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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4795866 No.4795866 [Reply] [Original]

Food for thought.

No trolling, please.

>> No.4795873

its considered life, just not human life.
Now please gtfo of /sci/

>> No.4795875

The debate is whether or not it is considered a human life, retard.

>> No.4795877 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 483x450, this-is-not-a-person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is considered life
no1 who isnt a complete moron is disputing that

whether a single cell is 'life' or not was never the issue, the issue is whether it should be given the same rights as a person, or whether a woman should have the right to abort

>> No.4795876

sperm itself is considered life, so are bacteria. we kill those all the time

>> No.4795880

Sneezed? There was living cells in that, you fucking murderer!

>> No.4795884

We can also find life in your feces. Does that make you a murderer when you flush your toilet?

>> No.4795889 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 126x126, ermnope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and theres still living cells in it after you've sneezed


>> No.4795887

It is considered life. Just as the bacteria in your poop is considered life.

>> No.4795891 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 415x216, 4568654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and THATS still alive after as well!

can everyone stop being fucking retarded for one second??

>> No.4795892

Fuck off, EK.

>> No.4795899

I hacked your IP.

>> No.4795900


What is your fucking point? We are disagreeing with OP in case you didn't notice

>> No.4795898 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 327x329, 85646346546546546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck did you spot that!??

>> No.4795911 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 420x294, 96757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh, so was i
but you can disagree with him without making bullshit analogies!

altho i quite like this one

>> No.4795917

Why don't you use your tripcode anymore? Are you afraid of getting banned again?

>> No.4795919

it is life, but it is a parasite living off of the woman, and women should have the right to expunge parasites from their body

>> No.4795921 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 100x100, giveadamn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, i dont give a fuck

>> No.4795930


Mods ban her ass over and over again. Even if she's still around, she's no tripfag anymore, which means we won.

>> No.4795934

Come on, she was fun. /sci/ is pretty much dead after all the tripfags left. They were the only ones caring about the community.

>> No.4795943

Honestly I've always thought she was the shittiest tripfag.

>> No.4795948

Then you haven't seen "Scientist".

>> No.4795960

>So why is a single living cell found in the womb of a pregnant woman not considered life?

A single cell in the womb of a pregnant woman is considered life. But it's life in the sense that plants, and sperm are life.

If this is a pro-life argument, it's ridiculous. Following its logical conclusion, we might as well say that it's immoral to ejaculate.

>> No.4795964

It can't live on its own.
It's no more "alive" than the hair the I shave off of my face every morning, or a malignant tumor.

>> No.4795971

The sperm die anyway, whether you ejaculate or not.

>> No.4795982 [DELETED] 

So, uh, can you masturbate if you've had a vasectomy?

>> No.4795992

of course
you just cant ejaculate.

(people with vasectomies still get horny, they still like sex, they just dont ever want to have kids.)

>> No.4796003


you can ejaculate.. just no sperm

>> No.4796028

1/10 for making me respond.

We kill animals all the time in cold blood and they're considered multi-cellular life. Basically with that argument, every time a woman has a period they just killed an innocent child.

>> No.4796043

Which is why women on their periods should stay by themselves in red tents away from the rest of the village, so that God will redeem them.

>> No.4796078

Wouldn't matter if the cell or fetus was a full-grown adult.
Another person can't use your body as a life-support machine, draining your blood and nutrients against your consent.

Once consent is removed, the invader (fetus, adult, cell, intruder) must be legally removed, its self-defense.

>> No.4796082


if a person is unwilling to give another person their body, it is rape/molestation/intrusion/trespassing/....

as long as the person consents, its fine for a human to be in another human...once consent is gone, they must be separated and nature take its course

>> No.4796086

The problem is that is two different things. Finding a cell on another plant means that we're not alone in the universe. Finding another cell in the body of a person is of no real significance to anyone.

If you say "but it has the potential to become a human!" well then you clearly dont understand cells. Any cell in your body can potentially become human. Every cell in your body has the same DNA.

And worst of all, just by living you're killing cells. You shake off skin cells automatically, your poop has living bacteria in it, and if you shave you're killing hair cells. Killing one cell isn't that important when you realize that basically every cell in your body dies at one point in your lifespan. That's in terms of trillions of cells per lifespan. You'd be considered a murderer by default if you're alive.

>> No.4796095

Yeah I mean even if we found life on a distant planet nothing would prevent us from killing it.

>> No.4796110

Plants are alive OP but that doesn't mean they have the same rights as you and me.

>> No.4796131

>no trolling, please.


>> No.4796136
File: 47 KB, 568x335, aragorn would like a word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread with troll picture
>no trolling please

>> No.4796151

>no trolling, please

>> No.4796903


Hahaha, no.