

>> No.4823162
File: 32 KB, 393x281, yao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not good enough. How about uploading a video to youtube every hour with me writing a timestamp?

>> No.4823164

>implying you couldn't sleep between uploading one video and the other, or prepare them beforehand, or cheat in billions of other ways

Nope. Spamming 4chan constantly is the best way.

>> No.4823165


How about a live feed of you falling asleep after the fucking third day, you pathetic cunt?

Get a hold of your life and do something good with your life, not retarded things.

>> No.4823166


After I write the timestamp I will turn the camera to the screen which will show the frontpage of a /g/ or any other board and you can confirm the time.

>> No.4823167

And how does that guard against you sleeping in between?

>> No.4823168

how do we know you arnt ubermanning it in between vids?

you'd need an entire unedited segment, with the camera on all the time, for days and days and days (plugged in, obviously)

>> No.4823169

That's not übermensch at all, he could sleep for way more time in total than normal if he just had to record one short video every hour.

>> No.4823171
File: 22 KB, 1045x264, polyphasic sleep schedules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uberMANNING not ubermensch.

and yeh, like i say, complete coverage would be required, no blank spots in time where he MIGHT be sleeping

>> No.4823174

Why not do it in public instead of streaming it ?

>> No.4823177

how will that work? most people wont have a fucking clue what he's doing, they'll just walk past and not take notice (what, is he just fucking sitting somewhere in public, and not sleeping?)

and then later, if he does somehow manae to break the record, he still has no proof, it just his word. just as if some lunatic comes out now and says they stayed awake for a month, no1 will take them seriously without proof.

>> No.4823184


Hmm. I can't think of anything else.

>> No.4823193

see: >>4823165

dont even waste your time
remember, it's:
> 264 hours (eleven days)
thats shit is gonan be REALLY hard, even missing one days sleep will leave you pretty fucking groggy.
gardner is obviously fucking hardcore.

also, even if you do it, most people arnt gonna care, and people are famous for doing much more important and less retarded things than that.
you may as well put your efforts into doing something more useful.

>> No.4823202

You'll notice that the total time spent sleeping in the übermensch schedule (uberman is a disgusting anglophone deformation) is shorter than normal. If I slept, let's say, 45 minutes every hour I'd total a whopping 18 hours of sleep in a day. Quite a feat, not that I haven't done it before, but still.

>> No.4823203

sleeping 18 hours a day aint uberman

its six 20 minute naps

= 2 hours
22 hours spent being awake.

FYI, uberman sleep schedule has nothing to do with ubermensch.

>> No.4823205

>not a deformation of the proper german word
>implying the word übermensch is copyrighted by Nietzsche
>implying you understand my point at all

>> No.4823208
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what the fuck was your point??
any tool can waste 18 hours a day sleeping if they like, its just fucking pointless!
being asleep aint fun or productive, its just that we need to do it.

>> No.4823213

You said he'd be "ubermanning it up". He wouldn't. He'd be sleeping for most of the time.

>> No.4823218

erm, why?
so you're suggesting he might be cheating, and sleeping in between vids, but why would he do it for 45 minutes and OVER-cheat, as in, sleep for 18 hours when hes supposed to be sleeping NONE, if he can sleep just a few hours.

he'd just take a 30 or 40 minute nap every few hours, and set an alarm, wake up in time to make the next vid.

no reason to pointlessly overdo it just to cheat MORE when it aint even necessary.

>> No.4823220

If I were going to cheat, I'd make sure to try my darnest to cheat as much as possible. I'm not half-assing it.

Besides if all you are doing is sitting around waiting for the hours to go by you might as well sleep.

>> No.4823235
File: 364 KB, 444x722, posh_constanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and when you're close to the end, and youve apparently complete ~190 hours or something, and your still wide awake, bushy tailed, and perky, you really think they aint gonna know somethings up??

>trying to cheat at a world record attempt

theres a reason this shit is scutinised so carefully when the legit record holder is recorded.
loads of douchebags would love to lie and cheat, and get undeserved fame, but it doesnt work, hun.

>> No.4823238

Have you ever actually tried to sleep for such a long time? HINT: you're not going to be perky at all, you are going to be groggy and unable to think straight.

>> No.4823255

Somebody didn't read the whole article (aka, everybody), cause the record has been broken multiple times, that case was the one most studied though.