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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4808878 No.4808878 [Reply] [Original]

Prove that you exist!

>> No.4808881

I think, therefore I am.

>> No.4808890

You read this.

>> No.4808893

prove that you think, also prove that you read it

>> No.4808895


Prove proving is achievable.

>> No.4808897

No, fuck you. I'm sick of this fucking bullshit.

>> No.4808903

Define You. Define exist. Define proof.

>> No.4808913

define exclamation mark

>> No.4808914
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Took the words right out of my mouth, well done.

>> No.4808915

you can't and you never will

>> No.4808916
File: 33 KB, 640x480, laughter is an element of harmony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define define.

>> No.4808917

define the definition of define

>> No.4808918


>> No.4808927

>implying will

>> No.4808933

c...cogito ergo s..s.ssum?


>> No.4808934

define the

>> No.4808939

State or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of.
Give the meaning of (a word or phrase).

>> No.4808942


not your personal laboratory

gtfo of /sci/ and go to /x/

>> No.4808952
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 14760449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well according to descartian logic, and the fact that the human mind has 60k thoughts a day, I prove this without even posting. Why would you ask when this is already so evident?

>> No.4808958

>implying implications
therefore I exist

>> No.4808972

You can't. Get over it.

>> No.4808979

of course he can't, he can't even properly define the terms of his question even when given the definition of define after he asked

>> No.4809002
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>tfw you know somebody in a meme image

>> No.4809048

you can conceive of a system which i am a part of without causing a contradiction.

>> No.4809119

I wish I didn't.

>> No.4809124


Fuck off back to reddit.

>> No.4809125


>> No.4809130

>implying I exist

There's no fucking evidence. Stop believing in fairy tales, OP.

>> No.4809128

Eh, I wasn't sure what to call it, an advice-dog style thing? I've only been to reddit once and it was awful and I never went back.

>> No.4809275

I don't

>> No.4809291

image macro

>> No.4809296

think therefore i am, i cannot proove this to you and neither can you proove to me that you exist, but because it is the only productive thing to do, I will have to assume that everything around me actually exists.

>> No.4809329

>still believes cartesian view is valid

>> No.4809338


>> No.4809359

You exist, don't you op? I exist. We all exist.

We're inside your head, all of this is a part of yourself.

>> No.4809363

Couldn't have posted here if I didn't exist.
Unless god posted it of course.

>> No.4809512
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Sir, please use the proper forms

>> No.4809522
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The Julia sets exist, therefore this universe exists, therefore I exist.

>> No.4809531

You dont exist unless there are thoughts.

I thought you'd know this by now. Rene descarte was a retard

>> No.4809536
File: 8 KB, 251x183, 1340640219289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually don't know how to prove anything...

all I can do is use the conjunction my brain and my body to interact with the environment I am receiving through my five senses

Not even trolling op...

>> No.4811701

This guy actually thinks he only only has five senses

>> No.4811717

>This guy actually thinks he only only has five senses

Oh shut up. All the sense organs of our skin are collectively referred to as "touch", even if they are technically different senses. This is just a traditional term.

Also, balance and positional awareness are quasi-senses at best.

>> No.4811733

Whatever, if you want to be that strict just to confirm your bias, then consider that smell is just a form of taste, but for smaller more spread out particles and hearing is just the sense of touch your ear gets from pressure vibrations, so you only have three senses.

>> No.4811966

you can't without the 3 basal assumptions

>> No.4811972

i can see myself in the mirror, and am typing this right now.

inb4 dumbass retorts about the intricacies and whatnot concerning the topic

no. based on what we perceive "existing" to be, i do in fact exist

>> No.4811977

the feeling that i have right now of munching down hardcore on some pretzels and having them in my mouth
tldr qualia

>> No.4811985

>assumes there is a self
>not assuming there is only thoughts that generate the self
Why the fuck didnt the rest of the western world call this faggot out?

>> No.4811995

I'll take the bait

How can you possibly criticize Descartes argument? I understand that the leap from "thinking" to "existence" requires justification (a premise), but how is it not self-evident that the consciousness doubting their existence must inherently exist to doubt it

>> No.4811996
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>You dont exist unless there are thoughts.
What does that even mean?

>> No.4811998

because we only call out real faggots, aka you


>> No.4812002

Means that without thoughts to relay "I exist" there is no such thing as "I". In the absence of "I" all there is are thoughts. In the absence of thoughts, there is no I found anywhere

>> No.4812006

Correlation != causation. I thought everyone knew that. Just because there are thoughts doesn't mean there is a thinker. Just like there is a universe, doesnt mean there is a god creator.

>> No.4812005

What generated those thoughts then?

>> No.4812008

The brain? You didn't know that?

>> No.4812022

But many brains exist that do not produce decipherable thoughts, so is it really the brain that generates thoughts or is it the mind and does a mind without a brain (ie AI) still exist?

>> No.4812023

>Just like there is a universe, doesnt mean there is a god creator.
That doesn't mean the universe just poofed into existence. There could still be a cause we don't know about.

If cause and effect doesn't exist nothing would make any sense.

So the brain can generate those thoughts even though it doesn't exist?

>> No.4812024

Brainless minds do not exist. Mind is just a conceptual framework that defines brain patterns. Mindless brain can exist, aka death.

>> No.4812028

>so you only have three senses
Who gives a shit and how is this relevant at all?

