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File: 184 KB, 653x512, earth_moon_from_messenger1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4819855 No.4819855 [Reply] [Original]

You have been contacted by the governments of the world due to your supreme intellect, they tell you the greatest crisis in the history of mankind is approaching: In exactly a decade a giant alien fleet will arrive with the intention of destroying us and erase every last trace of human presence from history. They do not care at all about the damage they can do to the planet, their sole objective is human extinction.

You have the resources of the entire world, its armies and people, unlimited funding and all the technological wonders of humanity at your disposal, plus ten years of preparation time.

What do you do?

Will you try to defend Earth?


>> No.4819865

Hide nuclear ordinance in asteroid belt,
Fake an alien distress call.

We're probably fucked though.

>> No.4819869

i would put a portal on the side they're coming from and a portal on the other side

>> No.4819888

Pipebombs, OP.
Nothing beats a well placed pipebomb.

>> No.4819893

Hack the mothership with my Mac

>> No.4819901
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Maybe I can't beat the aliens at war, but I can beat the aliens at destroying the earth.

That'll teach those pesky aliens.

>> No.4819910

I'd train some spartans...

>> No.4819915

Shoot 6 water balloons filled with ballsweat at them on first contact.

>due to your supreme intellect

>> No.4819920

Hoplites would probably not be very effective against interstellar beings. That being said, I have no clue. I guess I'd propose building an underwater (or maybe just underground) city in which the worlds smartest people can live, then leave everyone else out to die. The aliens would think they killed everyone and leave (assuming they're here ONLY to wipe out the race, not for resources or anything else), then we can come out and repopulate the earth with god-tier spawn.

>> No.4819924
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Assuming an early warning... and really dumb evil Mars Attacks! aliens. For defense, get the hell out of the earth's gravity well. The aliens can drop stuff from above. Use long range sensing to see the fleets in interstellar space. Learn everything possible about aliens. Do stuff from movies. Drill beneath mountains ranges and start bunker cities. Encourage competition, scientific achievement and overall community.

>> No.4819932

>ten years of preparation time.
I'd call the god damn Batman

>> No.4819964

Ender's Game thread?

>> No.4819968

>Dig massive tunnels

>Place 100 megaton nuclear bombs at the bottom

>Fill the tunnels with huge tungsten ball bearings

>Wait for aliens to arrive in orbit

>Detonate the nukes, spraying their fleet with high velocity scatter shot

>> No.4819975


>> No.4819982

Build hidden missile silos on the moon, on the side that faces earth so they couldn't be detected until the fleet was in orbit and it was already too late. Just wait until they're firing their weapons, and then put thousands of nuclear missiles up their ass.

Then send Bruce Willis up in the Soyuz to wipe out any survivors.

>> No.4819981

Fire some cluster missiles into space containing human DNA.
Build some deep, secret bases underground to contain a small number of people and the means to restart the world.
TELL the world what's going on. I'm not a retard who thinks HURRR DURRRRR I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE US!
To survive this we'll need everybody's help

>> No.4819989

Booby trap the ISS with biological weapons so that when their space marines board it to skullfuck the astronauts they end up contracting Super-AIDS and spreading it to their species.

>> No.4819990

>>They do not care at all about the damage they can do to the planet.

Then they have no real business coming here. Instead of a fleet, they should be sending a relativistic kill vehicle. A hunk of metal the size of a house moving above 90% c would be enough to destroy all human life, and we'd never see it coming nor have any hope of stopping it.

Assuming they're dumb enough to send a fleet, nuclear-pumped x-ray lasers might be worth trying. Unfortunately, while relativistic kill vehicles might be the final pinnacle of offensive weaponry (against planetary targets, at least), theoretical science presents no similarly perfect defensive measure as of yet. Even with 1000 years prep time, there might not be a thing we could do about an invasion except try to spread faster than we can be wiped out.

>> No.4819993

Can we build our own relativistic kill vehicles to attack their fleet with?

>> No.4820006


I don't think we have any chance of developing the technology in ten years, and really it's more a weapon for striking planets and moons. IMO, effective lasers and missiles would be better goals.

>> No.4820017

conscript every human being of military age

launch endless waves of astronauts with spears and jetpacks at them



>> No.4820037

Okay guys, this the proper answer. What we should do is construct a large training facility in orbit and conscript the brightest human minds as children. Train them up in tactical and leadership skills until you've created the most capable leader and group of individuals, then give that bunch of kids control over all of your warships. But then in a surprising plot twist you'll find out the evil alien enemies don't intend to kill your after all, and that you've bred a group of genocidal individuals to kill the only other intelligent race in the universe.

