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4806625 No.4806625 [Reply] [Original]

When will the Chinese overtake the US and Russia in space?

I'm going to say between ten and fifteen years.

>> No.4806639


oh wow

>> No.4806666

they already have

>> No.4806672
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They already have overtaken the US.
>2011 US launches: 18
>2011 Chinese launches: 19

and they are neck-and-neck with Russia so far this year with ten launches each.

And for the future, they are opening a new launch site (Wenchang) and developing two new generations of launchers. And there is this space station they are currently visiting, a stepping stone to their long term plans for lunar colonization.

Firefly got it right: future generations will be swearing in Chinese because they will dominate future space exploration.

>> No.4806708

USA: Dude, we gotta go to space and shit.
World: Why?
USA: Because it's fucking cool and maybe there's aliens and shit.
World: Whatever.
USA: We did it!
World: How was it?
USA: Fucking sweet, brah. But no aliens. And really nothing but rocks and shit. So I guess it wasn't all that cool, after all. But it was worth the effort. We came up with some new toys and shiny shit in the process, I guess.

Fifty fucking years later:
Rest of world: Dude, we gotta go to space and shit!
USA: ololo

>> No.4806714

>Sputnik: beep beep beep, u mad?

The real reason

>> No.4806719

I dont know. US has moved from the big rockets in space to a more efficient Smaller unmanned vehicles that can stay in space for more than a year and then come back to earth unharmed. Its one of the better reusable spacecrafts. That and its commercializing space industry.

>> No.4806746

if we can get the commercial space program running then we will easily surpass China with the process of supply and demand stimulating technology rather than arbitrary deadlines that may or may not exist depending on your country.

>> No.4806755

I hope you're trolling.

>> No.4806813

In case you're not trolling and just American:
first person in space wasn't an American.

>> No.4806816

>a stepping stone to their long term plans for lunar colonization
Possibly, but as far as I know, there has been no official decision on visiting the Moon by taikonauts. If they do decide to officially go there, then it may be coincidentally at the same time, or even years after the US makes its manned return (US unmanned return due later this decade).

>> No.4806894

That's not what makes his statement inaccurate.

The truth is the US only went to space for military reasons, and had no actual scientific interest.

When NASA was founded it wasn't "to look for aliens n shit"

>> No.4807567

Pretty sure the Chinese have said they'd begin manned missions to the moon in 2020, and build a lunar base in the near future.

There are no lunar colonies being planned, except by Newt Gingrich.

>> No.4807743

They're planning to have their own space station by 2020 and have declared they're going to the moon the same year.

>> No.4807767
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I don't give a shit who does it.

We NEED an industry in space if we are to survive another century.

>> No.4807794
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MFW China falls flat on its face in the upcoming depression and its space program with it.

>> No.4807801
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And so, humanity was but a blip in the universe, their limitless potential squandered by death and greed, the chances of another race finding the tattered remains of their civilization an absolute impossibility.

>> No.4807822
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That's exactly what I was thinking of.

>> No.4807820
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The universe may be filled with the remains of extinct civilizations that made the economically sensible decision to stay on their homeplanet.

>> No.4807850


I don't think so. Think about this, was it economical for the apes who were well adapted to the trees to leave their canopy and wander the grasslands? At first probably not, but they found new resources to exploit. Who is to say that in the future space may become profitable?

Its like the Romans writing off the exploration of the new world for all eternity because they didn't have the technology to get there and could not imagine what they could gain from sailing across the vast sea. But now imagine if they did find the americas.... what wealth it would have brought to their empire!

>> No.4807864
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>relevant anymore

>> No.4807879
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The thing is that space is dangerous, even to something as massive as a planet. And while the chances of the Earth intercepting something really devastating in the next few decades, establishing sufficient presence off-world IS going to be difficult and expensive enough that some seemingly sensible people can slow it down indefinitely.

Because the common concept of economic expediency has and does often(most of the time) shoot long-term planning in both knees.

I'm usually more optimistic than this, but allow me my pessimistic bouts.

>> No.4807893

I WANT to be optimistic, I want the whole world to join hands and make the universe our bitch, but it just will not happen. Humanity exists for a handful of businessmen to get their materialistic kicks.

>> No.4807898

Are you saying they don't have enough people to build a space program out of corpses if they need to, or that they wouldn't do it?

>> No.4807902

So we kill those parasites. Problem solved.
And if explosives didn't solve your problem, you're not using enough.

>> No.4807906
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Unfortunately, most of the population is (excuse me for using this word) brainwashed into thinking such an act would be bad, and anyone who thinks otherwise is evil too. Remember the hippy movement? The government tried to quiet that up, and then brought attention to the stupid druggies to make people who didn't want war look bad.

>> No.4807907

I dunno, it's hard to stick a head on a pike when it's all smushed up like that.

>> No.4807916


i still don't buy your hypothesis. As technology gets better things will become cheaper and open the door for new economic opportunities. Crossing the Atlantic 600 years ago was a stupendously expensive national enterprise. It is all but routine now....

>> No.4807925

I wouldn't care if I was made out to be the greatest villain in the history of the world, as long as the hindrances to human future were removed.

And of course I wouldn't be alone.

>> No.4807927

Behavior of crowds is rarely wise or logical. The greatest demagogue usually wins. Carthago delenda est.

>> No.4807929

Oh no, I feel the same way. The first opportunity I had, I would amass wealth to build up unethical robotic and bio weapons to subdue the world and their leaders, and promptly begin research, design and production of starships and other technologies. Unintelligent individuals would be used for either food or hard labor, while intelligent individuals (namely scientists and engineers) would work around the clock to design machines that could support us further such as factory cloning and food animals.

>> No.4807932


good thing demagogue's don't determine what is economically viable

>> No.4807935
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>Implying the Chinese have the ability to overtake everyone.
They probably stole their entire space program, like everything else.

>> No.4807939
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The Chinese are extremely selfish, and although their massive numbers could accomplish almost anything, they choose to run each other over.

>> No.4807944

Except when they can determine what your wealth is actually worth, or even the nature of wealth.

>> No.4807954

Actually they did steal their space program. Absolutely everything they've done so far is just a rip off of Soviet technology. Their rockets, space capsules, space stations, are all just Soviet designs with Chinese decals slapped on them.

Maybe they can get as far as the moon, since that's been done before. But what happens when they run out of technology to rip off and they have to actually create things themselves? Uh oh.

>> No.4807980

Well it'd certainly be nice for the USA if they started buying from companies like SpaceX.

>> No.4808003



>> No.4808004
File: 15 KB, 275x300, slowpoke_pokemon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's face when

>> No.4808008

I would like the source of OP's image.

>> No.4808010

Anime, Legend of The Galactic Heroes.