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File: 142 KB, 661x743, 1336739591191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4813266 No.4813266 [Reply] [Original]

Is global warming real?

>> No.4813268

Global warming is real. It's a natural process.

>> No.4813271

For the millionth time it IS real. The debate is on whether it is anthropogenic or not.

>> No.4813299


correction, the debate is over the magnitude of it, not on whether we are causing it, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that human activity is the cause

>> No.4813306


>> No.4813307

What is the evidence that Human activity is the cause of the warming? Please cite your sources or your statements mean dick.

>> No.4813308

Yes, and anyone who tells you that it's not anthropogenic is an idiot.

>> No.4813315

>everyone who doesn't share my idiotic beliefs is an idiot

Nice argument, faggot.

>> No.4813318

>people still falling for trolls who pretend to be conservitards and deny the anthropogenic greenhouse effect

holy fuck stop falling for it it's like getting angry at "MW4 is good" on /v/

>> No.4813322


i am not going to google it for you just because you are scientifically ignorant or trying to troll, if you looked into the matter at all you would find a huge amount of evidence in my argument's favor

>> No.4813323

Being skeptic has nothing to do with "trolling", retard.

>> No.4813326

What's the name of that fallacy? I mean it's obvious that you have no evidence and continuing to make assertions without providing proof only makes you look even weaker.

>> No.4813331
File: 7 KB, 225x225, troll line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4813334


Have fun.

>> No.4813338

>redirects to "global warming"

Nice try, troll. We all know that global warming has evidence and citations. That doesn't apply to "anthropogenic global warming".

>> No.4813343


>> No.4813348


1/10 for effort

>> No.4813359

I'm not trolling. It's you who is either trolling or seriously retarded. I asked you for evidence and all you come up is providing citations of something else we already agreed on. It's okay to have your childish beliefs, but if you can't back them up, please don't call them science.

>> No.4813361

Okay, how about this:


>> No.4813378
File: 40 KB, 220x191, big-grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they can't into science

I read the link you posted and it is full of the worst unscientific fallacies.
All the time they confuse correlation with causation.
And then I had to lol hard when reading this:
>No known mode of internal variability leads to such widespread
Argument from ignorance.
Oh wow, those faggots are no better than religion trolls.

>> No.4813375

Keep fuckin' that chicken, newt.

>> No.4813380


0/10 for repeating yourself

>> No.4813391

Can you please fuck off, retard?
We want to discuss science here.

>> No.4813387


0/10 for small penis

>> No.4813388

>has no arguments
>has no evidence
>yells "troll" at real scientists

Cool science, bro. /sarcasm

>> No.4813392



>> No.4813397

Okay, I'll take that as your acknowledgement that I was right.

>> No.4813410
File: 22 KB, 336x261, cerial.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth has both heated up and cooled down in the passed.

>> No.4813416
File: 56 KB, 500x316, 3253529162_a757dde721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at a summary of research from a large collaboration of scientists that are outside of your field
>skim over in <30 secs
>deem it as unscientific
>probably still in undergrad or less

>> No.4813421

>confirmed for knowing absolutely nothing about climate models

It's okay, son. You'll graduate from high school soon enough.

>> No.4813417

Really? That's a little obtuse to state such, as though it was not known by everyone already.

>> No.4813428

I was watching NOVA on PBS and noticed that it gets funding from David H. Koch Foundation -- the Kock family is also heavy into political horseshit and funds anti-global warming bafflegabbery. What if NOVA wanted to run a climate documentary? Do they ever anymore?

>> No.4813438


0/10 idiot