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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4806831 No.4806831[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey science faggots. Religious faggot here. Care explaining why you say religion is bullshit and there is no proof? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're doing the same thing with science. Someone says they've made a new discovery, and you believe them without actually going out and proving it yourselves. Face it, you fags are mindless sheep like the rest of us.

>> No.4806838

just sage and report, guys

>> No.4806843


You just mad.

>> No.4806850
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>> No.4806848


>> No.4806859

This thread is in violation to the rules of /sci/ that clearly states no sciencevsReligion
If you have some math to discuss start a new thread, otherwise take this shit to >>>/pol/

>> No.4806864


It's not a Vs. I'm saying we're both equally gullible.

>> No.4806878

This thread was posted by the mod. /sci/ mods are regular shitposters and are the sole reason why everything has turned to cancer.

>> No.4806882

That would explain everything.

>> No.4806885

There is no way that you can know which threads are posted by the moderators, and which are not, unless a thread is started with the moderator posting as a moderator.
You are clearly just lying.
You are also breaking global rule 8.

>> No.4806896

Moderators can actively contribute to a board without having a purple name on them, just like someone can stop using a tripcode you fucking retard.
>implying you aren't a mod trying to do damage control
>implying /sci/ mods ban for breaking rules and don't ban for posting legitimate science/math threads

No faggot, you are the cancer

>> No.4806899

>Moderators can actively contribute to a board without having a purple name on them
I know, that is why I said:
"There is no way that you can know which threads are posted by the moderators, and which are not, unless a thread is started with the moderator posting as a moderator. "

>implying you aren't a mod trying to do damage control
I am not, but I think that on the whole /sci/ does have good moderators.

>implying /sci/ mods ban for breaking rules and don't ban for posting legitimate science/math threads
Of course not, why would they do that?
It seems that you are angry and upset about a ban you have received before, I think.

>> No.4806900


>> No.4806914 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4806919

>I think that on the whole /sci/ does have good moderators
>Never bans religion threads
>Never bans shitposting tripfags
>Allows CP to remain on the front page for days
>Bans threads about linear algebra
This is our mod and everything the fat neckbeard does, you fucking shill.

>It seems that you are angry and upset about a ban you have received before
Everyone who has been on sci for more longer than summer break this year has been needlessly banned for inane trolling garbage at least once.

>> No.4806925

I have only been banned for reporting threads and complaining about the moderation.

>> No.4806930


>> No.4806934

>Everyone who has been on sci for more longer than summer break this year has been needlessly banned for inane trolling garbage at least once.

You do not know that.
There is no way you could possibly know who has been banned, and who has not.
You are making things up, and blatantly lying again.

This is still a religion thread, and all of you should be saging.

>> No.4806936

When I started to report Ek alot after I learned she was permabanned I would get banned for 5 days for "inane trolling". It's like mods love to protect shitposters or something. Also the a mod got buttmad when someone besides him started posting putnam threads so he removed the sticky ability.

>> No.4806944

Holy shit, are you me? I was banned for 30 days once for reporting EK shitposts

>> No.4806948

Now this is suspicious.

>> No.4806949

u mad cause your precious mod is an immature cunt?

>> No.4806950


That is not very nice.
I think that for the most part EK was a good poster.

Filing false reports does result in a ban, and you should know this.

If EK was breaking the rules, then you should report her, but I have not actually seen her break the rules, and so reporting her is not justified.

It seems she has left /sci/ anyway, so this is not relevant anymore.

>> No.4806951

Where are the stickied putnams btw?
I loved those. Why are the gone??

>> No.4806959

I do not think that the mods will care what you think of them.
They are just trying to do their jobs, and if you do not like it, then it does not matter, because there is nothing that you can do about it.

We do not care what you think about the mods either.
Go and rant about it on your blog if you must.
We do not care.

>> No.4806955

Pretty much.

>> No.4806956 [DELETED] 

You must have got banned by the mod who comes on in the morning, ie, Invisibro, >>4806914

The mod who comes on UK time is a bro, and always bans shitposters/EK if you report them

This is why /sci/ turns to complete shit during the day (US time), but for a few hours before midnight it actually becomes slightly good

>> No.4806961
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>I think that for the most part EK was a good poster.

>> No.4806966

What did she actually do that was so bad?
I saw her help some people, and she is quite rude sometimes, but apart from that, she seems quite interesting and intelligent to me.

>> No.4806965
File: 96 KB, 757x331, shitty mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world must know

>> No.4806969

>We do not care.

>> No.4806975
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>> No.4806976

she derailed every thread she posted in. She also samefags to death

>> No.4806973

Go away Harriet

>> No.4806979

Stop posting that.
If that is me, and I am not saying that it is, but if it is, then I have stopped using a tripcode.
Is that not enough?

