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4814729 No.4814729 [Reply] [Original]

Double Slit Experiment
Is it the measuring device throwing out electrons in order to measure the other electrons and they hit each other? Why does the measuring device change the behaviour of the electrons?


>> No.4814734
File: 225 B, 65x22, it is a mystery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4814738

You wanna see something that will really fuck your brain, op?


>> No.4814752

In order to determine which slit the electron goes through, the detector needs to interact with it in some way. For macroscopic objects, (for example) photons being reflected off their surfaces have negligible effect on the object itself. A photon interacting with an electron produces an effect that is NOT negligible, due to how small the electron is. Any detector will interact with the electron enough to disturb its natural path.

>> No.4814760

Why is the natural path like a wave?

>> No.4814765

There isn't really any good answer to that. That's just how it is. Physics does not, and indeed cannot, answer those sorts of why questions. A similarly meaningless question is "why does the gravitational/Planck/lightspeed constant have the particular value that it does?" That's just what we observe.

>> No.4814767
File: 412 KB, 1920x1280, Jordan-Carver-Yoga-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shitty undergrad qunatum mechanics you are talking about is known to have a very limited scope (just like classical mechanics).

Physicists now-a-days all use the much superior Quantum field theory.

Everything exists as a quantum field, All you particle/wave duality is bullshit.


Lecture 1 | Quantum Field Theory (Cambridge)


>> No.4814772

Just as it will be exceedingly difficult to understand special relativity before you understand Galilean relativity, it's going to be similarly (if not exceptionally more) difficult to understand QFT before learning nonrelativistic QM.

The fact that one is a more accurate model which covers more phenomena does not in any way lend to the learning process. Take your elite-est bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.4814778
File: 297 KB, 1280x1920, Jordan-Carver-Yoga-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misses the point

Little kids often ask questions about basic quantum mechanics that have no answer within the realm of basic quantum mechanics.

That is the position OP is in. His questions have no answer in quantum mechanics, only through quantum field theory will his questions be answered.

The majority of the video is easy enough for highschool chidlren to follow. There is no elitism here!

>> No.4814781

Place two polarized filters at right angles to each other. Notice how no photons get through.

Now place a third polarizer in between the two at a diagonal angle. The third polarizer measures each photon's polarization along the diagonal axis, absorbing the photon in one case, and transmitting it in the other. Suddenly the behavior of the photons is changed. Some of them can get through whereas none could before!

OMG psychic magic! Now who wants to join my Atlantis cult?

>> No.4814802

>through quantum field theory will his questions be answered.
Now you're just lying to people.

>> No.4814811


That video shows it too dumbed down to understand what's going on.

You have to realize that whenever we want to see something we have to interact with it in some way or we really have no way of knowing that it's there. To use an analogy imagine that we're trying to see a football and we're hitting it with a bunch of ping pong balls from a certain angle, catching them wherever they're deflected, and measuring the differences in angle. From that info we can more or less deduce its location and somewhat its shape. Imagine now that we can use marbles, our predictions will become better. Same if we go with bb's, or to even smaller shit. Of course, in real life we use photons (they get absorbed and released technically, but the concept is similar).

So, in the double slit experiment, what happens is that they're actually shooting the particles at the slits and if they use a measuring device, then that measuring device sprays out a ton of another particle on the other side of the slits to use a collision to determine exactly which slit the particle came from.

Unfortunately, colliding another particle with the one traveling through the slit collapses the wave and you lose the virtual particle stuff.

That video you linked makes it seem as if we're always spraying it with particles and only when we're actually paying attention does the behavior change, this is not the case. If there is no particle collisions then the wave doesn't collapse until it hits the wall. When you think about it it's actually pretty common sense.

This is why it's important to always 'explain things as simple as possible but not simpler'.

>> No.4814813

I think this scientific old guy its bullshit. He says that electrons under watch act different than when electrons are not beying watched.
Is that true?
Example: light as a particle/wave.

>> No.4814820

If I understand it all correctly, there is a scale at which even the act of directly observing something may change its behavior. Think of it this way--if you want to measure someone's temperature, you have to put a thermometer in their mouth, or on their skin. You have then changed them in some way. On the scale of atoms and photons, the act of measuring their beahvior, changes it.

That is a really bad explanation and I'm sorry for it. If I'm mistaken, someone, please correct me.

>> No.4814822
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Because the only way to observe a photon is to launch "particles" at it.

>Dat popsci QM

>> No.4814825

Holy shit, is that real man? Fuck thats awesome. Its like water is life,and its concious.

>> No.4814834


The first minute into the video, it looks like this asshole is trying to sell something. My bullshit meter exploded.

>> No.4814836


Are you going to imply that bosons aren't 'particles'?

>> No.4814840


Water does not have memory. Water is a molecule. It is H2O. It does not "remember" anything. If it did, tell me--why aren't we all dead from water's memory of all the shit that's been in it? The water that's here now is the same water that's been here since the planet formed.

That's a stupid bullshit fucking mindless idea and get it out of your goddamn head right now, you daft cunt.

>> No.4814856

Do you think i dont fucking know that? Do some research on water structures, ignorant piece of shit.

>> No.4814857

>The water that's here now is the same water that's been here since the planet formed.
That's a stupid bullshit fucking mindless idea and get it out of your goddamn head right now, you daft cunt.

Water breaks apart into hydrogen and oxygen all the time and new water is formed from hydrogen and oxygen all the time, not to mention water that comes from meteorites and other incoming space debris... there is definitely water around now that was not around when the planet was formed.

>> No.4814861

Isn't this homeopathy bullshit?

>> No.4814858

>Water breaks apart into hydrogen and oxygen all the time


>> No.4814859
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The video is shit, read this instead.

>> No.4814864
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>> No.4814862
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>> No.4814865
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>> No.4814868
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>> No.4814867
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>> No.4814869
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>> No.4814872
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>> No.4814871
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>> No.4814873
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>> No.4814877
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>> No.4814885


>> No.4814938

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?


How is water having memory daft?
How does the brain store charge as memory?
How do we do it digitally?
Structurized water is a new field for science, and it is extremely interesting.

>> No.4815501

of course it makes a fucking sound
we're beyond this shit

>> No.4815679

Feinman Lectures on Physics! One of the best explanations I've seen for the relative layman. Good stuff.

>> No.4815681

anyone got them in a pdf? or as text?

>> No.4815708

I've got them as text. Unfortunately the text seems to be stuck to this silly papery stuff....

>> No.4815820

I suppose you still know how to write with a pen too

>> No.4815869


its a namefag

don't respond to them

>> No.4815964

They're on bib.tiera.ru.

>> No.4817383

thanks for that

>> No.4817437

Well, you're not original. Stop stealing your lines from another man's song.

>> No.4817454

the microsoft silverlight website hosts them as a demo.


If you can get past the fact that silverlight is mostly dead, no one uses it, microsoft has decided to throw in the towel on it, and you possibly don't have it installed, etc.. then it's really not a bad place to watch them.

Alternatively, look around here.

>> No.4817480
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Richard Feynman was a dick.