>> No.4812029

>So the brain can generate those thoughts even though it doesn't exist?
I guess "it" means "I". Yes. The brain can generate tons of imaginations/delusions.

>> No.4812040

>Brainless minds do not exist.
I already gave the example of AI as a brainless mind, so are you saying AI does not exist or that the mind of an AI does not exist.

>Mindless brain can exist, aka death.
That is a nonfunctional brain though, what about lesser animals with properly functioning brains such as insects, fish, etc. Do they have a mind even though we can not interpret their thoughts and does that mind exist if it is incapable of relaying thought?

>Mind is just a conceptual framework that defines brain patterns.
But only a brain with a mind is capable of producing objective thought, so if existence relies on thought and the mind produces thought, then the mind is of higher existence than the brain even though it can not exist without a brain... how is this not a paradox.

>> No.4812041
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That doesn't make any sense. How can you have an effect without a cause?
I'm out.

>> No.4812044

It was only relevant in showing how unrelevant >>4809536 and >>4811717 were

>> No.4812050


So you agree that thoughts exist.

I'm not arguing one precedes another (unlike the creation argument which is easy to refute), I'm arguing that the thinker and the thoughts are equivalent. The thoughts--which you agree exist--are intrinsically defined as "I" in "I think"

>> No.4812048

Maybe its the wrong cause? Instead of saying "I think therefore I am" maybe "I am because I think"

>> No.4812051

You didn't disprove anything. You were just being nitpicky.

>> No.4812056

Thoughts != Ii
Thoughts can create the notion of "I"

>> No.4812068


"I" is much larger in scope than just the brain though and is certainly more than simply a thought relay mechanism for the brain and an entity that seems to engage in action (whether mindful or random) without expressing thoughts is still considered to exist where I come from, but what about things that can relay thought without the ability to engage in action (such as AI like cleverbot)?

>> No.4812069

I never claimed to disprove anything, if anything I implied that I PROVED they were irrelevant, but apparently I didn't so are you saying that those posts were totally relevant?

>> No.4812076

Sure, I'll prove that I exist, just as soon as you give a consistent, usable and meaningful definition of existence that's compatible with the everyday meaning of the word existence.

>> No.4812103

have objective reality or being

>> No.4812117

>definition by synonym
that fails the usability criterion


>> No.4812120

>objective reality
you materialist kids are funny

>> No.4812129


Which word is a synonym for exist because none of those three words appear on this list or is it that you just don't understand what the word or means?

>> No.4812136

Yes, dictionary manufacturers are known far and wide for their humor.

>> No.4812134

be, you fucking retard
go kill yourself then try again

>> No.4812138

Ok, so yea you just don't understand what the word or means.

>> No.4812142

It's not that I exist that's debatable. The fact that I post is proof of my existence in itself.

Now, what IS debatable is my nature. Am I just a figment of imagination in OP's mind?

Is OP just the faggiest figment of my imagination?

>> No.4812144

If you really think that's a useful definition, I have boundless contempt for you.

>> No.4812147

>figment of imagination

>> No.4812149

What if this is just a dream and I dreamt your response?
You didn't prove anything

>> No.4812156

If you think you can do better than the professionals at Merriam-Webster's, then you should apply there and quit your job as a jizz mopper ASAP.

>> No.4812172

>The fact that I post is proof of my existence in itself
Nope. There is no "you" posting. But rather a posting.

>> No.4812174

If you think you are adding to the conversation by bitching about other people's thoughts without providing your own unique counter reasoning, then I have boundless contempt for you.

>> No.4812193

i like wondering if my own consciousness is the only thing there is, and everyone else is just made up for my senses to perceive. but it's pretty egotistical to really believe that that's the case.

>> No.4812199

What if your conciousness isn't your own? And if you aren't real either?
What if you die every time a thought ends and are reborn when one is made?

>> No.4812202

heavy man, heavy.

>> No.4812207

Sure there is. Even if the post is imagined, the post still has a poster, it's just you, so in that case I exist, as you.

Which is understandable since philosophy is masturbation, as the logic loop demonstrates.

>> No.4812218

You're me from the past

>> No.4812223

>i exist because of my post
>my post exist because i exist to experience it
sounds like circular reasoning to me

>> No.4812225

Goedel motherfucker, do you speak it?
You can't prove a perfect system

>> No.4812240

Actually the only thing that proves is there is a thought that is being transferred. Thinker/I seems to be invisible.

>> No.4812280

What does it matter whether we exist or not? If we can't ever prove it then it's not worth asking the question, as whatever our premise ("yes I exist" or "no I do not exist"), all things will remain the same.

>> No.4812299

/sci/ - Philosophy & Humanities

>> No.4812301

So when you are alone in your basement with your thoughts, you are unsure of your existence?

>> No.4812311

but if i don't know if i exist there is no way i can be sure you exist.
or, we know we exist because here i fucking am and overthinking it is retarded.
descartes did a lot of great things, but philosophy wasn't one of them.

>> No.4812369


>Well according to descartian logic
>descartian logic

>> No.4812398

I define whatever this thing I'm experiencing as existence, therefore I exist by definition, in my own mind anyway.

>> No.4812420

>implying the very definition of existence doesn't call for an objective reality that can be verified by other members of existence
>implying anyone currently living defined existence rather than just being told they existed when they were introduced to the external concept of existence