>> No.4806981

holy fuck that's horrible

>> No.4806980
File: 12 KB, 251x251, sunice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned once for asking a question on astrophysics.

>> No.4806977

Why is this thread still alive?
Mods, do you fucking job or let someone capable of it take over.

>> No.4806983

>She also samefags to death
I do not think that she ever did.
There is no way you could possibly know, anyway.

You are still making things up, for which you have no evidence.
All of us are aware of this, and therefore we are not taking you seriously.

>> No.4806985
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Oh Harriet.

>> No.4806987

>having multiple trips
>not samefagging

Did you take your meds this morning,Ek?

>> No.4806989 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4806990

I am not EK.
Even if I am Harriet, like you suspect, then I am still not EK.

Her medication is none of your business.

>> No.4807009

I fucking wish you asshole had a static IP. You are the cancer that is killing /sci/.

>> No.4807020


Same here.

>> No.4807032

If you want to talk religion, take it to /lit/. This board is for factual discussion. /lit/ is more capable of handling abstract spiritual and philosophical concepts.

>> No.4807033

the mods here are flaky. i dont trust any mods here. /a/ mod seems to be fine though

>> No.4807045

Fun fact: OP is right. We can't check all "scientific discoveries" for ourselves, so we have to believe them on faith only. Science might be a great conspiracy.

>> No.4807044

Religion is not appropriate on /lit/ either.

Moderators operate on multiple boards.

>> No.4807059

Read a book

>> No.4807062

And yet all of the technology that relies on science to function, does still work.

Sage please.

>> No.4807061

Lol? Are you kidding me? You're the cancer that is killing /sci/: I'm only reporting shitposts, underage b&, and homework. Fuck off.

>> No.4807064

Show me any technology that relies on evolution.

>> No.4807072

im saying that the mods that mod /a/ seems to know the /a/ board culture.

>> No.4807076

Same goes for /x/.

>> No.4807079

Genetic engineering?

>> No.4807089

That's not evolution, that's genetics.

>> No.4807088
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>he browses /x/

>> No.4807093

Geuss what, I also believe in skellingtons.

>> No.4807097

The theory of evolution depends upon genetics.

>> No.4807098

"Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Sir Arthur C. Clark

Since the dawn of humanity, science has increased in its ability to explain observed phenomena. Once thought to be acts of the divine, many phenomena now have scientific explanations. At the current rate of technological discovery and innovation, it is almost certain that Clark is correct.
If you asked President Lincoln his opinion on a city being destroyed within a few seconds, he would have said that it would be an act of god. Ask President Truman not a century later and he will have said that he had done it, twice.

Some say that if one does as god does enough times one becomes as god is. Technology has enabled humanity to adopt powers that were one thought to be exclusive to the divine. That said, I don't know whether a "god" exists or not, but I don't think that the status of said "god" is an unattainable goal for humanity.

>> No.4807129
File: 25 KB, 398x314, firstStars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized why I sometimes get drawn to threads like this.

It's because I feel lucky to have been born in a family that didn't force religion upon me, and to have been born with and/or taught to have a rational and unbiased outlook on the world.

So I wonder, what if I hadn't been so fortunate, and I want to think that I didn't just make it into this state of mind by luck and that everyone can be just as rational... So maybe I want to believe that it is possible to talk sense into anyone, because I want to think that if I had been one of those unfortunate people that someone would have been able to talk sense into me.. It would make my place in the universe feel more stable and less delicate...

But now I'm starting to think that some people just can't be shown reason. Not necessarily due to their genetic disposition alone, probably it's due mostly to their upbringing, but the fact remains that they cannot be saved.. There is nothing I can do to help them, and there may have been nothing anyone could do to help me if I had the misfortune to have been born into that situation.

It makes me sad.

>> No.4807131

>Sir Arthur C. Clark
implying he can ride a horse and joust and shit

>> No.4807199

Fucking farming. You know bananas are selectively bred to be the way they are, right?

>> No.4807203

No, they were designed to fit in our hands right from the beginnings.

>> No.4807211

Ray Comfort get out of here.

>> No.4807218

Ya because most other shapes don't fit into our hands.

I mean, have you ever tried to pick up a ball, or a cube? It's fucking next to impossible, don't even get me started on irregular shapes like rocks, those are so far from fitting in our hands comfortably.

god dunnit alright. It's the only explanation for why I can pick up a banana and nothing else.

>> No.4807221

Good thing they just so happen to fit into ape hands too.

>> No.4807231

Damn right, because apes were designed to look like our ancestors.

>> No.4807271

To trick the nonbelievers with that voodoo "evolution" right?

>> No.4807281

Our ancestors? You mean like Homo Erectus?

>> No.4807330
