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File: 51 KB, 480x388, medical-nanobots-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4812827 No.4812827 [Reply] [Original]

Majoring in biomedical engineering. My end goal is making nanobots with the ability to extend life, heal wounds faster, give us powers such as strength and speed, maybe go as far as to allow us to fire bend, water bend, air bend, and earth bend.

Is this possible to do with nanobots? Any ideas on how I could get started on this?

>> No.4812831

You have to attend highschool first.

>> No.4812833

Nanobots =/= avatars

>> No.4812832

Not how the real world works.

>> No.4812835

>actually existing to any applicable extent


Nanotechnology is possible and will probably start coming up in a few decades, but not in the way you're thinking.

>> No.4812836

to extend life just make them work like white cells but be immune to aids
then if the guy has a weak immune system cuz he's old we could inject them on him

>> No.4812839

It wouldn't be possible to for instance, inject nanobots carrying antibiotics or vitamins, that would release them when the body was in need of them?

>> No.4812840
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>> No.4812843

with all those functions they wont be nanobots but rather microbots (synthetic cells) which are based on nanorobotic technology.

If your talking nanobots you need to be talking on the scale of proteins which are almost always limited to one function per protein.

>> No.4812841


Nanobots violate the laws of physics

You big dummy

>> No.4812844


Yes, but note the difference between controlled-release systems and strength-boosting tiny robots that grant you the ability to manipulate the elements.

>> No.4812858

Thanks for enlightening me guys

>> No.4812861

OP please read through this article:


This is what you need to focus on

>> No.4812865


wait do you actually think that or is this some bizarre troll?

>> No.4812868


oh ok I didn't see it was blackman

never mind

>> No.4812875

Thanks, I'll look into it

>> No.4812883

Do you actually believe nanobots are proposed by Dexler are anything but pure fiction? The universe doesn't work like that

>> No.4812888

as proposed*

>> No.4812894

My dad is a bio mechanical engineering and that's pretty much the closest we are to any kind of nanobots

They tried using gold shells to carry medicines inside a pigs body and guide it with a magnetic field and it worked pretty well

>> No.4812904

Not OP but how exactly are they violating them?
Please respond

>> No.4812912

A lot of the functions he mentioned would take a very long time to become reality. But nanobots are plausible they will be producing very simple ones in years to come. The main problem is finding a way for them to self replicate or some sort of nanobot factories that can replace damaged nanobots.

>> No.4812925

Nice! Do you know what illness the pigs had and what kind of medicine was used?

>> No.4812927

They use nanoparticles for drug delivery. E.g. PGLA or chitosan. But these aren't "nanobots". They simply store the drugs within the molecules, and release over time.

>> No.4812937

If you have studied any physics you are aware of thermodynamics. Drexler has ignored physics and chemistry. Where is the energy coming from to power these machines? As you scale down your fictional robots, it would succumb to the wrath of BROWNIAN MOVEMENT.


It heavily relies on the Schroedinger in order to make bullshit approximations to do impossible things with physics and chemistry.

You noticed that this diamond nanobot technology wasn't even funded because the science community is aware it's nothing but hocus pocus bullshit.

>> No.4812934

I doubt the pigs were actually sick, but it can be used to deliver almost anything. It will probably be used mainly to destroy cancers with less damage to healthy cells

I'll try to find you a video

>> No.4812961

I'm not very comfortable with thermodynamics but if life doesn't violate its laws why would nanobots?

>> No.4813003
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>What is a protein?

>> No.4813011


leave it to the biochemists, proteins show much more promise than robotics

>> No.4813013
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Personally, this is the kind of nanorobot I'm wating for: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respirocyte

>Run for hours without getting tired
>Remain underwater for days
>Climb mountains or explore caves without the fear of running out of air

>> No.4813019

This shit combined with photo synthetic cell

I'm surprised no one tried to get funding front the us army for this yet

>> No.4813024

Biotechnologist undergrad here.

We need to talk.

>> No.4813025


Very clever troll.

Easily the most used and abused creationist bullshit ever.

Life exploits thermodynamics; macroscopic systems assemble themselves in the presence of an energy bath.

>> No.4813028
File: 15 KB, 412x366, 1316471997340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


same here, going into jr year researching full time


>> No.4813029

I wasn't trolling I was just asking why we couldn't mimic life to build nanobots

>> No.4813031
File: 75 KB, 830x484, nano3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream is to get a PhD in biorobotics.
Not only artificial limbs, but NANOMACHINES.

Feels good to know this is the future.

>> No.4813037
File: 73 KB, 500x448, 1791673037_2d6a1825f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, by the way: nanomachines are molecules, not tiny robots inside our body.

>> No.4813598

>my end goal is making nanbots with the ablity to extend life
Word, sounds cool

>>give us powers such as strength and speed
Uhmm, ok...

>maybe go as far as to allow us to fire be-
Ive lost all hope for you