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4816385 No.4816385 [Reply] [Original]

ok /sci/ it's my first post here.

what would happen if we took the simple inequation 2<3

and then multipled each side by infinity

>> No.4816392

mind = blown

>> No.4816403

blown = mind

>> No.4816406

another quick question:

In a quadratic function a cant be equal to 0. But it doesn't have to be real. What would happen if a was equal to sqrt[-1]?

>> No.4816410

mind < blown frankly.

>> No.4816418

I am not asking those to blow your mind, I just thought that knowing such things would be cool

>> No.4816454

The infinities would cancel out, numb-nuts.

>> No.4816475

also, what is the bad thing in energy drinks?

>> No.4816477

sugar, additives and caffeine.

>> No.4816480

does that mean that they are no more harmful than coke or sprite?

>> No.4816491

They probably contain more caffiene and additives, im unsure about sugar!

>> No.4816495

yeah, but as far as i know they are usually consumed in smaller amounts than soft drinks

>> No.4816516

There is literally nothing unusual about the coefficients of a polynomial being complex.

>> No.4816519

Also infinity is not usually considered part of sets that have order relations (for example, the real numbers does not include infinity)

>> No.4816541

You can't multiply by infinity, just as you can't divide by zero.

>> No.4816551

Are you an idiot?

>> No.4816569

might be, but why? Is multiplication by infinity something moronic?

>> No.4816576

It's not defined, infinity isn't a number.

>> No.4816581



>> No.4816585

don't talk about shit you don't know about.

> riemann sphere

you can multiply by infinity in various contexts. it's just that 1 > 2 does not imply any inequality about infinity.

think about it, you can't multiply it by 0 either.

there's just no reason you should be able to.

>> No.4816591


>> No.4816595

You can't multiply by infinity in OP's inequality, the rest of your post is pointless.

>> No.4816607

looks like the highschool fag was butthurt when he realised his lack of knowledge.

why are you here lecturing people about something you don't know about?

you can multiply by infinity in various contexts. therefore your sophomoric statement that you couldn't was wrong. go away now.

>> No.4816613

The inequality would still hold true since the infinity on the right side is still greater than the infinity on the left side.

There are in fact different infinities children.

>> No.4816611

Last time I checked, infinity can be greater than infinity.

>> No.4816622

This /thread
Think L'hopital's rule

>> No.4816627

You're coming to this thread without the intention of simply answering OP's question within the context he obviously wants it to be answered and actually get enraged at someone else providing an answer that's satisfying for OP but maybe not for you. But it's okay.

>> No.4816628

No there aren't.
Infinity+Infinity= Infinity
and they are all the same.

>> No.4816659

Think in terms of set theory.
A set of real numbers and a set of natural numbers are both infinite.
But a set of real numbers has more elements than a set of natural numbers.
Both have different cardinalities or sizes of their respective infinities, hence there are different infinities.

>> No.4816666

The existence of different infinities (as in infinite cardinalities) is completely irrelevant here, as $\infty$ is a symbol defined as an extension of the real numbers, and do not in any way correspond to any cardinal number.

The answer to OP's question is that you will just get an eccentric although not very useful property of the extended real numbers. Since by definition $x\cdot\infty=\infty$ for all real numbers $x$, all you will get is that $\infty<\infty$, which might be contraintuitive, but still holds in the context of the extended reals. This does not mean any paradox, however, as it still holds that $\infty>x$ for any real number $x$.

For reference, see for example Rudin: Real and Complex Analysis or (since the pretend know-it-alls in here seems to just blurt out nonsense without ever citing expertise).

>> No.4816680

> Condescends everybody
> Has no fucking clue what he's talking about

Cardinality has nothing to do with real analysis you absolute pleb. Now fuck off and don't speak down to anybody ever again because your arrogance is actually completely unwarranted; you have Down's.

>> No.4816697
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pic related

>> No.4816706

can you divide by infinity? (no srsly can you? am I describing calculus here?)

>> No.4816713

Thanks bro I was thinking in terms of aleph numbers

Nice quads

>> No.4817948

Good thing infinity is a number. Fuck off niggers

>> No.4817958

This thread is giving me cancer.

>> No.4817998

infinity is not a number.
there is no monotony.
you're argument is invalid.


>> No.4819511

you're argument is invalid.
you're = you are
you're argument = you are argument
you are argument is invalid

>> No.4819522
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welcome to 4chin

>> No.4819527

>first post
>says shit
>expects to be taken seriously