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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4794652 No.4794652 [Reply] [Original]

Guys. So, I was thinking about it and I just had a breakthrough. Everything is going to happen. Everything that has happened cause everything that hasn't happened. Now, this will be difficult to follow, but trust me, this is fucking neato. So. Say the big bang theory is correct, and there was a fucking particle of shit that exploded. All of that caused all of the beginning collisions and shit, but all of those caused other collisions and shit, which caused everything else. So why am I typing this? Because a bunch of electrical signals in my brain are going fucking nuts. Why are they going fucking nuts? Because something else happened. And all this started with some chemicals being formed on Earth billions of years ago. Everything has a cause. Everything. So everything IS a cause. So everything has an effect. So we can't REALLY change anything. Everything was caused by something.

>> No.4794657

Continued from >>4794652

So everything is really written. It only appears that we can change shit. But according to this logic, something had to have caused the beginning of the universe, right? Nothing did. The universe is infinite. Humans just find difficulty defining infinite. The universe IS existence, the universe didn't COME into existence, existence just existed. It's infinite. So, really existence has already really been written. But written in what? If everything has it's cause and effect we could figure out what will happen in n amount of time. And all forms of science have equations. And if science can be figured out, we could figure out this mystery equation and know everything that will and has happened.
>Please, anything that you'd like to comment on or correct, please do so, because I'm driving myself nuts with this and I'm finding it very difficult to explain
And taking the thought of alien life and shit, what if some being figured out this equation? They could know everything. What if they could change anything? Could they? Would they? What if that's what "God" is. What if "God" is just an alien being the figured out the mystery equation and is all knowing? Now, this last half is kind of a little extra and unnecessary, but it's a thought. Please, I want some input on this, I don't really have any friends or anything to talk to.

>> No.4794656

>Everything is going to happen.

"OP dying in 5 seconds."

It's going to happen.

>> No.4794669

>The universe is infinite.

If the universe is infinite, wouldn't that imply there are an infinite number of stars?

If so, any where we look in the sky, any line of sight we have, should eventually meet up with a star (I mean, there are an infinite number after all).

Why is it then, that the sky appears so dark at night? Shouldn't it be completely illuminated because of the infinite amount of stars projecting light at Earth?

>> No.4794667

Well basicly everything you choose is from social ideas and personal experiences. so technically what your say is and what you do is directly affected from other sources.

>> No.4794679

Well, we'd only know the equation if by using the equation we were able to see us in the future having obtained the equation.

>> No.4794684

Get out of this board right now.

>> No.4794685

Learn the physics of light even in the observable universe there are stars that we can't see with the naked eye. If your logic could prevail then Pluto could have life on it and wouldn't be so dark and cold.

>> No.4794687

Exactly, so does that make the equation impossible, improbable, or too difficult?

>> No.4794688

Awww, never heard of Olbers' paradox?

>> No.4794690

Op, this is gonna blow your fucking mind if you're at a level to understand it, but all life is nothing more than a continuous chemical reaction stemming from the physical conditions that followed from the big bang, the universe is essentially an organism and all consciousness is the product of life, we are all aspects of one greater consciousness experiencing itself objectively and subjectively at the same time, there is no such thing as death and life is nothing more than an illusion, and time is nothing more than a product of our limited perception

>> No.4794696

look at >>4794685

>> No.4794693
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Put the bong down, OP.

>> No.4794692

Well, if we don't have the equation right now, how can we use the equation to determine if we're going to learn it or not?

>> No.4794698

Oh yay, look, it's some douche bag impersonating Joe Rogan impersonating Bill Hicks. Doucheception

>> No.4794697

Op here, and that is exactly what makes existence not a definable thing. So in all reality, we don't know what existence really is. So we can only estimate that it is infinite, or ever-expanding.

>> No.4794702

Thanks. Not all the lighting in monitor is visible because of the physical effects of Pluto's deplanetization. It's called subtlety dude.

>> No.4794704

OP, you must be new to /sci/.

>> No.4794719

Actually I've never even done acid, I just like fucking with high people, I'm not even sure what that spiel I just said is supposed to mean

>> No.4794731

The universe is deterministic? Sure is kindergarten in here.

>> No.4794732

It isn't? Sure is Pre-K in here.

>> No.4794761

You do not know about quantum physics, do you?

There are literally so many possibilities that the equations are meaningless for more than 10 or so subatomic particles. So no, everything does NOT have a cause. It has influences, but you must factor in quantum probability and the limits to our ability to predict the future. Plus, the mere act of observation can sometimes alter the outcome of a situation.

Or, (Certainty of PositionxCertainty of Momentum/m)=planck's constant, which is a really really really really really really tiny number.

>> No.4794763


*(Certainty of PositionxCertainty of momentum)/mass=planck's constant. Sorry, it's late, I'm tired.

>> No.4794764

What I'm saying is every kid should come to this conclusion on their own and OP is a neuron starved retard

>> No.4794779

So much unscientific bullshit in here it's fucking amazing.