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4800464 No.4800464 [Reply] [Original]


>"But creating a time cloak—something that could hide not just an object but an event—is even more ambitious. Rather than just rerouting the rays of light striking an object, a time cloak would have to deflect all the light beams influenced by the object as it moves through space. The time cloak would, in essence, create an interval during which all information about what an object is doing disappears."

City-leveling bombs, levitation, now time cloaks, other sciences, are you even trying?

>> No.4801174


>> No.4801250

excuse me but I think I came. Do you have any tissues?

>> No.4803439


I think the invention is amazing, but it kind of blows open a can of worms as far as questions go.

Still really cool.

>> No.4803448

Making shit up to impress the uneducated masses (i.e., professing that something somewhat—but not really—plausible is within our grasp) is not the same as actually developing useful technologies or discovering new phenomena. In that case, biology is easily winning in the utility department because of medicine and genetics.

>> No.4803453
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I hope you guys know what this means

>> No.4803458

time cloaks have been made like 5 years ago dude.

>> No.4803475

This is completely infeasible on earth and this is why

the speed of light in air is less than 1/300th slower than the speed of light in a vacuum- IE you can only make light take a 1M longer path than it would in air in a vacuum, and have it arrive in the same place at the same time, for every 300 m the light is following the path in a vacuum. Or in other words you can only deflect it about 4.34 degrees for one of these cloaks to work

Any cloaking would be so massive it would defeat the object.

>> No.4803480

why would you want one in air anyway? and why would you want to cloak large objects?

>> No.4803483


Yes. Time cloaks that hide events for "40 trillionths of a second." That is a quote from msnbc. You cannot witness any part of an event lasting that duration, therefore whether or not it is "masked" is left to the imagination. That money could have been used to engineer vital life saving medicine; instead it was used to help physicists pretend that they were important. Disgraceful.

>> No.4803495

>That money could have been used to engineer vital life saving medicine

Yup, because biologists sure are making big progress on that cure for cancer, right?

>> No.4803497

I can think of a few reasons. For example, it'd allow time travel -should we find some way of doing it backwards- to take place to inside one of these cloaks without violating causality

>> No.4803504

if you want time travel that cant effect the rest of the world, quantum entanglement does a pretty good job at it.

>> No.4803514


quantum entanglement doesn't transmit any information whatsoever. It doesn't violate relativity, doesn't let you send or recieve messages, doesn't do anything remotely interesting.

Imagine you have two marbles, one red and one green, and you and another person take one each without looking at it. You could then look at the marble anywhere in the universe and tell from the colour of the one you have what the colour of the other is, even if you're a billion light years apart. That's all entanglement is.

>> No.4803544

i know what the fuck entanglement is, and traveling back in time in a time-cloak will have exactly the same effect.

>> No.4803545


Yes, actually, they are. Either way, one inch of progress toward curing "cancer" (for its forms are diverse and many) is worth one hundred miles of progress toward time cloaks, inventions that would only used to disguise great wrongdoings on the part of our leaders.

>> No.4803560

No it won't. It'll allow you to record data that has been lost for various reasons and bring it with you.

For example you could build one, plug a cable streaming from cameras on the moon into it, and record the moon landings in better detail than recordings you have now without being noticed.