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4800343 No.4800343 [Reply] [Original]

Is the next stage of human evolution supposed to be immortality through cancer? Think about it. Cancer cells are basically cells which refuse to die. Is the fight against cancer the fight against our own future immortality?

Of course, most mutations are harmful, and cancer is no exception. But is the medical establishment, in its struggle against cancer, really involved in a struggle against human evolution?

>> No.4800358

Just no.

>> No.4800365

Think about it. Bit by bit, we're finding cancers that are caused by viruses. This is an evolutionary failure on the part of the viruses, which are killing their hosts. A more successful virus will create a "cancer" which, rather than being lethal, in fact grants immortality. Brain and lung tissue don't regenerate, for instance, but a novel brain cancer could sidestep the problem of cerebral atrophy and dementia which will eventually kill you if nothing else does.

>> No.4800374

This is very interesting, as using certain traits of biological things such as viruses have already show interesting results. Lets not forget how small pox was defeated by cowpox, and just the other day I read this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/13/health/13gene.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all

>> No.4800381

The scary thing about this is that people talk about cancer like it's an infection. It's your own body's cells.

>> No.4800407

>Cancer cells are basically cells which refuse to die.
Confirmed for high schooler.

>> No.4800414

Leaving aside the extremely improbable evolutionary viral genetic engineering process you're describing; cancer cells universally have borked functionality, the very factors that allow them to grow indefinitely means they don't play nice with other cells (hogging nutrients, don't specialize like they're supposed to etc.) and you can't build an organism out of them. At least not in the sense where it would have a brain, eyes, muscle cells, fat cells, etc.

If you want a blob of immortal cells you can keep alive in a nutrient bath, well we already have those, that's exactly what we do with the strains we study. Most of them were siphoned off patients years ago and have been replicating and being spread around by researchers ever since.

>> No.4800415

You are the cancer that is making /sci/ immortal.
<span class="math">._{(not\ really})[/spoiler]

>> No.4800418

Might intereset you, OP:

All hail the master race.

>> No.4800419

> cancer is a family of diseases... all involving unregulated cell growth
> If significant error occurs, the damaged cell can "self-destruct" through programmed cell death, termed apoptosis. If the error control processes fail, then the mutations will survive and be passed along to daughter cells.


>> No.4800420
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>Cancer cells are basically cells which refuse to die

Thats like saying that zombies are humans that refuse to die.


>> No.4800423

Oh, sorry, I wasn't trying to suggest that we would engineer such a thing. Though if we could, of course, that'd be awesome.

>> No.4800426

zombies are obviously the next phase of human evolution, though. But they're fictional, cancer isn't.

>> No.4800427

Cancer is more like an evolutionary dead end than an evolutionary 'pinnacle', really. You're right - Cancer cells do develop through evolution, and they are essentially cells that will keep dividing. However, in doing this, they refuse to play nice with other cells, meaning that they'll eventually exhaust their host and kill it and themselves in the process.

Think of it like this: Multicellular organisms are essentially groups of different types of cells that have learned to collaborate through evolution. Going back to the 'selfish' notion of single cell types competing with each other is more like devolution than evolution.

>But is the medical establishment, in its struggle against cancer, really involved in a struggle against human evolution?

And that's just stupid, the answer is no.

>> No.4800442

>Cancer cells are basically cells which refuse to die

This makes no sense, OP. If you were to use some metaphor to it, you could say that it is ironic cancer can kill since it is an excess of life. Cancer cells die all the same, the problem is they reproduce too much.

You can't use cancer to live forever because you need a balance in all the sorts of cells you have in your body. If one intestine tissue cell goes mad and produces millions of intestine tissue cells, that could only create lots of such cells, because you are not only composed by intestine tissue.

If you were to "live forever" in the way you suggest you'd have to cultivate each type of cell and have some mechanism to place it where it belongs. It works for creating new teeth, but not a whole body

>> No.4800448

Yes, I have not denied that all existing forms of cancer are, in fact, harmful mutations. You might have noticed that when I said, in the OP,
> Of course, most mutations are harmful, and cancer is no exception

How many creatures had to die before the eye was completed?

>> No.4800445

There are no evolutionary dead ends. For example, some cancers have become infectious and spread to other hosts, becoming competitive parasites in their own right.


>> No.4800461

Cancer kills the body with its twisted metabolism, however we could try to develop the "immortality" of its cells into healthy ones, maybe through altering DNA. Cancer as we know it cannot replace brain or any other healthy organ so yeah, it is to be fought.

>> No.4800462

cancer cell are cells that are pretty much fucked up and do things they shouldnt do, oh and they dont work well together. They are chaos, they are idiotic, and they are useless.

you know, just like OP

>> No.4800465


No organism had to die out of cancer to build an eye. Cancer != mutations. Cancer is something that happens when very very specific wrong mutations combine in a cell. In fact it is so improbable that you usually live lots of years before any cell develops that.

I.e., many types of cancer rely on a mutation related to the production of a proteine which prevents the cell from reproducing (like a semaphore). Mutations can affect to the production of ANY protein since that is what DNA is for, to code the building of proteins. The ones that regulate the celular cycle (reproduction) are a very very very very small subset, so you can't really relate cancer and mutation like that

>> No.4800478

nice, but you know that your cells need to die, right? You are not the same person you were 10 years ago. New cells already replaced the old ones.
Also, if you wanted inmortality you will have to choose at what age you want inmortality. But you cant because cell in your body reproduce and die at different timeframes

>> No.4800510

I'm currently diagnosed with colon cancer, fuck this life. wish i had a time machine

>> No.4800511

> No organism had to die out of cancer to build an eye.
Who knows all the lethal mutations that happened between no-eye and modern eye?

>> No.4800632

> evolution
> stages