>> No.4820080

Two things to realize:

1. Cooperation is paramount. Create teams of geniuses to figure everything out, share all ideas and designs and technologies.

2. Unless the aliens are dumb as bricks, the earth is going to be destroyed. At best we can save 100,000 people. Therefore the most expendable resource we have is human life, and the most valuable is untracable escape vehicles.

So what we should do (unless somebody has a better idea) is construct as many self-replicating colony ships capable of reconstructing a terrestrial ecosystem on another planet using either cryogenics or construction of life from scratch as possible, and identify suitable planets for them to go. If we build enough that enough of them survive that the ones they create are more plentiful, then the human race has become unkillable.

Also, as a bonus, since the amount of people who can build rockets outweighs the amount of people who can build colony ships, we can also trace the fleet of ships back to their planet of origin and send relativistic/rapid asteroids to their planet in return.

But yeah, if they wanted us dead they wouldn't give us a decade headstart.

>> No.4820109
File: 12 KB, 359x451, fuckyouihaveamoosetache.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have been contacted by the governments of the world due to your supreme intellect,
That's bullshit, but thought experiment so whatever.

>they tell you the greatest crisis in the history of mankind is approaching:
Shits getting real

>In exactly a decade a giant alien fleet will arrive with the intention of destroying us
How do we know this?

>and erase every last trace of human presence from history.

>They do not care at all about the damage they can do to the planet, their sole objective is human extinction.
No chance of diplomacy then, huh?

>You have the resources of the entire world, its armies and people, unlimited funding and all the technological wonders of humanity at your disposal, plus ten years of preparation time.

>What do you do?
Get answers to those questions.

>Will you try to defend Earth?

How big is the fleet, how do we know they are coming, why do they want to destroy us, chance of diplomatic relations/bartering with resources?

Having a fleet of our own would be nice, drones and maned aircraft, sturdy strong and fast, station a large percentage of dronetech, and send ones with advanced solar power to scout for the aliens, to start diplomacy/taking the fight to them. Set up batteries of super howitzers, im talking Tesla deathray howitzers, im talking their sole ammunition is nuclear weaponry howitzers.

Get scientists to begin work on space arcs and a third dimensional hole to transport non combatant citizens to safety (and some drones to the fleet?).

begin a draft to train all able and willing to fight, release all experimental cia weaponry and equipment to use against alien.

Howitzer lasers, also use meteorites and asteroids as sattelite shields for earth and natural weapons, sure why not.

>> No.4820112
File: 744 KB, 1280x960, my life for kharak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the earth is going to be destroyed. At best we can save 100,000 people

>> No.4820121

>Genetic modifications?

Better humans=better chances of survival

>> No.4820120

Give them weed until they turn into hippies

>> No.4820130

Works every time.


>> No.4820165

Put a couple hundred people in cryogenic sleep hidden underground, then systematically destroy the rest of the human race. When the aliens get here they will find no trace of humans other than buildings and shit.

>> No.4820474
File: 82 KB, 600x397, tunnel_boring_machine_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm this guy >>4819990 and I want to give my final answer.

I've decided trying to defend Earth is not probably a worthwhile use of the time. Earth is too big a target to defend without a massive and powerful military presence in space, and we will simply not have that, even in ten years with all of Earth working toward it.

Hiding, then, must be the goal. We need to take some humans, of enough number and with enough genetic diversity to continue reproduction for a sustained period (maybe along with frozen semen samples to increase the pool) and put them in a hiding spot that can support human life without drawing alien attention. I am heavily inclined to suggest that somewhere not on Earth would be a much better hiding spot. Someplace less conspicuous than Mars. Say, inside an asteroid. But ten years is a frighteningly short amount of time, and I'm afraid the additional challenges of doing anything offworld (even somewhere as "close" as the moon) would compound with those of building an artificial habitat, and we wouldn't succeed at either.

A hiding place on Earth, then. Let's really hope they don't use the relativistic kill vehicle approach. Find an isolated area with heavy mineral deposits that will hopefully mask any signs of an active underground installation. Excavate and construct the habitat area under the guise of constructing a huge scientific device (think along the lines of the large hadron corridor). Circulate an estimated date of completion that is decades beyond the truth to keep the public disinterested.

>> No.4820477
File: 209 KB, 766x522, underground_tcm4-164998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A word about all the misdirection: The public must not be made aware of the invasion, and must not suspect the true purpose of the construction. If they are and they do, someone will broadcast their suspicions and the aliens will hear them and all hope of using it as a hiding place will be lost.

