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4814648 No.4814648 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't society used the capabilities of magnetic powered engines?

It's free, it's clean and the polarity of magnetics stay for up to 400 years.

Is it because oil companies have already bought off most magnetic engine patents?

>> No.4814668


>> No.4814690


Thought I'd get an interesting discussion started but I guess this is not a subject that interests this board.

Definitely a surprise to say the least.

>> No.4814693

>Requires startup of 2100 RPM for 42 seconds

what's the net energy gain? what can this drive?

>> No.4814698

This is just a picture I took off google imagines, there are plenty of youtube videos with a bunch of different forms of the engine.

There was another video where a man managed to produce up to ~9.5 volts of power just by positioning a rod over a series of magnets.

All he did was give it a little push.

>> No.4814702


I think most people assume you're trolling, because what you're saying sounds extremely retarded. It could be that you're sincere and just stating what you mean poorly though. If you're not just making some claim about perpetual motion, perhaps try elaborating?

>> No.4814708

Either hoaxes, or idiots who think that they can fly by grabbing their ankles and pulling really hard.

>> No.4814709
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>>Is it because oil companies have already bought off most magnetic engine patents?
In that case, all we have to do is wait 20 or so years for the patent to expire.

Though the question is, could one really build a magnetic engine, THAT DOESN'T VIOLATE THERMODYNAMICS? IE, you give the engine unseperated magnets and combination of said magnets drives the engine.

>> No.4814713

i believe that's the idea. it is not perpetual, it only lasts as long as the magnets maintain their polarity, which might only be for a few million years at most

>> No.4814720


Fucking magnets, how do they work?

>> No.4814726
File: 54 KB, 250x238, energy tower.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THEN WHERE DOES THE ENERGY COME FROM? When magnets are magnetized energy doesn't get stored in them, it gets dissipated as heat.

That being said, engines that run on water are a lot more likely to happen than 'magic' magnetic motors. In fact, one could be built to supply power to parts of Arizona:


>> No.4814736

Magnets can't do work they can only be arranged in a way that friction is reduced or nearly eliminated in the system, but external power or energy would still need to be applied to make something turn to generate work or electricity.

>> No.4814751

> Why hasn't society used the capabilities of magnetic powered engines?

Because magnets aren't a source of power.


>> No.4814764

>Is it because oil companies have already bought off most magnetic engine patents?

>Is it because power companies are making shitloads of money due to monopolies, shady business practices, and political influence?
Very likely.

Cracked has an interesting article on GM destroying the electric street car:

Look up "a practical guide to free-energy devices." With little external applied power you can generate a significant amount of electric power. Depends on the device.

Ex: tesla radiant energy collector

>> No.4814791

>volts of power

>> No.4814788

bump for science

>> No.4814803


>All he did was give it a little push.

And that's the rub. He got a little energy by inducing a current by moving a wire(in this case a rod) through magnetic fields.

In order to KEEP that electricity flowing, you'd have to keep pushing, which means you're continuing to put energy into it.

>> No.4814810

I think everyone's come up with the idea of building a magnetic motor at some point, some people realize they don't work based on theory, others have to build one to realize that it doesn't work. It's part of the process of growing up IMO

>> No.4814816

"Does Jean-Louis Naudin actually have a working device or not?"
You should be asking these questions.

>> No.4814829

There are also youtube videos of people flying through the sky all willie nilly buttcheeks exposed without a care in the world, but that don't make it real.

>> No.4814830
File: 498 KB, 262x200, 1328929709050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skip to 2:50 if you dont understand spanish.

>> No.4814933


>> No.4814942

And some people get so hung up on dreams that they have to keep trying to build one for the rest of their lives.

>> No.4814947

Is that hard to

>> No.4814954

I'll take it seriously when I see it power a vehicle in observed test conditions.

In other words, I'll never take it seriously.

>> No.4814970
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>> No.4814972
File: 168 KB, 800x600, 1290610986450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friction. rolling resistance.

>> No.4815035

Look at the lights, they are turning on right?
You think that all of that is a set up? I saw the exposition myself. Believe it or not, it works.
Google it. Its not hard.

>> No.4815037

Is it powering a vehicle?
Is it doing so under scrutiny?

No? Then shut up.

>> No.4815040

I saw a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat once, doesn't mean I believe magic is real

>> No.4815042

troll physics thread?

>alternator hooked up to electric generator

>> No.4815062

Wow these videos.
You don't just take two dmms to measure alternating current and voltage and bingo you have power.

>> No.4815114

Actual measurements on the 50 kW Manzanares pilot solar updraft tower found a conversion efficiency of 0.53%, although SBP believe that this could be increased to 1.3% in a large and improved 100MW unit.[8] This amounts to about 10% of the theoretical limit for the Carnot cycle. It is not unreasonable to expect a similar low conversion efficiency for the Energy tower, in view of the fact that it is based on a similar principle as the solar updraft tower.

>> No.4815151
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>attach machine to battery

>> No.4815547
File: 29 KB, 366x440, 1281898891260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get this out of a "troll science" picture OP?

Oh you.

>> No.4815575

>It's free, it's clean
you need to use energy to create more magnets.

>and the polarity of magnetics stay for up to 400 years.
they wear off very fast when used for powering engines.

sorry OP. it's of very limited use.