When the habitat is complete, stage a world war to distract the public as much as possible. Fill the habitat with soldiers and their families (whose sudden relocation is easier to explain away) and the best scientific minds humanity has to offer (which will be needed). Shut the door. Collapse any tunnels leading to it. Publicly cancel funding for the 'scientific project' in light of the war. Allow aliens to swoop in and kill the rest of humanity. Try to act surprised.

Leave instructions to those in the habitat that should they survive and emerge to rebuild, they must never develop the capacity to transmit anything wirelessly and must never build any matter/antimatter rockets (these can be seen for tens of light years away if you're looking for them).

Lastly, tell them to listen closely for any transmission from the stars, and when we have the ability, send a relativistic kill vehicle to wipe those fuckers out forever.

>> No.4820484


>large hadron corridor

Ugh. That was, of course, supposed to be Large Hadron Collider. Apologies.

>> No.4820488

>Don't care about the damage they do to the planet
you are aware they would just shoot something at us before we even knew they were coming.

If they have the ability to travel through the stars at quick speeds they have the ability to manipulate mass and matter in such a fashion we wouldn't be able to conceive.

>> No.4820491


Absolutely agreed. But the OP was asking about a human response to an alien death fleet with 10 years notice. Undoubtedly, we won't be so fortunate should an alien civilization wish to wipe us out.

>> No.4820510

Seeing as how they got to us, they probably have the technology to annihilate us (or at least do major damage) without ever making contact with our atmosphere.

That being said, any type of defense will have to be made in space. I propose building a colony on the moon capable of launching shrapnel-filled missiles with the explosive force of a nuclear explosion at the aliens.

>> No.4820528

Probably futile. A species capable of FTL is probably capable of overcoming whatever resistance we could offer. But since we're probably going to try anyway...the entire nuclear arsenal of the planet earth plus however many additional nukes we can construct in ten years. If that doesn't stop 'em, nothing we have will.

>> No.4820529

I don't understand why you're assuming they're FTL.

>> No.4820536

FTL is the only way to travel the stars. It's not hard either, resonances and shit can make stuff weigh nothing.

>> No.4820559

>colony on the moon capable of launching shrapnel-filled missiles with the explosive force of a nuclear explosion at the aliens.

That would be -- directed at Earth?
You want a mortar barrage directed at ourselves?

I suppose the aliens might avoid us just out of pity and discomfort -- who wants to be around the nutjobs?

>> No.4820561


Troll attempt aside (and it's a good one!), slower than light is a plenty legit way to travel the stars. With time dilation, it doesn't even have to seem like it takes a long time if you're going fast enough.

It's anyone's guess, too, what aliens would consider taking 'a long time.' We're so short lived that even just days of travel seems like an ordeal, but if a lifeform lived for millennial, or was ageless, a few decades of travel might seem trivial.

>> No.4820574
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>> No.4820584

Especially if they're a moving species in the sense that they never separate. That way, no matter how long it took for them to travel, they'd just be "moving" anyways, settling in one star system before moving on to the next.

>> No.4820724
File: 203 KB, 800x800, 1337108796144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) Build a device capable of projecting a magnetic field at long range.
2.) Make as much antimatter as we can in that time.

Gentlemen, we're gonna make antimatter bombs.

>> No.4820730
File: 132 KB, 400x579, shadowofthetorturercover (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antimatter bombs.


>> No.4821085


Rape the most beautiful woman in a selected screw I discard every week.

Keep doing it until alien arrive.

>> No.4821106

Develop and build generation ships. You can't really fight in space with any normal or sci-fi weapon since, you know, no oxygen or pressure, and and all that. If we put the human race into space, they won't be able to be hurt by the aliens. On our self sufficient generation ships we can just chill forever, hopefully outlasting them, or just coexisting there

>> No.4821116


For space weapons, we can attach some kind of space harpoon launchers to the ships, that would work as a weapon, as they're usable in space potentially.

As a backup plan, we could cryogenically freeze a bunch of humans in the bottom of the glaciers/south pole/north pole. The aliens won't detect the frozen people as alive and human and all, so they wont think to kill them. Then they'll unfreeze sometime long after the aliens have left.

>> No.4821126

Create kinetic shields and RKV's, gigantic army and defense platforms.

>> No.4821132

>build an arc in three years
>while also developing a morality chip that kills anyone who goes against basic principles. (don't kill other people, be friendly, blah blah)
>have a database of everything technology can record
>leave into space and hide at the 5 year mark.
>aliens come to planet and find nothing but our remains. So they destroy that
>come back to earth and hope the aliens are gone forever.

sure we'd lose physical history, but we'd still have the knowledge. Maybe even gain enough to strike back.

>> No.4821183

I'd create Von-Neumann aircraft.